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They smashed the gift that I gave. :(

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1 hour ago, rocketboy2 said:


Won't work, he needs the guitar all the time, or he will never progress.


100% ..   unless you're in the water..  it should be in your hands

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2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


In your opinion...



This claim is questionable.  First, even if the OP had approached the mother and grandmother first and got their permission, it is likely that the drunken male family members would still have broken the guitar.  Second, predators often have no difficulty befriending the family members of their victims and appearing/becoming fully trusted.


You are so wrong.

you are wrong again.


strangers have no business in buying gifts for children without consent of the parents.


too many minor attracted people in the world, especially in this day and age.


if one can’t figure that out, they’re one sick individual 

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1 hour ago, JeffersLos said:


I'm female. 

Born or transitioned.  I say that because nowadays any male can grow their hair long, throw on a dress and claim to be a woman.


Yet walk, talk and still resemble a man.


Could of made a difference in the reaction of the Thai male.

Born vs transitioning can be staggering.





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33 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:




 No mention of this in your original post 


Or the sex you identify as.

Edited by G_Money
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21 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:


Well, I wasn't aware that there'd be a psychopath documenting it. 🙂 

you’re the one posting your “issue “ on a public forum 



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5 hours ago, NoDisplayName said:


Stay away.


You've got a combination of Thai male inferiority complex, Thai male group dynamics, and Thai male alcohol abuse.


They no likey foreigner, want to damage something that has value to you.  Lucky it was only the guitar that was smashed. 


Next time you might see the kid with a broken arm or the mother with a black eye and busted jaw.  If so, the rest of the family will blame you.


OP ....   this is good advice ..       leave it alone. 

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2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

After reviewing 20 pages+ of the OP's posting history I have concluded that HE is not someone I would want my children associating with either. I strongly suspect that the guitar destruction had nothing to do with the OP "being a farang" and everything to do with the OP's reputation in the community. OP has described himself on earlier threads as having a 50 inch waist line, weighing 400 pounds, having a history of throwing items at delivery drivers and food court employees and he started a thread about "where to find Colgate toothpaste with a flip top cap." 'Nuff said.' Instead of being vilified, the guy who busted up the guitar may deserve a good parenting award. And the OP should be ashamed of himself for his shameless Thai male bashing when he had to have known that the animus was more than likely directed at him personally rather than because of his foreign nationality.

Great post!  While I didn’t research his posting history nor any desire to do so I came up with a few clues based on this thread alone 



1.  My first post I (and others) referenced him as a he.  Later he claimed he was a female.


Any real female would of immediately corrected myself and the others who referred to him as a he.


2.  When asked if the “female” was born or transitioned.  Silence.


Once again, any real female would of let it be known she was born, not transitioned.




3.  Western female moves and establishes residency in a Thai village for the culture.


Possibly but highly Improbable.


4.  Boy practices his singing for months before OP (he) buys guitar.  No mention of meeting the parents during those months yet remaining a stranger.

Strange and extremely improper entertaining a minor child for months without parents knowledge or consent.


Along with your observations.


Without a doubt the OP’s (he) version is complete BS.

Of course the usual suspects will defend this Man/boy relationship.




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3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

After reviewing 20 pages+ of the OP's posting history I have concluded that HE is not someone I would want my children associating with either. I strongly suspect that the guitar destruction had nothing to do with the OP "being a farang" and everything to do with the OP's reputation in the community. OP has described himself on earlier threads as having a 50 inch waist line, weighing 400 pounds, having a history of throwing items at delivery drivers and food court employees and he started a thread about "where to find Colgate toothpaste with a flip top cap." 'Nuff said.' Instead of being vilified, the guy who busted up the guitar may deserve a good parenting award. And the OP should be ashamed of himself for his shameless Thai male bashing when he had to have known that the animus was more than likely directed at him personally rather than because of his foreign nationality.

“described himself as having a 50 inch waist and weighing 400 pounds “


He may very well be the nasty farang on EVA Airlines about 5 years ago.






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17 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:


It cost 1600THB with a soft slip cover.

Not much for a guitar, but too much as a gift from a stranger for a 11-year old of a poor Issarn farmers family. 

Still difficult to understand why they didn't just sell it.

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16 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


If you guys can't see why an adult might want to do something nice for a probably deprived child who lives in his neighbourhood, that says more about you than about the OP.

Oh, I can see why but not for the reasons you stated.

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On 7/25/2024 at 2:24 AM, JeffersLos said:

apparently the men smashed it up because it came from a farang, then left.

I have a problem believing that. It just doesn't fit with any experience I had with Thais.


My opinion is more along the lines that they got drunk and smashed a lot of things up. Perhaps granny thought that was too embarrassing to admit and made a story up.


When my BIL got drunk he threw a lot of furniture around. Why I stayed as far away from him as possible.

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On 7/24/2024 at 9:24 PM, JeffersLos said:

I went round to outside the kid's place and the grandmother brought out the smashed acoustic guitar, apparently the men smashed it up because it came from a farang, then left. The boy must be devastated.

Or perhaps they did not want him becoming a musician. Before you give anything to someone else's kid, you should really ask his parents if it's ok

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10 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:


Not farmers and not from Issarn. 🙂

make it poor (you said "deprived") Thai village boy

Doesn't change anything

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14 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

maybe they lost face, like you were raising their kids for them or something? seems crazy but I think Thai men can actually be that petty and jealous.

Quite likely the "wife" shamed him, so he responded in that way. More pertinent as it was a foreigner involved.

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On 7/24/2024 at 11:08 PM, steven100 said:

The point is, never get too buddy with Thai's and certainly never buy them a gift.  


TIT ... your story speaks volumes about how they act ....

What a crock. Avoid putting them all in one box! Don't know the kind you mingle with, but some of my Thai friends are absolute diamonds and I'd do anything for them. Helps if they're on your level or above.


On the op; farang strangers giving gifts to poor families... in reversed roles this probably wouldn't happen.

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I would like to apologize to the OP for my earlier comments which unintentionally came across as body shaming and homophobic/anti-LQBT. This was unintended and do not reflect my beliefs or values.


The only point I was trying to make was that after reviewing some of the OP's recent posting history it appeared to me that there was considerable reason to believe that interpersonal friction between the OP and community members might explain why the guitar was smashed. This was based largely on reading that the OP had been involved in incidents where he had thrown things at delivery and food court personnel and had been banned from a local 7-11.  


As I believe the OP likely was aware that incidents of this nature could go a long way towards explaining the underlying animosity, by not disclosing any of this history in the OP, he, perhaps inadvertently, unfairly portrayed the Thai males involved in the incident as wild drunken xenophobic savages completely disinterested in the child's welfare.


But perhaps this is just a case of something getting lost in translation. If the perpetrator screamed 'Aiii farang!!!' while smashing the guitar against the floor, perhaps a witness concluded he hated all foreigners, rather than just the one who gave the kid the guitar.



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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

unintentionally came across as body shaming and homophobic/anti-LQBT. This was unintended and do not reflect my beliefs or values

It may not be your beliefs and values. 

Beliefs and values of the villagers concerned may be different from yours. 

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