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23 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Thats a load of nonsensical bs like usual. Go back to sleep now seems you need it

Translation: Well you are right but I cant say that sooooooo.


PS its morning in Cambodia, where I am. SE Asia. The subject of this Forum. How bout you, Sparky?

  • Confused 5
9 minutes ago, RayC said:


Unfortunately, I think that you are correct.


However, to answer your previous question, 'How could this war have been brought to an end?'. Imo not like this. The exclusion of Ukraine - and to a lesser extent, Europe - from these preliminary talks stinks of a bi-lateral Russia/US carve-up. Russia gets a land grab and the US gets economic concessions e.g. access to Rare Elements. Ukraine gets ..well, what exactly? And Europe gets to foot the bill for policing the arrangement.


Imo what should of happened - but almost certainly won't - is for Trump to have said: "Call a ceasefire, freeze the existing terrorital positions. However, this does not mean that these positions are the starting point for negotiations. If you (Putin) do not agree to these conditions, we will put boots on the ground. If you (Zelensky) do not agree, we will withdraw military aid". 


I recognise that that this is a high-risk strategy both in terms of possible military escalation if Putin refuses, and also domestically for Trump from a political perspective, but imo it offers the possibility of a much better outcome for Ukraine than the current carpitulation.

Cheers but don't listen too hard to the ramblings of some on here. What's happened are just initial talks to test the waters with Russia. Trump himself has said that Ukraine necessarily needs to be included in any negotiations toward a cease fire/peace accord. In the end Russia will keep most of the eastern region they have taken. I can't realistically see any way around this. Zelenkyy's position to bargain is not strong.  As for threatening Putin with boots on ground I can't see this happening either. Putin's hip pocket will need to be threatened and this will be focused toward oil and gas exports. Without income from this (which of course is most definitely helping to fund his war) the Russian economy will be in big problems.

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4 hours ago, Tug said:

heres our Donnie snatching defeat from the jaws of victory….


44 minutes ago, Dan O said:


A fool is someone that knows the truth, sees the evidence of the facts, but still believes the lies.


  • Confused 3
Just now, Eric Loh said:

Trump want to invade Greenland and Panama. Dem has no declared wars. Republicans had 2 since WW2. 

He asked Greenland to join US not invade. Democrat war deaths are much higher.

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2 minutes ago, Tug said:

we’re did I express hate for my country you are mistaken I despise trump siding with that criminal putin and throwing Europe and Ukraine under the bus it is unamerican in every sense of the word

I bolded the words. Your ilk almost destroyed the USA with your Russia nonsense. I submit that anyone who believes what I have bolded to be an enemy of the USA and paradoxically, a tool of Putin.

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52 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

There was a time when America would pay any price or bear any burden in the name of freedom.


No more. Americans have become xenophobic, racist, isolationist, and fearful. Your leader has played on your basest instincts.


The path to betraying Ukraine is already set. Peace talks without Ukraine, with concessions already made.


No ally will trust you. Cower behind your tariff walls, and watch your standard of living decline.


You have become a nation of gutless cowards. The rest of the democratic world has nothing but contempt for you.


You will become slaves. You just don't realize it yet.




38 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump is an opportunistic liar, he does not have a genuine bone in his body and he tends to abandon allies and coddle dictators and serial killers. That's just who is and what he does.


None of this should surprise us anymore, however he does continue to surprise and amaze with his ignorance and failings. He will pay the price for this and so will his supporters, it's just a matter of. 


Unfortunately the US is going to pay an enormous price for his policies and his other recklessness. 

But hey, that’s the beauty of democracy right? The PEOPLE knows best…


  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Thingamabob said:

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Millions of dollars contributed by foreign countries in support of Ukraines's war effort have disappeared. Over the years Kyev governments have  treated Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine with brutality.

Ukraine was sympathetic to the Nazis in WW2. The book Babi Yar is an eye opener as to the historical hatred of Jews in Ukraine.


Mr Zelenskky is an actor/comedian and Jewish.


Interesting times indeed.

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15 minutes ago, Tug said:

You are mistaken trump is the opposite of a republican…..


we’re did I express hate for my country you are mistaken I despise trump siding with that criminal putin and throwing Europe and Ukraine under the bus it is unamerican in every sense of the word

As I said he is not you're typical Republican hawk. Do you know what a hawk is in relation to international military doctrine? My guess is you don't otherwise you would not have called me wrong. 

  • Confused 4
2 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

This would be fine if you're just a right wing fanatical youtube influencer. This man is supposed to be the leader of the free world.

Instead he's quickly alienating US allies and is partnering up with dictatorships.

This will not end well. His lizard brain words have severe and dire consequences, not just for the US but the rest of the world.

In your head. Not those that voted for him, they're getting exactly what they voted for

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, kwonitoy said:


Trump doesn't care, out with the old in with the new.


How does it feel after all your feverish posting how Russia was basically on its arse, only for it to blow in your face?

Some of us called youmout from the start, but you were shilling shilling for MIC. Did they pay well?


  • Confused 3
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12 minutes ago, Harrisfan said:

Yeah sure lefty. 10 years of whining about Trump. How embarrassing.

Yep, 9yrs of retirement wasted screaming about Trump. How sad

  • Haha 2

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