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Trump Positions More Like Communism Than Capitalism

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7 hours ago, simple1 said:

'yes, but zero recognition of the damage (lack of knowledge) to the US pricing structures e.g. forced to fork our billions to subsidise the agriculture sector.

Trump's tariff wars (simply any country that had a positive trade balance with the US) created US supply-chain disruptions around the world, causing domestic shortages in foods, products and manufacturing. These shortages in turn created inflation exasperated by many jobs lost from a rampaging covid being denied by Trump.

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On 6/24/2024 at 7:28 PM, Walker88 said:


Who shops at Walmart? MAGAs mostly, so their Favorite President" will be killing them in the pocketbook 


They'll still blame Biden for that, and then say that's why Trump needs a third term just to straighten it all out. Ginny Clarence Thomas will write the court opinion.

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On 6/25/2024 at 1:29 PM, spidermike007 said:

Here is what Trump has done for America!: Only 13 Presidents failed to get re-elected. Only 5 Presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only 1 President has ever been criminally indicted. And only ONE President has done ALL FOUR. -

DJT didn't lower taxes (He deferred them) -

He didn't get Americans that healthcare coverage -

He did not unite the USA, he divided it -

He didn't lower prescription drug prices -

He didn't get roads or bridges built He didn't decrease the deficit -

He didn't end the opioid crisis -

He made over 250 visits to his golf clubs costing us taxpayers $150 million -

He didn't revive the coal industry -

He didn't make covid-19 'disappear' He didn't make Mexico pay for the wall 

He is ranked the worst President in history 

He added $2 Billion a  in tariff costs to the American consumer

He has a net-negative jobs creations for his administration 

He decreased corporate taxes, passing the tax burden to the workers 

He added $ 7.8 Trillion to the deficit - a full 25% of the total deficit 

He incited an insurrection against our government 

He is the only president to never achieve 50% approval. 

He didn't put "America first" and he sure didn't "Drain the Swamp... 

He left office with the worst job numbers of any President since the Great Depression with a net job loss over his term 

He is the first former president to be a CONVICTED FELON (34 times). 

The presidency is very much about character. Trump is a lowlife convicted felon.



He is still a lot less full of it than you.

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20 minutes ago, Paradise Pete said:


They'll still blame Biden for that, and then say that's why Trump needs a third term just to straighten it all out. Ginny Clarence Thomas will write the court opinion.


Third term - I like that. 🤣

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"Projection of intellect."

C'mon, the guy can't tell a socialist from a social worker.

Jerzy Kosinski wrote a book called "Being There" about a simpleton who people mistook for a brilliant philosopher. 


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HAHAHA... this is about the demoncratic party trying to redefine communism in order to have people quit calling them communists... if they can get the voters to think that trump is the communist instead of them they think that the voters will vote against him... funny thing is that the voters are so stupid that they will fall for it... just read the replies on this OP and you will get the gist of it... the dems are once again setting up a vote against rather than a vote for something campaign because they have nothing of substance to offer.

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