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Kamala Harris Prosecutor Past Draws Scrutiny

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When Kamala Harris refused to seek the death penalty against a gang member accused of killing a police officer nearly two decades ago, she stood firm in her opposition, even under immense pressure. Dianne Feinstein, then a Democratic senator, called for the death penalty at the officer’s funeral, receiving a standing ovation. Yet Harris, only 39 at the time and the first female district attorney in San Francisco, remained steadfast. “There can be no exception to principle,” Harris wrote in a 2004 op-ed, vowing to honor her opposition to capital punishment, regardless of the emotional weight of the case.


Just four years later, however, Harris adjusted her stance as she announced her run for California attorney general. Though she personally opposed the death penalty, she pledged to “enforce the death penalty as the law dictates” if elected. This shift in position is just one example of the challenges Harris has faced as she walks the line between a tough-on-crime prosecutor and a progressive politician.


Her critics often label her as inconsistent, with Republican Senator JD Vance even calling her “a chameleon.” Supporters, however, argue that Harris is willing to evolve when faced with new evidence. As Brendon Woods, Oakland’s top public defender, put it, “I think people can evolve, and I think that’s what she’s done.”


Throughout her career, Harris has had to navigate complex and often contradictory expectations. As attorney general, she advocated for enforcing laws that penalized parents of chronically truant children but later expressed regret, saying that prosecuting parents was never the law’s intention. During her time as California’s top prosecutor, she introduced programs that required body cameras for special agents but stopped short of endorsing statewide regulations. After George Floyd’s murder, she supported independent investigations into police misconduct but had declined to provide such scrutiny for controversial police shootings while serving as attorney general. 


Critics argue that Harris could have done more to support criminal justice reforms, particularly after high-profile police shootings in Los Angeles and Anaheim, where she chose not to launch independent investigations. Despite the criticism, Harris’s supporters acknowledge her role in shaping laws that now require the attorney general’s involvement in investigating fatal police shootings. As Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, who had once criticized Harris for not doing enough, later said, “I applaud Kamala Harris for helping lay the foundation to make this a reality.”


While Harris has faced scrutiny over her changing positions, she maintains that her values have remained consistent. Asked about her shifting stances, she said, “My values have not changed.” Her campaign spokesperson, James Singer, added, “Kamala Harris has fought to protect people and hold bad actors accountable.”


Based on a report from CNN 2024-10-15







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So what,anybody can find fault in someone else how’s about trump now he’s threatening people who don’t vote for him and threatening democratic politicians where’s the outrage ehh?meanwhile the economy continues to improve low unemployment high gdp stellar stock market inflation continues to decline……we’re are those story’s……excuse me why arnt those FACTS being told?kinda skewed in my opinion.

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