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12 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It's the ones who claim they are supported by their Thai wife/GF that crack me up.

why, don't' you think that is possible?


with a schlong the size of mine the girls are queuing up to pay for my meals!....


Best regards,


  • Sad 1
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6 minutes ago, Robert_Smith said:

with a schlong the size of mine the girls are queuing up to pay for my meals!....

I assume it is so small that they are taking pity on you and will be buying you chipolatas so that you do not get embarrassed!

7 minutes ago, Robert_Smith said:

why, don't' you think that is possible?


with a schlong the size of mine the girls are queuing up to pay for my meals!....


Best regards,


Only a photo with a Bob Smith tattoo will convince me.


Don't forget to include a ruler.

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7 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

Bob now feverishly banging away on the keyboard

He has got nothing else that he could possibly be "banging away on" despite his boasts!

3 minutes ago, a3tsw said:

So all corners of a flat globe 🤣

Well some people still believe the Earth is flat and the Moon is made of cheese

2 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

Far too many letters to fit on his schlong!

Do you think the initials BS might?

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Anytime a stranger tells me about how successful or how wealthy they are I just roll my eyes, the most successful and the wealthiest people I've known have also been quite discreet about what they have. 


In shallow men the fish of little thoughts cause much commotion. In oceanic minds the whales of inspiration make hardly a ruffle.


Certainly the same could be said about a braggart. 

He could be full of it, but then again anyone can hold and drop 10 Bitcoin... they don't have to be in the self-made, super-clever holier than thou humble bracket. Some of the richest guys I know back home ($100M, 100+ properties etc) like nothing more than to tell you about it and their recent acquisitions. Ok, they are not strangers, but they can't help themselves. It would have been easy to mine 1000 BTC with an old laptop as an early adopter in 2009, have some discipline and continually drop a few here and there. Having said all that, I still think Mr Robert Smith is talking total bolllox. 🙃

  • Agree 1
4 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

I liquidated 10 bitcoins whilst I was there

No you didn't.

4 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

I still have about 40 BTC left in my wallet

No you don't.


4 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

on my travels I also bought a place in Cambodia.

No you didn't.


4 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

Freshly landed in Thailand with 960,000 USD in the back burner.

No you haven't.


3 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

My maid cleans up my crap.

No she doesn't.


2 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:


No you are not.


That'll do for now.

  • Agree 1
3 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:



3 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

I see members posting here from all corners of the globe!

Indeed Bob, there is even a chap who posts from Dorset.


He uses multiple identities but doesn't fool anyone.

  • Haha 1
11 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

Freshly landed in Thailand with 960,000 USD in the back burner.


not bad, eh?


Best Regards,


That will make a LOT of ladyboys ECSTATIC!

6 hours ago, ChumpChange said:

A whole £100,000 to his name, and

it's actually 960,000 USD in a Hong Kong bank, + 40 BTC and 600,000 USD in my home country bank.


I spent a little on my travels....


Best regards,


27 minutes ago, ChumpChange said:


Ahhh, there he is! Bingo-Bob “The Financial Titan” Smith, back again with a crucial update for the peasants. Wouldn’t want us plebs to mistakenly think you were only a cash millionaire, would ya, right Bob? Gotta make sure we all fully grasp just how staggeringly wealthy you are.


So let’s tally it up then, shall we?


• $960,000 sitting pretty in a Hong Kong bank (because nothing screams “financial security” like parking your money in the world’s most politically stable location: CHINA).


• 40 BTC, which at this rate will either make you a billionaire or a bloke working the door at Nana Plaza by next year.


• $600,000 tucked away back in your mysterious home country (UK). (Wait… wasn’t that $800,000 last year? What happened to the other $200K? Did Mrs. Smith already start skimming the divorce settlement off the top?)


And of course, we can’t forget the bit you spent on your “travels.” Which, knowing you, probably consisted of an ill-advised high-roller binge in Macau, a few questionable “business ventures” with some lads in Kowloon, and enough ladyboy-drinks to single-handedly boost Thailand’s GDP by 2%.


See, that’s the difference between me and you, Bob. I would never tell anybody about the US$15 million I have in a fixed foreign currency deposit account at the Siam Paragon branch of Bangkok Bank. That information remains private! Discreet! NOBODY KNOWS I AM A MULTIMILLIONAIRE! Just quietly tucked away, earning interest while I sip a cold one in peace and sovereignty. But you mate? You’re out here feeling compelled to blab about your savings on the Internet, like a bloke who just won fifty quid on a scratch card and won’t shut up about it down the pub.


But Bob mate, level with me… If you’ve got all this dosh floating about, why are you still here, updating us like you’re filling out a tax return for the lads? Shouldn’t you be off doing rich boy things? Buying a football club? Starting your own airline? Sponsoring an F1 team? Getting a tasteful golden statue of yourself erected in front of Soi Diana?


But nah, here you are, making sure we’re all fully aware that you’re not just “rich,” you’re proper minted. Wouldn’t want the reputation tarnished, would we?


Anyway, Bob, you absolute financial wizard, enjoy your mountain of cash. Spend wisely, maybe on a new ghostwriter, ‘cause the last one was a hell of a lot more entertaining than you matey.


Best regards,

Your humble and broke admirers.

I don't care who copies me, up to them

They are nothing but mere counterfeits.


I am the REAL Bob Smith and I am back, richer than ever...


All the sad copycats will always remain just that.

They can never truly fill my shoes.


Best regards,


  • Sad 3
1 hour ago, Robert_Smith said:

I don't care who copies me, up to them

They are nothing but mere counterfeits.


I am the REAL Bob Smith and I am back, richer than ever...


All the sad copycats will always remain just that.

They can never truly fill my shoes.


Best regards,


Bobby Boy, easy now. You're giving off man-child vibes there. Fragile ego issues, small todger syndrome, I get it. But no need to turn your underwear into dental floss. Try popping a benzodiazepine and have a lie down there bro. 

By the way, seems the real Bob Smith departed in September. Just sayin. 

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