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Going short-time only, shallow or succulent?

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9 minutes ago, SoCal1990 said:

Whenever I see a post from somebody (here on AN) talking about going short-time, or taking part in the nightlife in Thailand there will inevitably be some other posters on here who will then comment something to the effect of "sad" or "shallow", but I never understood why. So let's unpack this. 


First off, why is it anyone's right or business to say something condescending about another person's lifestyle, especially someone else whom they personally know nothing about? 


Next, what is actually sad or shallow about it? Some men simply may not want to share their life with a partner full-time, but they also don't want to be forced to be celibate. So short-time works really well for them. Nothing wrong with that.


Then are there any real moral issues? No. Are they helping to put some much needed money into the lower end of the local economy? Yes. 

So somebody explain to me how it's sad or shallow. And furthermore, explain to me how it isn't the perfect thing for someone who still has biological needs and/or carnal desires, but feels happier being alone. 


I suspect many of the posters making these condescending comments are ones who are in longtime monogamous relationships, and who can't envision or understand how someone else could possibly live a happy life in any other way. 

But truth be told, the guy living the short-time lifestyle might be a lot happier than the guy judging him and who is in the married position. And perhaps it's the guy who is not living the short-time lifestyle is actually the one who's feeling sad. 

Oh crap



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18 minutes ago, bubblegum said:

Non religious people seem to have no problems with it, religious zealots do it in the dark. Those who preach others usually have skeletons in the closet.


Now who is making assumptions? 😊

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29 minutes ago, SoCal1990 said:




Too late for you to edit your reply 😊 It's captured for posterity in my reply to you above ☺️

Perhaps you can claim you were drunk at the time of posting.

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3 minutes ago, RSD1 said:

Why would it hurt? Who cares what the guy does? You are obsessed.


His lashing out over something he insists that doesn't apply to him. Doesn't that strike you as odd? If it doesn't touch him, he would reply in a balanced, perhaps detached manner. But the 'johns' here seem positively irritated.

Some, yourself included. perhaps even manic.

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2 minutes ago, FriscoKid said:

I plow hookers a few times a week. So what? Maybe the OP does too. Again, so what? How does that hurt? Good for him, I hope he does.

When was the last time you stuck your hog in anything that isn't a part of your anatomy that you use to wipe your backside with? 


@Patong2021 has already explained what to you. No need for me to add anything else. Though I have to admit that it brings a wry smile to my face when I see how accurate it is in describing some of the people who have posted in this thread 😊 At least @SoCal1990 had the good sense to delete his reply to me and to make a hasty retreat.


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4 minutes ago, FriscoKid said:

A few cliched words in Latin. Now I'm over the F top impressed. Keep going JD. It is couch sexy time yet? 🤣


How 'animated' your posts here. The topic is a question. People are going to have different perspectives. Why are you so mad? I mean you are literally going crazy. Take a look at yourself.

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