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Do Jewish People Have High IQ?

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I'm going to go deeper into this and will likely offend. Oh well. It's for a purpose which I will explain.


This very topic just for what it is open invitation to racism and bigotry against Jews.


How can that be when the premise is high IQ, not low IQ

See how the OP continues predictably bringing up age old antisemtiic tropes about Jews and money, controlling the banks, and so on. 


So not so positive after all.


Compare to this idea for a topic:


Do black people have low IQ?


Then an OP saying, but heck they're great athletes and they sure have rythym when they dance.


In my view, such an obviously disgusting RACIST topic about blacks which I bring up hypothetically is exactly of the same category as this topic about Jews.


Nobody should start such a topic about blacks, and nobody should have started this topic about Jews.





On the contrary, (IMHO) this is not a racist topic, BUT is an easy way in for racists to post their views.....  Unfortunately, (like many AN threads), the thread starts off with good intentions, but then is rapidly derailed by trolls, bigots etc 😞

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19 minutes ago, simon43 said:

On the contrary, (IMHO) this is not a racist topic, BUT is an easy way in for racists to post their views.....  Unfortunately, (like many AN threads), the thread starts off with good intentions, but then is rapidly derailed by trolls, bigots etc 😞

Good intentions, huh?

Like spreading antisemitic tropes about control of banking?

You're easily snookered.

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18 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

Mind blown by Israel's retaliatory attack on Iran, targeting only a few military missile sites that were defending some of their prized and most valuable oilfields, gas fields, etc. sending a very clear warning, that if we can attack these sites defending these financially invaluable sites, we can also ruin your country financially by attacking the actual targets you were trying to defend!


I have always wondered about the IQ of the Jewish people, from starting banking generations ago when there was no such thing, now basically running the US banking system, and also the high percentage of Chess champions (almost a third are of Jewish ancestry).


I know from friends I have had, they are smart, extremely so, when it comes to money!

Your confused with the long game which is the nuke facility...enough enriched uranium to make a dirty bomb in the hands of a jihad person must never be allowed to happen...softly-softly catchee monkey...that takes a lot of high intelligence to engineer and not p!ss too many people off for to long.

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6 hours ago, driver52 said:

which bunch of geezers created the Federal Reserve? :whistling:


You really want to promote your blood libel don't you? Is your motive  real hatred, or are you just trolling or are you really this ignorant?


The United States Congress of 1913 established the Federal Reserve Bank system. I think one would be hard pressed to find more than a handful of jewish faith members of that period. The Federal Reserve Bank was created to respond to mass panic in 1907 which lead to a  run on financial institutions.  The first incident occurred on October 16, 1907, when two minor speculators, F. Augustus Heinze and Charles W. Morse, suffered huge losses in a failed attempt to corner the stock of United Copper, a copper mining company traded on the curb. They had secured  funding from small local Trust companies, primarily the Knickerbocker Trust, who's president was, Charles T. Barney, an associate of Mr. Morse. None of these people was Jewish.


Once the relationship of Knickerbocker was publicized, there was a run on Knickerbocker Trust.  The National Bank of Commerce extended credit to Knickerbocker Trust to cover the depositor withdrawals. This bank then requested a loan from the New York Clearing House on the behalf of Knickerbocker Trust. The Clearing House denied the request because its resources were reserved for the support of its member institutions. Knickerbocker and most other trust companies in New York were not members. After this denial, a request for aid was made to J.P. Morgan.

He asked Benjamin Strong, then a vice president at Banker’s Trust and later the first head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, to examine Knickerbocker’s books and determine its financial condition.  Strong could make no definitive determination of Knickerbocker’s solvency Morgan therefore refused to aid the trust.  Also on October 21, Knickerbocker’s Board of Directors dismissed Barney on the basis of his personal connections to Morse. The National Bank of Commerce then announced that it would no longer act as Knickerbocker’s clearing agent. Following these announcements, the run on Knickerbocker intensified. The next day, after depositors had withdrawn nearly $8 million, it suspended operations.

The suspension of Knickerbocker Trust sparked the full-scale financial crisis in New York City. The runs on deposits spread among the trusts and were most intense at the Trust Company of America. Morgan changed his mind and quickly released aid, as did the New York Clearing House banks. However, depositors continued to withdraw funds from Trust Company of America for two more weeks.

An upward spike in the call money interest rate — the rate of interest on overnight loans on stock collateral offered at the New York Stock Exchange — was among the first signals of distress and tightening credit. On the day Knickerbocker closed, October 22, the annualized rate jumped from 9.5 percent to 70 percent, then to 100 percent two days later. At times, there were no credit offers at that rate. The New York Stock Exchange remained open largely because of the legendary actions of Morgan, who solicited cash from large financial and industrial institutions and then had it delivered directly to the loan post at the exchange to support brokers who were willing to extend credit.

After an unusual delay of five days, the New York Clearing House Committee met on Saturday, October 26, and formed a panel to facilitate the issuance of clearing-house loan certificates. These were the predecessor to discount window loans from the Federal Reserve System and provided a temporary increase in liquidity. On the same day, the New York Clearing House banks — those institutions central to the payment system — chose to restrict the convertibility of deposits into cash.This action severed the par exchange rate between deposits and cash, thereby leading to a cash premium and a substantial influx of gold imports from abroad. Those gold imports appear to have been instrumental in spurring the recovery of the New York City financial market.


No jews were involved or otherwise implicated. 




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1 hour ago, simon43 said:

On the contrary, (IMHO) this is not a racist topic, BUT is an easy way in for racists to post their views.....  Unfortunately, (like many AN threads), the thread starts off with good intentions, but then is rapidly derailed by trolls, bigots etc 😞


 It is most certainly racist. How is it different than starting a thread on Negro penis dimensions? It is as ignorant and stupid as that, and serves only to provide a platform for the usual bigots. 


3 hours ago, BruceWayne said:


NOT if you live in Israel:



i.e They're trying to suppress the obvious truth:

'Jew' is a meaningless term


Most have zero connection with the middle east and are atheist AF



You don't pay attention do you?

The majority of Israelis are "Mizrahi", i.e. having originated in region first colonized and then occupied by Islamic people. 



Much of the population went to Israel after they were forced out of their former homes in Arab countries. In the case of the Ethiopians and Yemen populations, Israel paid large sums for their freedom. Others were given 72 hours to leave and their assets seized. It is an inconvenient truth most Arabs will ever acknowledge and one that none of the western protestors will evr admit because it destroys the false narrative of palestinian victimhood.

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There are 9 million Israelis. Egypt has a population of 117 million.


In three wars, the Egyptian Army and Airforce were beaten so soundly there has been no conflict of the two nations for 50 years.

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19 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

I have always wondered about the IQ of the Jewish people, from starting banking generations ago when there was no such thing, now basically running the US banking system, and also the high percentage of Chess champions (almost a third are of Jewish ancestry).

Bobby Fischer was not keen on jews; and said so. Look what happened to him?! Exiled for life.

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Well, where would the sciences and the intellectual world of Usofa be if it weren't for the flood of eastern European Jews who entered the country over the last 150 years?


A couple of anecdotes:


Once (in Canberra) I met Ehud Barak when he was Chief of the Israeli General Staff. A small but smart & very tough cookie. I think of him as both Jewish and Israeli (not the same thing).


Earlier in my career - mid-twenties - for my sins I taught French to Aussie first-year university students. Apart from the middle-aged attendees who were splendid, the just-from-school kids were generally hopeless. But there were 2 Jewish girls a couple of years younger than me who were in the middle of their studies to become medical doctors and who enrolled in my classes just for some entertainment and change of scenery. Where they excelled. One day I was chatting to them and asked how they managed to do thus when their medical studies were far more than a full-time job. They said: "Well, Mr D ..., if you were Jewish you would understand".  At which we fell about as they explained how, from the earliest years, life was all about reading & study & hard work.

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20 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

Mind blown by Israel's retaliatory attack on Iran, targeting only a few military missile sites that were defending some of their prized and most valuable oilfields, gas fields, etc. sending a very clear warning, that if we can attack these sites defending these financially invaluable sites, we can also ruin your country financially by attacking the actual targets you were trying to defend!


I have always wondered about the IQ of the Jewish people, from starting banking generations ago when there was no such thing, now basically running the US banking system, and also the high percentage of Chess champions (almost a third are of Jewish ancestry).


I know from friends I have had, they are smart, extremely so, when it comes to money!

The amount of misinformation in this thread is truly astonishing. In medieval Europe, Jewish people were permitted to be moneylenders largely because Christians at the time still abided by the biblical injunction against charging interest. However, to say that Jews currently “are basically running the US banking system” is ludicrous and an all-too-common antisemitic trope.


Some Palestinian Arabs are descended from ancient Hebrews who converted to Islam (either by force or willingly) during the Arab invasions of the 7th century AD; other Palestinian Arabs were immigrants. To try to sort out the bloodlines at this point seems pointless. There were no universities in the Levant in the 7th century, so to say that Palestinian Arabs were simply not “smart enough” to continue being Jewish is another ludicrous statement.


It is not surprising that the Israeli military and intelligence services are among the best in the world; Israel was born out of the trauma of the Holocaust, so self-defense would have been among the new state’s top priorities. (And given that Jewish people have been persecuted in Europe for going on two millennia, it’s no wonder that they have emphasized education and thrift, with the next pogrom always just around the corner.)


One poster seems to refer to the theory of Khazar origin of the Ashkenazi Jews; this has been debunked. As another person points out, Ashkenazi Jews have origins in ancient Israel.


And, more broadly, the entire notion of “IQ” and the ability to measure comparative intelligence through a standardized test is itself coming under increasing criticism by the scientific community; it seems likely that IQ testing will ultimately be regarded as another scientific dead end, along with phrenology and biological racism, medical humorism, etc. In the end, the Jewish people and the governments they create are no more, and no less, responsible for the maintenance of global civic order than any other groups of people who populate the planet.

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20 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

Mind blown by Israel's retaliatory attack on Iran, targeting only a few military missile sites that were defending some of their prized and most valuable oilfields, gas fields, etc. sending a very clear warning, that if we can attack these sites defending these financially invaluable sites, we can also ruin your country financially by attacking the actual targets you were trying to defend!


I have always wondered about the IQ of the Jewish people, from starting banking generations ago when there was no such thing, now basically running the US banking system, and also the high percentage of Chess champions (almost a third are of Jewish ancestry).


I know from friends I have had, they are smart, extremely so, when it comes to money!

A general historically valid reasoning. Having lived in a Christian dominated Europe where Jews were discriminated against through numerous programs, confiscation of property, being driven out of areas or into ghettoes, it became important to but emphasis on "portable" wealth. What was inside your head ... knowledge. Thus, an outsized number of Doctors, Lawyers, bankers ... emphasis on learning as a necessity.

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14 hours ago, SoCal1990 said:

Following below are some points from the links provided above. Also, all of this is referring to Ashkenazi Jews, also often referred to as European Jews, many of whom emigrated from Northern Europe (Germany, Poland, Russia) to either the USA, the UK or Israel either just before or during WW2.

There are also the Sephardic Jews, many of whom were born in Palestine, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and some of the other surrounding middle eastern countries. Ethnically, Sephardic Jews look more middle eastern than the Ashkenazi Jews and don't necessarily share the same genetically inherent higher intelligence traits. 



Studies have generally found Ashkenazi Jews to have an average IQ in the range of 107 to 115, and Ashkenazi Jews as a group have had successes in intellectual fields out of proportion to their numbers. Today's Ashkenazi Jews have a higher average mathematical and verbal IQ and an unusual cognitive profile compared to other ethnic groups.

From roughly 800 to 1650 CE, Ashkenazi Jews in Europe were a mostly isolated genetic group. When Ashkenazi Jews married non-Jews, they usually left the Jewish community; few non-Jews married into the Jewish community.


During the same period, laws barred Ashkenazi Jews from most jobs, including farming and crafts, and forced them into finance, management, and international trade. Wealthy Jews had several more children per family than poor Jews. So, genes for cognitive traits such as verbal and mathematical talent, which make a person successful in the few fields where Jews could work, were favored; genes for irrelevant traits, such as spatio-visual abilities, were supported by less selective pressure than in the general population. Given the high heritability of IQ, 800 years is plenty of time for the selective pressure on verbal and mathematical intelligence to produce a 16-point increase in IQ.


Interesting to me as my DNA tests came back with Ashkenazi markers, although my DNA long ago departed from following the  Jewish religion.

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19 hours ago, bendejo said:

who gets lost for 40 years?

Especially in a desert peninsula where you can easily see to the horizon, surrounded by three bodys of waters and having on of the highest mountain in the region, Mt. Sinia. That 40 year trek should have been done in a year.

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19 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


    Judaism requires Jews to send their first born Child to higher education/University and its been that way for 1000's of years .

   Jewish families who couldn't afford to send their Child to University dropped out of the Religion and became a Palestinian .

   So Palestinians are (former) Jews who were not successful enough to continue being Jewish . 

   Culling the herd to make it stronger , the weakest drop out 

In which book of history is this written on?

May I have a pdf version if possible? :whistling:

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