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Security-Cam: Just clicked this on Amazon. OK? Or, should I cancel?

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Dear Folks,


This morning, I decided that I might need a security camera, and so I went on Amazon USA, and I clicked on FOUR of THESE:






Now, my question is:


Was I too hasty?

Normally, I do a lot more research before making any purchase, whatsoever.


But this morning, I was feeling a bit more frisky and spontaneous, and so I sort of clicked on it almost without thought.

Did I make a mistake in my choice?

Should I have chosen something available locally in Thailand, instead?


I didn't even check for resolution, or focal length of the lens, etc....something which I would normally do.


But I guess I was motivated by the red warning sign on Amazon telling me that something will END in about Five Hours...as if...maybe...

It might be the End of The World, in Five Hours....  Which must be some marketing strategy of Amazon, or the seller, IDK.


Also, why am I in such a rush, anyway, to buy security cameras.


Mostly, it boils down to my fear of GHOSTS.


You see, I fear that my house might have some form of ghosts visiting my house when I am not vigilant.


I am not afraid of thieves nor succubi...and never have been while living in Thailand.


It's just the recent visitation of ghosts that now has me feeling anxious and unsettled.


For Example:  I have this shrine outside near my gate. And this is something common in Thailand, as we all know.


However, the problem with my shrine is that the colored liquids in the jars, bottles and bowls sitting on the shrine sometimes become full, seemingly all on their own.

How can this be?

I mean, this is not like Jesus and the Wine occurrence, is it?  No!

And this is not being caused by the recent rains we are having here, and not the flooding, either.

I already thought of that.


The filling of the containers on my shrine happens even when there is no rain.

Therefore, I can only attribute this strange happening to ghosts.

Ghosts, or it might be someone is climbing the walls around my house.

Therefore, if it is merely mere mortals climbing my walls, then I must find out which mortals are doing this.

And I must try to discover intent.


As we all know, sometimes an innocent behavior can become a problematic behavior.

And so it is with thievery.


It might go like this: 

a.  The budding thief climbs the walls to just fill the shrine containers.

b.  Next, he decides to wander about, just out of innocent curiosity.

c. And, then, he checks to see that my doors are locked, before wandering inside the house.

d. Finally, my new phone cannot be found where I left it.

e. I am not saying anything like this will happen, and just that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN in Thailand, or anywhere.


So, in case you were wondering...

I am installing security cams to catch the ghost which fills the containers on my shrine...a shrine which was put here to protect my house, and not to attract ghosts.


In Thailand, as you realize, we all believe in ghosts.

If we do not, then this causes problems.


In conclusion:


Should I cancel this order from Amazon?


Should I wait for delivery and use these cameras for added peace of mind?


Thanking you for your helpful input in advance,

And I will be eternally grateful...


Best regards,








  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


Just an update about this kind of camera...and the fact that I think it might be impossible to directly stream the output from my cameras to my Google Drive accounts.


a.  For one thing, I have several TBytes of storage on my Google Drive accounts. Therefore, I have plenty of space to store several years of video...IF I wanted to.


b. But, it seems to me that it might NOT be possible to connect the streaming output from the Tapo cameras, for upload, real-time, to Google Drive.


c.  If this is the case, then...what is the point of having a security camera of this brand?


Here is all that I have been able to find....thus far.... AND....can anyone here provide any enlightenment?


Because, if there is actually no workaround...to directly upload from my Tapo cameras....to Google Drive...then.....these cameras will be of very little use to me.

Still, these Tapo cameras are SUPER CHEAP in price....and super cheap in quality, too...IMHO.


I am used to using Panasonic Security Cameras and Recording technology.  So, this is a first for me...using this  El Cheapo Solution.


Here is what I found on the internet, using the Google AI:



I purchased 3 Tapo cameras....

They are basically TOYs, to me...compared to Panasonic Quality Security Cameras.


Still, IF I can get them to upload, on an ongoing basis, without interruption, to my Google Drive accounts...then....

I will be OK with this, for the time being.




Any thoughts and suggestions?


Or, I might just try to buy TWO very decent security cameras, then connect them to one of my computers, and then also ensure that the video stream gets uploaded, real-time..to my Google Drive.


Or, am I thinking wrong about this?


Tks for any thoughts from those who have much more experience with this new El Cheapo tech.


OR, if you work as a security consultant for a bank, or Fort Knox, then ..... I would be doubly appreciative for any input you might provide.


Grateful, in advance.....!


Note:  Also, just my opinion....I think the resolution on these cameras might not be up to snuff.  (But, then, what can one expect at this price-point...anyway?  You get what you pay for in this life.....as you may have noticed, by now.)



((Note: Although I prefer appearing on The Farang Pub...almost exclusively...... Still, I would say that this Topic may have morphed into the realm of.....DIY FORUM....or similar.  I think this Topic might help others to think about how to (potentially) use Google Drive to store/upload/record output from Security Cams. (although I might be mistaken)))





Sorry...but just to clarify a bit:


Here, we are talking about storage on Google Drive in....REAL TIME.


Therefore...is this info from the Google AI a bit BOGUS, in that....

While it is true that video data can be stored on Google Drive (obviously)...

Is it, or is it NOT, actually possible to stream output from security cams, in REAL TIME, using an internet connection....???




Surely someone here knows the answer.


I have never tried doing this.


In the past, I stored all data on a Panasonic Digital Security Cam Recorder....one which was VERY expensive....

But that was way back in the Dark Ages.....




Back in the day, when one wanted to buy a Panasonic (TAPE) recorder....

It cost a LOT more than this machine.


Also, the Panasonic security cameras were fantastic....!


I have always been extremely impressed by the Panasonic quality....coming out of Japan...back in the day.


These days...maybe not the same....








This is “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” level absurdity—you can’t make this up. Three weeks ago, he made a useless post that, unsurprisingly, went unanswered. Now, he’s writing long replies to himself.


He’s clearly exhibiting signs of loneliness and social isolation, combined with insecurity and a need for validation. At the same time, he seems depressed and caught in a cycle of overthinking, likely fueled by low self-esteem and social anxiety stemming from a lack of any real human contact.

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