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Next Great Tell-all Best Seller: Who was running the USA while Biden was in his fog?

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Dear Folks,


Seems that so many are riveted on the 2024 presidential election.

Still, this is not the REAL story of interest.


The REAL story of interest is:


Who or What has been running the country (USA) during Biden's dementia years, probably for, at the very least, the past 18 months.


Was it Biden who was running things?   REALLY?


Certainly, it could not have been Harris.  She could not run a lemonade stand, by herself.


So then, any ideas who or what group has been running the USA, since, after the last debate, it's become so obvious that it could NOT have been Biden.


When will the truth out?

It WILL out, sooner or later, and after the election.

Some young reporter team, some up and coming Woodward and Bernstein team, will write a tell-all book.


So what is YOUR best guess concerning....who/what was truly in-charge, during Biden's dementia years at the White House?


Does anyone know?


For sure, the people "in the know" are unwilling to speak, until AFTER the election.


I bet that you haven't a clue.


Things always have a way of floating to the surface, given time....just as did DEEP THROAT's identity.


Just wondering, as maybe you have, also:


Who's running the show?




Some might say that Nixon and Watergate caused Americans to lose their innocence, meaning BLIND FAITH in their government.

Anyway, this is actually what was said, back then, and I do recall this clearly.


Now, it seems that Biden has taken this loss of faith to a higher level...a MUCH Higher Plane.

Because, now, after the debate, we realize that a mentally ill man has been "in charge", for quite some time.


Dementia is a "mental illness", or, more accurately, a shrinking of the brain.


So, Biden, with his shrunken brain, due to dementia, has been head of state, and NOBODY thought to tell us????


Therefore, do we really know who has been running the gov during Biden's illness?

We do not.


Still...we will.

When the next reliable tell-all book is written.


Are you looking forward to reading it?


Just a question.





Note:  By the way.  When one thinks about the term, HIGHER PLANE, then what is the first thing that comes to mind?


I have the answer for you here.

Not a higher plane, exactly.

But a higher love.

The higher love I feel for someone that saves us from ourselves.

Namely, Trump.



I feel this HIGHER LOVE for Trump....

Now that I have become re-adjusted by Harris.

I am a new man.

All thanks to Harris.




This is a very weird world we live in, these days.

Totally BIZARRE. 

Yet, this world is the only one we have.....

So sad.






Love Winwood.

Holding my nose for Trump.






Edited by GammaGlobulin
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