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158 dems vote against bill to deport illegals, who commit sex crimes


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43 minutes ago, riclag said:

Millions of Americans see this happening everyday in the news,imop

Listen to the short clip of Mace giving 

details of heinous acts.

I asked the following question of another poster, but I doubt he will deign to respond so, as you are the
OP and have no doubt assiduously researched the topic before posting, (and have had the time to digest those comments on here that give a possible reason for the opposition), I am hoping you can provide a reasonable response.

If you cannot, then I think it is safe to assume that this is just political theatre designed to feed off the 
anti immigrant sentiments that are currently being stoked by the certain radical elements of the right, (as evidenced by comments on this forum).


What does this particular piece of legislation bring to the table that is currently not already  on the statute books, and how does it improve the prosecution and deportation of those who are convicted of said crimes ?

Edited by tilaceer
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When I lived in Oklahoma years back, you would see car bumper stickers that said, “The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it.

The OP quoted Fox News. Settled.

But maybe Ms. Mace's legislation was a pre-election reaction to this:

Full List of 172 Republicans Who Opposed the Violence Against Women Act
Published Mar 18, 2021 at 6:00 AM EDT

The House voted on Wednesday to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act after 29 Republicans broke with their party to support the bill, which offered women protections from domestic violence, sexual assault and other harassment.

Lawmakers approved the bill in a 244-172 vote following its lapse in late 2018. The Democratic-controlled House sought to renew the bill the following year, but it was held up in the Republican-controlled Senate.


Edited by jerrymahoney
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3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Finally, someone gets it right.  They already got a pass to stay, as entering illegally.  Now continue to commit crimes ... and what continue to stay ?


Any crime should get them deported.   Return and get caught, life on the chain gang.

LIFE ON THE CHAIN GANG ... yea ... F'em.

Legislation is already in-place to deport illegals if they are convicted of a sex crime, plus their will be other crimes meeting the criteria for deportation. Obviously one hopes they serve their sentence prior to deportation.. As mentioned above it's Republicans posturing for political gain. There were a  number of objections raised to the Bill; URL provides some detail.



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