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Coris/Helvetica 24/7 Emergency Medical Insurance

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I have private medical insurance with WR Life, but according to other posts, they have stopped paying direct to hospitals and require the 'patient' to pay first and them claim back.  That could be a financial problem for me if the amount is large, (ie more than 200 baht LoL!).


So I saw a FB post from an insurance agent called SBC where they offered an insurance policy for emergency/accident cover, with the insurance company paying direct to the hospital.  So this policy doesn't cover chronic/long-term illnesses (cancer etc), but does offer up to $25,000 USD (lowest premium) direct payment to cover accidents and emergency treatment etc (heart attack, stroke etc).  The annual premium at 65 years old is 948 euros.


Does anyone have knowledge or experience of this policy?  I'm tempted to take out cover with them because of the chance (not sure high or low chance), that I have a stroke or whatever, and the hospital refuses to treat me because WR Life will only pay out after treatment (ie I have to pay first).  I would still keep my WR Life policy, but would add this SBS policy as a separate cover.

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According to the direct information givem to us those claims about WR Life are not true.


As with any company or any insurance policy, if you are unsure or require specific information based on your circumstances and policy details, contact your insurance company directly. Do not base important decisions on hearsay and what someone else experienced as their situation may be unique to them and not apply generally.

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