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Paying For Personel Services

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Sure, sometimes prostitutes, masseuses and bargirls serve as social workers and counsellers as well, specially to the type of client you describe above.

And many are not poor at all by Thai standards, but keep in mind you are unlikely to come across the more controversial aspects of the trade as a tourist or farang, unless you make a point of investigating.

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There seems to be very little rape in Thailand compared to England and other western countries.

I wonder why that is...

More a case of very litttle reported. As more rape crisis centers are opening the figures seem to be rising. That and the fact thaT IT'S PERFECTLY legal for a Thai man to rape his wife, even if she's left him.

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The Age of Consent in Thailand is still is 15 but you have to have parentel consent apparently, not sure how that works!!

Do you have to ask every time ? :o

Easy, pay 'em. :D:D

By the way it's more wrong not wronger. Sorry that's the teacher coming out in me

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The age is 18 when money changes hands for services, in Thailand. I think this is sensible, it grants a degree of protection. What is not so sensible is that 20 is the minimum age to drink in bars as a customer, but this is a different subject.

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The Age of Consent in Thailand is still is 15 but you have to have parentel consent apparently, not sure how that works!!

Do you have to ask every time ? :o

<deleted>! Kids are kids, and in my opinion, 15 is too low. It suited me when I was a teenager, but I think anyone over the age of 18 who porks a fiifteen-year-old girl should be made to eat his own nuts ... parental consent or not.

I'm shocked the age of consent is only TWELVE in Japan-that is really fukced up.

Regarding your last post, there are farang in Thailand that get away with too much and are pure evil.

A girl I recently met in nana pointed out a bald guy who looked in his late thirties who apparently had AIDS and was paying unsuspecting girls for unprotected sex.

Why why why doesn't she have the power to have himshot by someone?

...And if shedoes, then why doesn't she?

If I could I know I certainly would... Once in the bladder, once in the neck and once in the groin.

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Easy, pay 'em. :D  :o

By the way it's more wrong not wronger. Sorry that's the teacher coming out in me

Actually that goes on here, quite a lot.

There was a guy used to sit out side the shop, drinking Lao Kow, and always had a girl in tow with him, I asked my wife about it, she said that, the girl was about 15-16 and she was the mans "wife", obviously not legaly. ( you can get married in thailand before 17, but you need a court order, even at 17 the parents have to sign that its ok).

Anyway, a few months later they split up, I dont know why, but the police turned up and aressted the man, cos he'd refused to give any money to the girls parents. He spent a few nights in the cell and paid up.

There was a 15 year old girl living close by, who is now working in a bar in Pattaya, and you would never think she was 15, looks about 18-19.

When you think that thais usually add a year on when talking about ages i.e if you are 14, its your 15th year. it makes you wonder.

As for not much rape in thailand I would also disagree, lots dont get reported and many more just get paid off, I've heard lots of examples here.

I wont go into details, but if you are a poor, farmer and your daughter gets raped, you have two choices.

1/ Take the money and let it go.

2/ Get the police to procecute, subject your daughter to the trail, where it would be very difficult to prove (in a thai court) and even found guilty end up with nothing.

If some one goes to jail for the crime you get revenge, but you cant eat revenge!!

Also voilence in marrage is very comman, and you would never see the Police getting involved, and its not even that frowned upon, but accepted as quite normal behavior.

My wife's sister has been in hospital twice, after complaining about here husbands Mia Noi's, she refuses to leave him even though she does have other options. The oldest brother is a captian in the police, and is chief of police in some ampour in Korat, hes told her she can come and live there and she would be safe, but she wont leave the husband.

What I find strange is that the family think he's quite a nice guy, and nothing is said about his behavior.

Anyway in my book abusive behavior is wrong.

Only put the age of consent in cos Rod asked, heres a link for ages of different countries around the world.



smart asses are wrongest :D

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There must be honest cops in Thailand who put crime ahead of bribes and would arrest the perps ... and I'm certain no judge would jail a prostitute for being the victim of violent assault or anal rape. Social workers and counsellors must make a point of seeking out those honest cops and letting working girls know they don't have to tolerate physical and sexual abuse.

There must be honest cops in Thailand who put crime ahead of bribes and would arrest the perps ...

I think that you would have a better chance of winning the big prize in the lottery than findind one.

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If you look at it inthe same light as any other job........then consider that some people work all their lives until they retire on some measily pension, only to struggle and not have enough funds to really enjoy life.

Then if you are a bar girl or sex worker or massage person....whatever in the sex industry, then at some time you will retire or be forced out becasue you are now fat and butt ugly..... it's the same things that we all face at the end of our working life.

But thenlook at workers be they sex workers or 'entertainment' workers........will they have a pension, health plan etc.......at present in Thailand .......no way. Maybe this is an argument for regulating the industry so that everything is above board ......the bosses will have to pay taxes, the girls 'may' get a provident fund and health care.......but inthe end it is the punter who will pay for it in increased prices.

Anyway, if yo uare a socialist you will agree that the workers be they sex workers or metal workers......all get exploited . If you're not a socialist........then you wont agree.


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When we are talking about prostitution I think everyones mind jumps immediately to the sexual variety of such. I believe that all of us who are in the "Rat Race" prostitute ourselves to some degree. Do you think I want to work in this damnable factory I work in? ###### no! I would rather be doing other things. I think if you are not doing a form of work that you prefer then you are in essence prostituting yourself.

As for the sexual variety in Thailand. Yes it is sad that many of these ladies do this work when they would rather not. Many of these ladies that I have been involved with seem to be more interested getting jewelry and clothes rather than the traditional "Take care of mama and papa" Is this because they are making more money than doctors and can afford to do both? It is difficult to say and I think should be taken on a case by case basis.

If they are being forced to do it that IMHO is F+cking wrong!

If they choose to do it because it is an easier way to take care of her family I do not see much wrong with it.(Are any of us going to pay to support her family for her?I did not think so....so who among us can suggest her behavior is wrong? Who among us can say the customers are wrong? The customer is providing this option to her.)

If they choose to do it because they just want the latest fashions and cell phones then who cares. Women like this have no real imperative to do this but rather must be classified as liking the $$ so much that they no longer care about the physical aspects of what they must do to earn it. In this case I say...Up to her!

I also think some ladies choose this out of a desire to meet and marry a "Rich" Falang. How else would the typical Noi or Lek meet one of us and create the "High speed bond" necessary to hook us while we are on a short vacation?

Prostitution is ugly but really quite practical. Even Cleo Odzer found these ladies to be some of the more empowered ladies of the lower classes in Thailand.


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Then if you are a bar girl or sex worker or massage person....whatever in the sex industry, then at some time you will retire or be forced out becasue you are now fat and butt ugly.....

I thought that they just moved to Pattaya... :o

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