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White House Condemns Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Holocaust Denier

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6 million died in the holocaust. I learnt that in school. 

But why is the genocide of the 10 to 15 million people who were tortured and murdered in the Congo under the rule of Leopold II rarely taught in school? 


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2 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:



Israel is now displaying its own genocidal tendencies following Hamas's deplorable war crimes on Oct 7.  Two wrongs don't make a right.  I think Hamas and Hezbollah want a unified state that gives equal rights to Jews, Muslims, Christians, Zorastrians, agnostics, atheists, rather than an ethnocentric state. That is actually what Britain also had in mind for a post-independence Palestinian state from the late 30s.  But the reign of terror from the Jewish terrorist gangs made the British cut and run and abandon the country to an orgy of violence resulting in the creation of Israel and nothing for the Arabs.  The British did the same thing in India, leaving Hindus and Muslims to massacre each other forced millions from their homes. 

You think wrong. Hamas, Hezbolla and Iran would like nothing better than Israel ceasing to exist.

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2 hours ago, impulse said:


So you think that what we're allowed to hear and say should be dictated by corporate interests?


'Cause, they act in good faith to benefit mankind...


No, you imagined incorrectly, again.


Carlson platformed this vile holocaust denier to make money.


I think advertisers should consider if they want their products and services to be associated with such filth.





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12 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

You think wrong. Hamas, Hezbolla and Iran would like nothing better than Israel ceasing to exist.


Yes ceasing to exist as a legal entity but not wiping its people off the map.  Rather, they want to incorporate Jews in a Palestinian state with the same rights as Muslims and Christians which was exactly what the British government planned for Israel which was not an unreasonable concept, given that Jews were in the minority.  That didn't happen because Jewish terror gangs like the Irgun, Stern gang, Lehi gang and Haganah rampaged Palestine massacring and raping Arabs and forcing them from their homes.  You can read about this in the archives opened by the Israeli government in 1990s but suddenly snapped shut again.  It is a state founded on terrorism.  So it is not surprising that the indigenous people it displaced will fight back using exactly the same tactics Israelis used to get their land from them and form their state.  


The Israelis claim to be the only democracy in the Middle East. So why don't they make that a reality by annexing the West Bank and make it a part of Israel, abolishing the apartheid system with Muslims and Christians having equal rights with Jews?  Then there will be no need for any more war.

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2 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:


Yes ceasing to exist as a legal entity but not wiping its people off the map.  Rather, they want to incorporate Jews in a Palestinian state with the same rights as Muslims and Christians which was exactly what the British government planned for Israel which was not an unreasonable concept, given that Jews were in the minority.  That didn't happen because Jewish terror gangs like the Irgun, Stern gang, Lehi gang and Haganah rampaged Palestine massacring and raping Arabs and forcing them from their homes.  You can read about this in the archives opened by the Israeli government in 1990s but suddenly snapped shut again.  It is a state founded on terrorism.  So it is not surprising that the indigenous people it displaced will fight back using exactly the same tactics Israelis used to get their land from them and form their state.  


The Israelis claim to be the only democracy in the Middle East. So why don't they make that a reality by annexing the West Bank and make it a part of Israel, abolishing the apartheid system with Muslims and Christians having equal rights with Jews?  Then there will be no need for any more war.

The Axis of Evil


the elimination of the state of Israel has been a primary goal for Hezbollah.



Hamas has been promoting rhetoric and policies aimed at destroying the Jewish state of Israel and killing Jews and Israelis around the world.



Iran. Since the Iranian Revolution, political figures in the Islamic Republic of Iran have consistently advocated for what some see as the "destruction of Israel"


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1 hour ago, ignore it said:

How dare Vance not protest against a couple of people who express their individual opinions freely on a media platform that is not required listening but is available free to anyone who cares to listen.


Gosh, Next thing you know people may start to form their own opinions.

Holocaust denial isn’t an opinion.


Its a very deliberate lie.

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same as ukraine... british and french PM killed peace talks...


Great Britain, France and the Netherlands, had all SLAVE LABOR COLONIES


and probably killed millions with imposing their rules on the local people and shutting down hard any rebellion


those 2 decided that Germany may not expand their breathing room... lebensraum...


just my 2 satang...

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2 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

I think Hamas and Hezbollah want a unified state that gives equal rights to Jews, Muslims, Christians, Zorastrians, agnostics, atheists, rather than an ethnocentric state

Seriously? You seriously think that?

I suppose that the declared policy of slaughtering Jews is purely a means to that end?

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1 hour ago, john donson said:

same as ukraine... british and french PM killed peace talks...


Great Britain, France and the Netherlands, had all SLAVE LABOR COLONIES


and probably killed millions with imposing their rules on the local people and shutting down hard any rebellion


those 2 decided that Germany may not expand their breathing room... lebensraum...


just my 2 satang...

And hugely overvalued at that!

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The guy may be a Holocaust denier. But what he said, if I heard it correctly, is that the Nazis may not have had a plan to murder the Jewish people who they took prisoner. I don't think he was denying that the Holocaust happened. I take exception to that though and also to Carelson for not holding him accountable for that statement.

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13 minutes ago, 300sd said:

The guy may be a Holocaust denier. But what he said, if I heard it correctly, is that the Nazis may not have had a plan to murder the Jewish people who they took prisoner. I don't think he was denying that the Holocaust happened. I take exception to that though and also to Carelson for not holding him accountable for that statement.


Not 100% sure what you are saying, but it seems to conflict with the mountain of evidence that the Nazis made a concerted effort find efficient ways to murder huge numbers of Jews, disabled people, Roma......


The Final Solution was a systematic, state-sponsored genocide that targeted not only Jews but also other groups such as Roma (Gypsies), disabled individuals, Poles, Soviet POWs, and others considered “undesirable” by the Nazi regime.


I have taught History on occasions and have seen plenty of footage of the most horrific trials they conducted.

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37 minutes ago, Will B Good said:


Not 100% sure what you are saying, but it seems to conflict with the mountain of evidence that the Nazis made a concerted effort find efficient ways to murder huge numbers of Jews, disabled people, Roma......


The Final Solution was a systematic, state-sponsored genocide that targeted not only Jews but also other groups such as Roma (Gypsies), disabled individuals, Poles, Soviet POWs, and others considered “undesirable” by the Nazi regime.


I have taught History on occasions and have seen plenty of footage of the most horrific trials they conducted.

I know what you are saying and I agree with you 100%. I don't like what the guy said about it, as stated above, but I don't think he denied the Holocaust in that interview. That's all I am stating.

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33 minutes ago, candide said:

Most of the Jews killed were not "prisoners". They were just normal people living a normal life, not soldiers or fighters.

Yes of course they were normal people and we all know what happened. I am only stating that I don't believe that guy was denying the Holocaust happened in that interview. I listened to that whole bloody thing, the guy is extremely well versed, and I disagree with him regarding what he said about the Nazi plan for the Jews. He may or may not be a denier, but I never heard it in that interview. Did You?

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5 hours ago, Zab1e said:

6 million died in the holocaust. I learnt that in school. 


But why is the genocide of the 10 to 15 million people who were tortured and murdered in the Congo under the rule of Leopold II rarely taught in school? 


It's because those that were murdered and tortured in what was known in my youth as the Belgian Congo were poor, uneducated, and worst of all, black. King Leopold of Belgium had a similar view of those unfortunate people as that of Hitler's toward Jews. History has always been written by the victors. It might surprise you to know that many younger Americans have a very lopsided view of the Vietnam War (if they have any knowledge of it at all). 

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

It's a rainy afternoon here, so I watched the interview.  All 2 hours and 15 minutes of it.  It could be condensed.  A lot.  But then there would be accusations of editing and fakery. 


Just a few minutes on WW2 at all, and no Holocaust denial.  Just the same mention as in the OP that Hitler went East with no provisions to care for the millions of POWs, political prisoners and natives they'd be imprisoning.  It wasn't just Jews.  It was anyone that stood in the way.  His mention of WW2 was mostly a teaser for a series that he's working on, to release as a Podcast in about 6 months.


It was a fascinating discussion, and I suggest you keep a notepad in front of you to compile a reading list, because he refers to the sources of the statements he makes.  He's extremely well read, speaks well, and I didn't catch him in any fibs that I could identify.  Not that I could confirm about 75% of what he said, because he's much better read than I'll ever be.


You won't like the interview if you're a globalist, a warmonger, a Churchill fanboy, or in favor of unfettered immigration.  I can't disagree with any of his Churchill facts, but I'm not sure I agree with his analysis.


Like Carlson's Putin interview, it was long.  Unlike the Putin interview, Carlson interrupted a lot.  I don't recommend spending the time if you're not interested in history and a new way to view the current angst in the West over immigration.  Also a very interesting bit about Jonestown (with the Kool-Aid), which is another one of his Podcasts.



Sounds right up your street. Have signed up for the 6 part podcast?



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1 hour ago, impulse said:

You won't like the interview if you're a globalist, a warmonger, a Churchill fanboy, or in favor of unfettered immigration.  I can't disagree with any of his Churchill facts, but I'm not sure I agree with his analysis.


Churchill was a charismatic leader that undoubtedly helped Great Britain stay afloat during WWII but he was a bigoted imperialist. He did not want to give up the British Empire at the end of the war. But that was a different time — many people had views that are now considered racist and misogynistic. That's why I still consider Churchill a hero.

We Americans like to think of ourselves as enlightened and somehow better than everyone else but when Jews tried to escape Europe during the Nazi era they were denied entry to the U.S. time and time again. Not even FDR, who was an uber-liberal, could get Jews into the U.S. Why? Because the U.S. was anti-Semitic. And now, emboldened by scumbags like Donald Trump, anti-Semitism is again on the rise in the U.S. That's why the MAGA movement sickens me. People who think this is a good thing simply don't know or understand how America got to be in the position it's in now. Unfortunately, American history is riddled with genocidal behavior and white male supremacy.

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4 hours ago, impulse said:

It's a rainy afternoon here, so I watched the interview.  All 2 hours and 15 minutes of it.  It could be condensed.  A lot.  But then there would be accusations of editing and fakery. 


Just a few minutes on WW2 at all, and no Holocaust denial.  Just the same mention as in the OP that Hitler went East with no provisions to care for the millions of POWs, political prisoners and natives they'd be imprisoning.  It wasn't just Jews.  It was anyone that stood in the way.  His mention of WW2 was mostly a teaser for a series that he's working on, to release as a Podcast in about 6 months.


It was a fascinating discussion, and I suggest you keep a notepad in front of you to compile a reading list, because he refers to the sources of the statements he makes.  He's extremely well read, speaks well, and I didn't catch him in any fibs that I could identify.  Not that I could confirm about 75% of what he said, because he's much better read than I'll ever be.


You won't like the interview if you're a globalist, a warmonger, a Churchill fanboy, or in favor of unfettered immigration.  I can't disagree with any of his Churchill facts, but I'm not sure I agree with his analysis.


Like Carlson's Putin interview, it was long.  Unlike the Putin interview, Carlson interrupted a lot.  I don't recommend spending the time if you're not interested in history and a new way to view the current angst in the West over immigration.  Also a very interesting bit about Jonestown (with the Kool-Aid), which is another one of his Podcasts.



. I watched the Nazi portion of the interview and not one hard question from Carlson. Carlson did interrupt a lot. Mainly to praise Cooper.

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<Same as I posted earlier in the other thread about this non story>


When are Biden Harris going to apologize for their support/encouragement of Genocide. Sure outweighs radio hosts and podcasters doesnt it.?




Hey Mr. Editor, Harris/Biden gave another $1,000,000 dollars to Hamas.

Huh. Run that in our Arab language edition. Otherwise, shhhhhhh.

Hey Mr. Editor, Tucker Carlson just talked to some nobody who supposedly is a Holocaust Denier.







I feel sorry for so many of you guys here LOL


Except for the huge lot of anti semites, they have my contempt.

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12 hours ago, placeholder said:

. I watched the Nazi portion of the interview and not one hard question from Carlson. Carlson did interrupt a lot. Mainly to praise Cooper.

Why would Carlson interrupt a Nazi apologist and Holocaust denier? 

It’s bang center of his own USP.



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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

Did you think listening to a guy engaging in Nazi apologia and the fabricated lie that is Holocaust denial might offer some kind of enlightenment?




did i say that it would ? you saying things about it is kind of stupid as you didn't even listen to it. 

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