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Putin Testing NATO Borders Security Chiefs Warn of Russian Probing in Estonia and Finland

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6 hours ago, Roo Island said:

Have you ever been to Armenia? Moldova? Georgia? Ukraine? Spoken with people there? I have. All of them. Most hate Russia

Wow. You have spoken to all, what, 70-80 million people? Amazing.

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1 hour ago, rabas said:

Excellent video. 


Prof John Mearsheimer argues that there were two camps from the 1990s in Clinton's time, one pro NATO expansion and one against NATO expansion that included Ukraine and Georgia. He was against and argued that attempts to include (independent) Ukraine in NATO would trigger Putin to react in the way that happened. In that he was right.


The bedrock of his argument in the video (listen) is based on Putin, not Russia, not the Russian people, not the well being of the world, but Putin.  Now read what he says in one of his books [wiki]


"Mearsheimer's first book, Conventional Deterrence, addresses the issue of how the decision to start a war depends on the projected outcome of the war, i.e., how the decision makers' beliefs about the outcome of the war affect the success or failure of deterrence. Mearsheimer's basic argument is that deterrence is likely to work when the potential attacker believes that an attack will be costly and is unlikely to succeed."


So the reason we are here is 1) despot Putin remains in power and 2) The West, starting at least with Obama, failed to deter him. NOT because there is anything good about Putin for the Russian people or the world. 


Anyone selling this video to mean Putin is good either lacks understanding or is pushing propaganda. 

The bedrock of his argument in the video (listen) is based on Putin, not Russia, not the Russian people, not the well being of the world, but Putin


Ai if you know what the Russian people want and what’s good for the world. Is everything that your elected leader (I presume Biden feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) does in the interests of and well being of all Americans?  This is similar to what some of you claim, that you don’t hate the Chinese, only the party. That’s absolute nonsense.

Anyone selling this video to mean Putin is good either lacks understanding or is pushing propaganda


No one is saying whether Putin is good or bad. This video merely states  what Prof. Mearsheimer believes are the reasons for the conflict. This is what a lot of you fail to grasp. This conflict is not about Putin but about Russia’s security. 


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5 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

Wow. You have spoken to all, what, 70-80 million people? Amazing.

Ya didn't answer the question. Have you ever been to any of these countries? Spoken to the locals?

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19 hours ago, Roo Island said:

Ya didn't answer the question. Have you ever been to any of these countries? Spoken to the locals?

Your “question” bore no relation to my post. Most people I’ve spoken to hates America. What’s your point?

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24 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

Your “question” bore no relation to my post. Most people I’ve spoken to hates America. What’s your point?

More lies............😂

Oh, unless it was at the local communist party meeting place.........🤗

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