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Should A Woman Be Allowed to hold the office of President of the USA?


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1 hour ago, Cameroni said:


I'm not intimidated in the slightest by any woman. Living in Afghanistan seems a bit extreme and completely unnecessary. I live in Thailand where feminism is, thankfully, still held in check by the local men.


But this influx of feminist men from Australia, UK, US etc, can only have a negative effect in the future. Very regrettable.

Well, I don’t know. I also live in Thailand (for almost 20 years total) and have had access to all levels of Thai society, from hi-so connections (via the US embassy) to village gatherings in the boondocks, and it seems to me that “feminism” has a strong presence up and down the line. The country has had two female heads of government (that’s two more than the US), and while women may be underrepresented as heads of large companies, they sure run (and own) a lot of smaller companies and in general seem to do 90 percent of the work in the country. I don’t see that local men have any control over what women do at all (excepting the criminally violent). Plus, Thailand is a very tolerant society and is also broadly accepting of trans people in all occupations. I find all of this very positive.


I suppose I’m part of your “influx of feminist men” (from the US), but for me that means simply regarding women as no different from men with respect to their abilities and intelligence -- often, they have more intelligence and leadership potential, as they tend to think less with their body parts than men do. I’d like to think that, despite my “feminism,” I’ve had a positive influence on those Thais I’ve interacted with and become close to over the years; I live comfortably enough, but I’ve helped others do so as well.


So tell me, what’s wrong with feminism?

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2 hours ago, Cameroni said:


I'm not intimidated in the slightest by any woman. Living in Afghanistan seems a bit extreme and completely unnecessary. I live in Thailand where feminism is, thankfully, still held in check by the local men.


But this influx of feminist men from Australia, UK, US etc, can only have a negative effect in the future. Very regrettable.

You seem to be confusing feminism and acknowledgment of female attributes.


There is no doubt men are superior in some sports, such as swimming, golf, track and tennis. Women can perform better at gymnastics, due to better flexibility.


The thread is not about whether physical attributes are required for the Presidency. It's about intelligence.


There is no statistically significant difference in IQ between men and women.


There is a statistically significant difference in IQ between MAGA supporters and Americans as a whole.


IMO there's nothing that disqualifies either Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris from the Presidency, but it's well known America is slow to catch up to the rest of the world.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

You seem to be confusing feminism and acknowledgment of female attributes.


There is no doubt men are superior in some sports, such as swimming, golf, track and tennis. Women can perform better at gymnastics, due to better flexibility.


The thread is not about whether physical attributes are required for the Presidency. It's about intelligence.



I did not post anything about sports or physical attributes. You seem to be confusing me with someone else.




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1 hour ago, Cameroni said:

No. There are a few nuns in buddhist monasteries who are feminist activists, but overall feminists extremists are confined to the fringes of society in Thailand. For instance there are only two "Women's Studies" courses in the whole of Thailand. Apart from this pervasive Buddhist feminism there is little sign of feminism in Thai society today.


That you would try to adduce two female head of government as evidence of feminism is particularly amusing, because of course the first female  prime minister only got the job because she was the sister of Thaksin, and the second because she was the daugther of Thaksin. Their ascent in politics actually says more about the power of one man, than anything else.


Equally trying to claim working women for feminism does not work in Thailand. Ask any working woman in Thailand if she is a feminist and you will be greeted with a puzzled look or firm denial.


The permissiveness in terms of sex in Thailand has more to do with Buddhism than feminist Dogma. In fact there is a near total absence of feminist activism in Thailand in day to day activities. No "Me Too" here, apart from South Korean visitors.


Such a blessing, this absence of feminism. Why? There are so many evil sides to feminism. Where to start. First of all, feminism parts from a fundamental error, it seeks to make women more like men in the mistaken belief that mens' lives are easier.  A belief that is of course untrue. 


Feminism promotes the idea that children and husbands are obstacles to happiness. Again, a fundamental mistake and error.


The later feminists tried to make women into workers and succeeded, much to the cost of women, and of course men.


All this came of course at the expense of the mother-child relationship and especially at the expense of the woman-man relationship. Feminism has been one of the key factors eating away at the fabric of society. If today we have mal-adjusted, rude, lazy, incompetent children, then in large part because Feminism came at the expense of the mother-child relationsihp.


But it did not stop there, feminism also targeted its former idol, the male, and we saw now where feminism culminates,  the Me-Too witchhunt, an all out attack on male-female relationships. Life at universities is now intolerable, gone are the carefree days, instead, cue "relationship contracts" to ensure you will not be accused of rape post-facto.


Ultimately, Feminism also comes at the expense of women though, because the moral authority they once enjoyed which enabled them to ban alcohol, is now completely gone. After all,  if women are equal, they have no greater moral authority.


Feminism is a cancer eating away at society, relatioinships, mother-child, male-female, it is hard to imagine a more destructive ideology. Pepetuated not only by misguided females, but also misguided men, it has become all pervasive, even a Daily Telegraph editor now thinks he has to have a feminist extremist writing for the paper for good reputation.


Your self-professed feminism is no doubt also part of your own virtue signalling, like so many here, a cheap road to follow.


But in reality, make no mistake, feminism is a force for evil now. At one point it was useful, but it has become a completely destructive force. Abhorrent that men subscribe to this, but such are the times we live in.

We apparently have very different ideas about what “feminism” means, and I feel that many of your statements are misguided. (That “feminism promotes the idea that children and husbands are obstacles to happiness”? Where on earth do you dredge this garbage up?) You seem to have some notion that ambitious women are a drag on the men they’re with. Maybe you’ve just had some bad personal experiences; I have no idea.


You also have some notion that male-female relationships are sacrosanct. You don’t really know, then, what’s most important about an intimate, (hopefully) life-long relationship: namely, that two people are able to provide a surplus of emotional support to each other on a day-to-day basis, regardless of their gender. As it turns out, the vast majority of such relationships are between men and women, and these usually result in children; I don’t think the minority of same-sex relationships pose any threat to the “fabric of society,” much less the survival of our species.


And another thing: a child is much better off being raised in a loving household with two parents of the same sex than they would be if they were raised by a married man and woman who fought and thus created a toxic environment. There is no doubt whatsoever about this. This “mother-child relationship” that you harp on about is of much less importance than the overall environment the child is raised in. Maybe it’s a father (or two fathers) who play the most fundamental role in nurturing a child. What’s wrong with that? A child needs love and encouragement, which are not the exclusive domain of mothers.


I simply believe that people -- human beings -- should be equally judged, and encouraged to succeed, and given status, based on their own talents and desires. If you find fault with that, and more if you accuse me of “virtue signaling,” then I have nothing more to say to you. You can take your misogyny -- indeed, your misanthropy, as you seem filled with hatred -- elsewhere.

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On 10/10/2024 at 8:25 PM, Dan O said:

Thats laughable. The only reason they nominated Biden was because they needed to calm things down from the 3 ring circus called trump. They needed plain vanilla, with no surprise sprinkles. Thats what they did and the results are there to show that's what the country did for the most part.  Now if trump would just go away the country would continue to march toward normalcy.   

Normalcy ??  Massive inflation, Crime rates up, Men in dresses running the Military, Millions of Illegals entering the country and costing Billions to house/feed, Radical Islamists attacking Israel and the resultant wars going on, Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that was incompetently managed, Billions in support for the corrupt regime in Ukraine that is certainly going to fail, etc etc etc.


It is time for you guys to take a break and let Trump fix things up (again).  IMO the 4 years USA had under the disastrous Biden-Harris Admin, will result in the Dems being electorally destroyed in November - and they will be lucky to ever get back into power before 2030. Great days ahead for USA now that the 'moderates' have seen the reality of the difference between the Trump/GOP Admin and the utterly useless, corrupt and incompetent Biden/DEM Admin.


Below is my 'best case' predicted results in November:


Obviously 'best case', but even with several other States remaining Red, Trump and GOP will make 2008 and 2016 look like close contests.  

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14 hours ago, Cameroni said:


Feminism and motherhood have a complicated relationship. Radical feminist Shulamith Firestone articulated this most starkly in her argument that women would never truly be free of patriarchy until they were freed from the yoke of reproduction. She imagined wistfully a day when babies could be created in mechanical uteruses, freeing women from the physical subjugation of childbirth.


While white feminists often painted motherhood as the ultimate apparatus of patriarchy, many activist women of color saw in motherhood not only freedom but also agency.


motherhood has once again become a bogeyman for feminists. 




That is vile and sick. I'm actually disgusted.


Blah blah blah...bye.

I agree with everything you have said - GenZ will go down as the most woke feminist and useless generation ever - and that other poster reflected their views on life a lot. It is one thing to protest against the war in Vietnam, but it all together another to protests in support of the murdering radical terrorists in Gaza. 


We might be the minority on this Forum, but on others and overall, we are the majority.

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41 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Normalcy ??  Massive inflation, Crime rates up, Men in dresses running the Military, Millions of Illegals entering the country and costing Billions to house/feed, Radical Islamists attacking Israel and the resultant wars going on, Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that was incompetently managed, Billions in support for the corrupt regime in Ukraine that is certainly going to fail, etc etc etc.


It is time for you guys to take a break and let Trump fix things up (again).  IMO the 4 years USA had under the disastrous Biden-Harris Admin, will result in the Dems being electorally destroyed in November - and they will be lucky to ever get back into power before 2030. Great days ahead for USA now that the 'moderates' have seen the reality of the difference between the Trump/GOP Admin and the utterly useless, corrupt and incompetent Biden/DEM Admin.


Below is my 'best case' predicted results in November:


Obviously 'best case', but even with several other States remaining Red, Trump and GOP will make 2008 and 2016 look like close contests.  

You need to check your facts as you have a very distorted view of the truth and the history of what trump f'd up during his term, both inside and outside the country. trump is a POS , always has been and always will be. He plays to every fear available and there are a lot of gullible people that buy it hook line and sinker. You continue to spew the trump toxic narrative using distorted facts and revisionist history. Dont bother replying to me as it's clear you have no credible input on this topic as far as Im concerned. 

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9 minutes ago, Dan O said:

You need to check your facts as you have a very distorted view of the truth and the history of what trump f'd up during his term, both inside and outside the country. trump is a POS , always has been and always will be. He plays to every fear available and there are a lot of gullible people that buy it hook line and sinker. You continue to spew the trump toxic narrative using distorted facts and revisionist history. Dont bother replying to me as it's clear you have no credible input on this topic as far as Im concerned. 

No bother at all - mate.  IMO you are the one who has a very distorted view of the facts, because just like all fanatic Dems, you just throw insults 'ad hominem' when trying to debate an issue.

Ad Hominem  That means arguing in a way that is directed personally against a person rather than the position they are maintaining and the opinions they are expressing.

It was when I noticed how personally insulting all the comments were about Reagan, and yet he achieved so much as a POTUS, that I realised there was something fundamentally wrong with left wing ideologues - they have no facts - just insults - like a teenager denied something. 

The Dems political 'message' is based on feelings and 'social issues', and what they do is play to those feelings - especially by constant lies and distortions against the political leader of GOP.

Do you recall how many years ago Elon Musk was left wing and the media loved him. That same guy realised (like many others do) that something was very wrong with the Dems - and now they hate him. The Dems take personal positions and attacks against their opponents - and they hate Trump for many reasons, and one of them is that he fires that straight back at them.   

But lets not debate in any detail because all my facts will be trumped by your feelings, and as Shaprio said - Facts do not care about your Feelings (same as me about yours). 

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