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Irritable Bowel Syndrome


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try manuka honey from new zealand - has to be of a reasonable high quality 15+ (all monuka honey are marked with numbers indicating their unique properties). It's expensive (£15/0,5kg) but effective.

Try to fing the cause for your condition - often it's a stress. Try massages on a daily basis - they are cheap in thailand.

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Thanks both. I think I'll give Manuka honey 15 a go. Now all I've got to do is find it here in Pattaya; guess Boots in Big C would be a good starting point.

Chuchok, when you say spicy, do you mean spicy as in flavour or as in hot (pet)?

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I've worked as a colon therapist for a few years and people have greatly benefitted from colonic irrigation treatments. You can find these on Samui, KP and I believe Shiva Som, Hua Hin offers them (but they would cost a bundle there!). Try and find yourself a home enema kit online and D.I.Y every couple of days when you're have a bad bout of IBS. Without a doubt it will help you.

The suggestions above are good and if you can find aloe vera juice/supplement that will assist to repair intestinal villi. IBS tends to flare up concurrently with high acid diets i.e spicy and sugary foods and alcohol, and even sometimes stress. If you can alkallise your body that will help including drinking good old H2O. Also do a process of elimination (hahah industry humour!) by removing something from your diet for a week or two and see if you have any improvement. Wheat and gluten products often create problems for IBS sufferers.

The invoice is in the post :o


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I've worked as a colon therapist for a few years and people have greatly benefitted from colonic irrigation treatments. You can find these on Samui, KP and I believe Shiva Som, Hua Hin offers them (but they would cost a bundle there!). Try and find yourself a home enema kit online and D.I.Y every couple of days when you're have a bad bout of IBS. Without a doubt it will help you.

The suggestions above are good and if you can find aloe vera juice/supplement that will assist to repair intestinal villi. IBS tends to flare up concurrently with high acid diets i.e spicy and sugary foods and alcohol, and even sometimes stress. If you can alkallise your body that will help including drinking good old H2O. Also do a process of elimination (hahah industry humour!) by removing something from your diet for a week or two and see if you have any improvement. Wheat and gluten products often create problems for IBS sufferers.

The invoice is in the post :o


Thanks Meow.

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With the greatest respect Colon Irrigation treatments are considered by many people as quackery,and not to be recommended in any circumstances.

Avoid stress get enough sleep and experiment with your diet to see what does and does not cause the condition and then control your food/drink in- take accordingly.

The likes of dairy products may well be a cause of it.

Edited by R123
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IBS has many forms and is quite often what doctors diagnose when they don't know what is wrong.

I recommend that you try psyllium husks. They are a great form of fibre, they swell and help "train" the bowel to function properly. Just have a couple of teaspoons with water, it wont dissolve so just stir it in and drink.

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IBS has many forms and is quite often what doctors diagnose when they don't know what is wrong.

correct , its what they diagnose when tests have ruled out all the other diseases and conditions that present with very similar symptoms to ibs.

should never presume its ibs until everything else has been ruled out.

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Personally, I had a touch of IBS a few years ago, and what helped me master it was exercise. As soon as I started working out on a regular basis, the IBS subsided and went away. This was after trying all sorts of remedies and numerous visits to the doctor, tests and examinations. It doesn't have to be a hugely strenuous work-out. A half hour swim three times a week is enough, although once I started to exercise I found I craved more than that and started to slowly increase duration and intensity. If you can't manage a half hour, do 20 minutes. Just try to exercise for at least that long without stopping and resting.

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Never has it been stated wether the IBS is diahrrea or constipation [there are two kinds].......I've been to the best dr's here and after stating my problem [diahrrea], they Rx ed me meds for the opposite [constipation] ...lesson learned...don't trust the drs and do your homework and read the fine print.

The suggestion of psyllium husks is a good remedy for both as it is a bulking agent as well as fiber and will soften you up or absorb moisture.....goood stuff.

And lastly....IBS is a general term for any bowel disorder that the drs can't explain, sort of like 'dermatitis' covers a wide range of unexplained skin disorders.

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Although I can’t drop a link to my website, Hypnotherapy has been very effective with IBS. There are several other places you can look. But you should consider it because much is caused by anxiety in anticipation of the symptoms.


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Although I can’t drop a link to my website, Hypnotherapy has been very effective with IBS. There are several other places you can look. But you should consider it because much is caused by anxiety in anticipation of the symptoms.

I'm suffering from IBS for some 20 years + and the anxiety in anticipation is in deed the cause of a Aggravation of the symthoms. Quite similar to many cases of Migraene. Hence, the condition you're in is conditioned by your state of mind and not due to your nutritional habits.

Nutritional guidelines are fine for some people but only good enough to make digestion easier while having a chronical condition. Better nutrition may also prevent 'standard' digestion problems wich actually are the cause of anticipations of a coming IBS condition. But any nutritional guidelines will not prevent or change the state of mind which provokes and aggraves your condition. Exercise, Yoga or any workout is recommended, because it keeps your mind busy and makes you feel better (eventually leads to a better digestion). But the actual problem remains the cause of the condition which is definately idiopathic in most cases.

Unfortunately IBS is linked to other psychosomatic disorders, which may show up sooner or later. Fortunately it passes without reason for months, years or for longer.

Edited by Abrasol
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I'm interested buying in the psyllium husks, anyone know where I can find them?

Psyllium is called "ispaghula" in this part of the world.

I tried off and on for several years, trying to find psyllium husks in Thailand, once I learned to ask for "ispaghula husks" just about every place has it.

"Mucilin" is one brand product that is the equivalent of Metamucil from America. There is another sugar-free brand, whose name escapes me right now, but the packaging says (in English) "no sugar". I could only find the sugar-free one in individual-serving packages, not in bulk.

My last trip to the US, I stocked up on capsules of psyllium husks -- easier to consume, and additive-free (especially: no sugar).

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I was very interested in the IBS problem. It would be nice to have a support group for those who do have this problem in Thailand. Actually, it is not a simple procedure to follow. I have read up quite a bit on this problem and there are many causes including food sensitivity and parasites (a very common problem in Thailand). There is also the water in Thailand that can cause problems since often companies will bottle tap water with a minimum of filtering if any. Even Thai people are not immune to this problem but have no idea how to handle it.

I live in Chiang Mai and will return in about two weeks. If anyone is interested in corresponding with me about this directly you can contact me at [email protected]. TIP: Keep a food journal and eat only a few foods at each meal so you can trace it back to a food that causes the reaction. Do not over eat as this can cause a reaction as well. And, never drink water from a bottle unless it clearly states that the process used was reverse osmosis or distilled.

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Hi sidban2,

I live in CNX Hang Dong area, and will return there in about 3 weeks. I may get back to you then.

TIP: Keep a food journal and eat only a few foods at each meal so you can trace it back to a food that causes the reaction. Do not over eat as this can cause a reaction as well. And, never drink water from a bottle unless it clearly states that the process used was reverse osmosis or distilled.

Here I agree only partially. Every case is different and I agree on one hand, that one should generally avoid anything that may provoke the condition. On the other hand I found that I can eat or drink almost everything (and need no single additive or medication) without any trouble, - if I'm feeling fine and relaxed. This is the case when I actually have had no "condition" for sometime. Journal or bookkeeping may have a reverse effect, as you focus on your "problem" . It also reminds you about it, instead of just making forget about it (which can be the best medecine for psychosomatic disorders). IBS has to do with some kind of "self fulfilled prophecy", if you get my point here... ;-)

One has to keep in mind that IBS is actually very common, but only few people have a more severe form which tends to get chronical. That is why one cannot easily give general advice, and why personal experience may not be of much help in some cases.

Edited by Abrasol
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After making statements regarding IBS, I realized that there is quite a difference as one e-mail writer previously mentioned between constipation IBS and diarrhea IBS. Yes, IBS is a general term that is used when no specific diagnosis can be given in other categories.

As far as remedies are concerned, I also agree that there are too many variables to consider so specific and direct suggestions may apply to the person who makes the suggestions but may not have application to others who wish specific answers to a condition that has a multitude of possibilities.

If one lives in Thailand however, there is a likelihood that the person could have parasites. Indeed, I have read that everyone does. The question is whether that is the cause of their particular IBS. Also, one has to consider whether one has eaten raw fruits and vegetables, drank bottled water that was not filtered properly, taken directly from the tap, etc. There is no strict regulations about that matter as far as I know. And, if you do not read Thai, then you do not know how the water was treated.

Finally, hypnotherapy is fine if you do have psychosomatic problems but it would be zeroing in on only one possibility. After all, not every one has psychosomatic problems and there are very real possibilities that other matters need to be factored in. It is not such a fine line that one can simply give an absolute answer to what the problem is. What if your problem is really a food sensitivity? You may have an allergic reaction to some food or combination of foods that really require a food journal to determine. The medical testing for allergic food reactions are not all that sophisticated. If you question this, check it out by reading the files about them.

BTW, psyllium husks can be gotten at many drug stores. There is a brand from Germany called Agiolax Grandules. This can be used by both constipated IBSer's and diarrhetic IBSer's. Or, any nutrition company such as Swanson carries a number of brands if you do not live in a city. With metamucil, you must guard against sugar and sodium lauryl sulfate which has side effects that may not be pleasant. If in doubt, look it up at Google before purchasing it.

The e-mail writer who mentioned that it is necessary to do your own research on this was, in my opinion, explaining what an investigative and thinking person would naturally do. If you do not have the ability to do this, then you will need to depend upon authority -- a doctor's opinion or someone who has a remedy that worked for them. Of course, it may work and you could try it but before you spend a bundle of money on "cures", would it not be better to spend some time in researching the matter thoroughly? Of course, if you have not studied medical terms then you may find it a bit rough going. However, put in your time and look up the words in the medical dictionaries. Keep notes to refer to. I use index cards for this purpose. And learn to pronounce them correctly. This makes medical terms easier to remember.

If you think my suggestions will waste your precious time, then perhaps you do not have much of a case of IBS to worry about. But, if you are willing to do anything you can to rid yourself of such a painful and time-consuming malady then I cannot imagine that you would not be highly motivated to take the time. After all, as an ex-pat you have all the time in the world and there is no more important and on my part, interesting hobby than to specialize in an area that often defies the masterminds of medical researchers.

BTW, I found an interesting ad emphasizing the acid-alkaline diet -- staying heavy on alkaline foods. You need pH strips to work with this. Again, Google is the way to go. And when you find out something that has worked for you then let's keep in touch. I am eager to learn as much as possible about this because it has been so much a part of my life -- since 1995. Share what you have with others compassionately and with understanding. You may have a suggestion that hits it right on the nail for some of us, whereas it may have no consequence for others. By acknowledging the numerous possibilities and avoiding the narrow path of parochial, absolute assertions, perhaps we can create a better world after all.

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One of my close friends is a sufferer of Crones Disease (similar to IBS) & he benefitted greatly from using Slippery Elm.

Crohn's Disease is a serious life threatening illness - much more serious than IBS.

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After making statements regarding IBS, I realized that there is quite a difference as one e-mail writer previously mentioned between constipation IBS and diarrhea IBS.

There is also (quite frequently) a mixed form with irregular change from diarrhea to constipation.

Yes, IBS is a general term that is used when no specific diagnosis can be given in other categories.

Actually it is a term that is used for a trouble that is not caused by a functional disorder, but has similar symptoms. As psychosomatic causes are so difficult to determinate, the diagnosis is said "to not fit in a specific category". But food allergies or parasites are not called IBS, even when not diagnosed properly!

IBS has sometimes a quite clear profile: the disorder appears and vanishes suddenly and with no apparent reason, which is not the case with a functional disorder or a disorder caused by parasites or any kind of food allergies or sensitivity. When the symptoms (and the sickness) persists, it gets more complicated, though. In such case the reason can be tracked with methods you have described. The causes of actual IBS (which are mostly due to some kind of traumata) can in most cases not be tracked or determinate for good. This is the nature of IBS: the traumata shows up in your belly, just because "it" doesn't know what to say - if it knew, it would rather show up in your mind and TALK! :o

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You can buy "Hi fibre Mucilin" from many pharmacies. In Pattaya I've found it in Boots and the pharmacy near Dongtan Beach in Jomtien.

I used to suffer from IBS but it has been less of a problem in recent years. Everyone says to avoid spicy food (i.e. phet, phet), but I have never found that that was a problem for me.

What I did discover (with no help from doctors) was that I have become lactose intolerant on a grand scale. Never had the problem before, but it seems it can develop as we get older. For some reason it seems worse in Thailand. Milk, some cheese, (yogurt is OK), ice cream, creamy salad dressings, milk in coffee or soup, even some Thai dishes that have coconut milk seem to set it off and the symptoms can be similar to what you experience with IBS.

It's worth experimenting by going a week without anything containing milk. The effect can be dramatic if you've started to become lactose intolerant.

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Here is the history of two people who suffer with IBS......

My father, in his 80's has had it [the diarhea type] for at least 5 yrs....he eats a very sensible diet, lots of grains, fiber, flax seed, fresh fruit and low fat. He was diagnosed in the west with IBS and no cure offered except immodium and lomitil [both of which have warnings about dependancy]. he is here in LOS now and still has episodes, so i took him into see an internal med dr and after examing a stool sample, he ruled out ova and parasites, no blood in stool, normal bacteria.....then Rxed a mild dose of codine [2x/day]. that was 10 days ago and so far, it has helped, but again, warnings about depedancy.

me....in my 50's, i started 5+ yrs ago with the same, but not as advanced as my father [yet]. i have been tested many times for parasites, blood etc, so can rule that out as a cause. My diet is not as pure as my father, altho I did go on a heavy fiber and grain diet for 6 months with no change. I do get some relief with psyllium, but i can tell that it only slows down the flow by bulking.

Two possibilities come to my mind as to the cause of this disorder i share with my father.....

one is that it may be hereditary, and the other could be that it may be stress related or psycosomatic

so, maybe hypnotherapy could be helpful

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As several posters have pointed out, IBS is not so much a disease as a catch all term for "we don't know what's wrong with you".

I have seen several cases where a totally different and serious problem was mis-diagnosed as IBS. Especially in women, where early ovarian cancer, endometriosis and other gyn problems can produce bowel symoptoms.

Food allergies and lactose intolerance are also common culprits.

other possibilities include parasites (various worms, or chronic giardiasis), dioverticula, or just plain inadeaute fiber in the diet.

Don't know how exhaustive a work-up you've already had but it may bve worth some further investigations to try to see if the actual cause can be identified. If you like I can suggest some docs with expertise in this area.

Identifying and treating the cause is always the best option.

If this proves truly impossible then yes, psyllium is worth a try. Sometime agol there was a thread on this forum on sources of it in thailand, try searching for it.

Also a detox/fast program may be very helpful, but avoid any that involve colonics with things like coffee, and only try this after you have ruled out various serious bowel diseases. Personally I recommend the program at health Oasis in Koh Samui.

Good luck

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