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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warns of Looming Nuclear War Threat in 2024 Election

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has issued a severe warning to voters, arguing that the current geopolitical landscape is perilously close to nuclear conflict. According to Kennedy, casting a vote for Kamala Harris equates to "a vote for nuclear war." His statement underscores rising global concerns over the potential for international tensions to escalate into a nuclear crisis.


Recent rhetoric from influential Russian figures, combined with worsening political situations in regions like the Middle East, Indo-Pacific, and the Korean Peninsula, have contributed to the unease around nuclear confrontation.


Kennedy, who suspended his presidential campaign in late August before endorsing Donald Trump, shared his remarks on social media, specifically through a video posted to his X account on Thursday. The video highlighted his concerns over former Vice President Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris. Kennedy noted that Cheney, whom he accused of having "lied to get a war started" in reference to the 2003 Iraq invasion, represents a faction within the U.S. military and intelligence communities that "desire war," particularly a conflict with Russia over the Ukraine crisis.


Kennedy’s apprehension about Harris is rooted in her previous remarks on Russia, which he described as "belligerent and hostile." He pointed to her Democratic National Convention acceptance speech, where Harris criticized Trump, claiming he had "encouraged Putin to invade our allies." Kennedy contended that her words reflect a dangerous level of compliance, suggesting that she would be “a perfect pushover, a puppet for the military intelligence faction that wants this war.”


Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump in this context is significant. Trump has expressed a desire to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin to bring an end to the war in Ukraine. In Kennedy’s view, "If JFK were alive today, he would be standing side by side with President Trump on this issue."


The Harris campaign has yet to respond to Kennedy’s statements. The topic of nuclear escalation has drawn broader concerns from officials within the Pentagon, such as Vipin Narang, who recently cautioned that the U.S. is now facing “nothing short of a new nuclear age.” Narang described an “unprecedented mix” of nuclear-armed nations with revisionist agendas, such as Russia, China, and North Korea, none of whom appear interested in arms control or reducing nuclear risks. Russia, in particular, continues to threaten nuclear escalation in Ukraine and has been developing a stockpile of low-yield nuclear weapons, unrestricted by existing treaties. 


Additionally, Narang pointed to an alarming trend: the strengthening alliance between Russia, China, and North Korea. He noted, “Any one of these nuclear challenges would be daunting by itself, but the simultaneity and growing collaboration and evidence of collusion between them is unprecedented.” This cooperation, he argued, demands a careful reevaluation of escalation dynamics and strategies for deterring opportunistic aggression in this new nuclear age.


As Kennedy’s statements continue to resonate within political and public spheres, the debate over nuclear policy and the broader implications of international alliances will likely become a significant factor in the upcoming election, posing urgent questions about the direction of U.S. foreign policy and national security.


Based on a report from the Newsweek 2024-10-28







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The only way to kiss putins ass is to go through trump then Kennedy….never in my wildest dreams did I think a so-called republican (trump) and a cowardly independent would sell out democracy like these two….

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