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Dr Mark TROZZI > Covid pandemic lies exposed in official German RKI documents

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On 11/21/2024 at 10:46 AM, KhunBENQ said:

Some of the responsible politicians that ruled in Germany belong behind bars (acting against the advice of their experts and organizations).

Instead they will soon enjoy their lush pensions after the current incompetent government is dissolved.

That's nonsense. I read that the current minister for health is a high recommended Prof of Medicine. So you're post is just sh**. The former one was a banker.

And why are you mention their pension? You're envy? You could (obviously not) have gone for politics in your life? 

So, as I can see, Germany picked an experienced Doctor to be responsible for Health care issues. Better than Kennedy as a leading conspiracy lunatic.

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22 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

You mean this Dr Mark Trozzi, also known as a conspiracy theorist, who had his doctor license revoked:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:



Just saying, but looks like you are still in stage one...

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On 11/21/2024 at 10:32 AM, owl sees all said:

It's about time this  was brought out into the open. Not that I necessarily agree with their findings.** I would be much blunter. But it's a start. A step in the right direction. Exposing the rabble is not too bad a thing.


** Quote; 'The tests had a false positive rate of 86.5%.' I don't agree. They gave 100% incorrect results. Dr K Mullis himself, said quite specifically, that the PCR Test should not to be used as a diagnostic tool.


** Quote; 'Testing asymptomatic individuals was against RKI recommendations but became widespread.' There is no such thing as an asymptomatic individual. Simply made up nonsense.


** Quote; 'Children, who faced virtually no risk from COVID-19, were subjected to school closures, masking, and isolation, resulting in psychological trauma and developmental delays.'

Virtually no risk? No risk what-so-ever from an imaginary entity.


And on the jabs!


** Quote; 'Approval was rushed without sufficient testing, skipping standard safety protocols.' IMO, The whole pandemic was a hoax and was planned long ago. Plenty of testing had been done. It was 'rushed' through, in order to obtain the 'emergency' status. This stopped all other treatments. Referred to later in the piece.

''The short article summarizes and exposes the lies about the Covid-pandemic from the very start throughout all stages of roll-out of 'mitigation'  measures.  A horrible tale of political pressure to suppress all scientific evidence that consistently did NOT support any of the Covid narrative.''

I'd like to see science reclaimed from actual scientists. Just as Galileo was locked up for suggesting the earth revolved around the sun. The present day truthers are being sidelined, sanctioned, eradicated, demonised and a whole lot worse. Why? To maintain, at all costs (seemingly), certain fundamental health falsehoods.


I'm not keen to restore trust in public health systems?! Dear me! No! Sweep them away and start again; with truths at the heart; i say. Build the new so that they actually help the populas.


Truth - not skewed 'facts', must prevale, if we are to move forward as a specie. Covid has given us this big chance. We must grasp it.


Unfortunately the owl is blind on both eyes. Otherwise the owl wouldn't be a conspiracy member.


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On 12/16/2024 at 5:45 AM, newbee2022 said:

Not much meat in it. Nobody could foresee what will happen with this virus. So the actions of the government was appropriate for me and millions of other people.

I don’t know about other people, I myself caught Covid twice , the first was very weak short experience, the second time really bad, and I’ve had a dry cough  every since that my doctor says is common for those who have had Covid. Lots of people around me died , and the hospitals , as everywhere , were crowded with ill people. So we’re all mad ? Covid never existed ?  Just as the Black Death and the Spanish flu, it was real.Todays medical world handled it better, that’s all, even though they weren’t prepared . The nutcases and conspiracy people are those that are in denial.

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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There was so much about the covid narrative that appeared to be inaccurate or just downright fake, and the extent to which we were discouraged to even question the narrative was quite shocking and said a lot about what was going on, on its own. 


Even my family didn't want to discuss it if you questioned the official narrative you were considered some kind of freak or conspiracy theorist. 


There were so many aspects of covid where mankind revealed its lower nature, from the narrative to the economic shutdown, to the highly selective shutdowns, it was all a bizarre hot mess. The mandatory vaccines the mandatory quarantines, never has this been done in the history of mankind. 

Everyone was frightened, the medical world too. The reaction was normal. It was something no one in our lifetime had every experienced.

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On 11/20/2024 at 6:50 PM, Red Phoenix said:




All 5 of those statements are totally untrue.


Hardly contagious - Only took a few months starting from the first cases in a country to spread nationwide.


No Pandemic - definition "a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time."

Worldwide, nationwide in most countries. And nearly everybody eventually caught it, although some may have had it and were asymptomatic. Some caught it more than once. And no recent Flu epidemic has either killed as many or infected as many.


PCR tests provide no diagnostic information about Covid-19 - Strange - for those who had to do regular tests (e.g. school children like my daughter), who only tested positive twice, and each time she was definitely sick. I didn't need to be tested most of the time, but when i caught it it was unlike any normal cold - and i tested positive.


Masks are 100% ineffective at preventing transmission - A laughable claim. Maybe not 100% effective, but masks have been used for years with infectious disease, and numerous tests have been done that show you reduce aerosols of virus and bacterial particles to some degree.  


The social distancing rule was complete nonsense - How effective it was is open to question, but it is a fact - you need to have had some 'contact' with someone to catch it - either by touching a contaminated surface or breathing in air borne virus. Avoiding sick people was obvious.


We were lucky that the virus mutated into a less virulent form fairly rapidly, so the death rate gradually fell; vaccinated people were  statistically shown to have lower death rates. This decline in virulence is the normal progression for most infectious diseases.


The only 'conspiracy theory' which has any any truth to it was the origin - yes a laboratory leak is quite possible. Just to much coincidence that the outbreak started in a city with a laboratory studying Corona viruses. Chinese secrecy makes proving this now difficult.


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