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Trump’s Campaign Against Harris Is Like Him: Old and Tired

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I don't think there is anything he can say that will get him more voters. The idea is that he'll get a knee-jerk reaction that will drive them to their computers and send him $$$.  He doesn't consider how it affects the Big Picture.

One thing he can promise that will change the tide is universal basic income: everybody gets $1k (or more) per month.  The punch line is he won't come through.  Next week is Infrastructure Week.


But as for Big Picture issues, there is the matter of dealing with his defeat.  This voter fraud business dates back to the late 1990s as a GOP ploy, I believe around the time Dole was running against Clinton (I suspect GIngrich may have had a hand in its origins).  The plan now, as proposed by Steve Bannon (who probably got it from someone else) is to have an avalanche of minor cases that bogs things down so bad the voting process is brought to a standstill and the election results will be in contention for a piece of eternity.   Keep a close eye on Nevada and Arizona, those have been Steve's focal point, and branching out to the swing states.


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