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4 minutes ago, atpeace said:

Thais IMO could care less if you are wearing  pants or shorts while shoping or any casual setting.  Thinking that they repect you more because you are wearing pants at 7 Eleven compared to nice clean casual shorts is more than likely just a weird story you convinced yourself to believe. 


Exactly...       even when going to the bank in Shorts and T-shirt they don't bat an eye lid. 


Immigration or the Amphur office is of course a different matter and they expect respect to the establishment to be shown. 


I'm 99% of the time in a Polo-T-shirt or V-neck T-shirt, with a lighter coloured shorts, white, lighter red etc... with socks and trainer or tennis shoes.....    It seems to pass muster in most places. 


... As with any clothing, in a lot of circumstances, its not about what you wear, but how you wear it. 



I saw a guy the other day trying so hard... he had a woollen jumper draped over his shoulders 'searching for that style'... 


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


There's a retired Wallmart manager somewhere in Idaho looking for his shoes... 


All I can say is....


Let us hope that Thailand does not further relax its quality standards concerning foreigners allowed into this great country.


For example:  HERE IS a guy by the name of RUFUS, a product of the SouthEast USA.  Obviously, he is NOT a Farang. But Look at his Garb.



This seems to be the fashion sense of young people today in his part of the world.

If he would just dress better, and try for an education, life might go better for him.

This is why it is important to enforce a higher dress code for Farang in Thailand.


Shirts in SEVEN should be mandatory.


And, Thailand should begin now to set policies that will bar visas to Americans with strange names, such as Rufus, Devarcy, Weeda, and other strange names.

And, who thinks UP these names, anyway.


I can tell you, for sure:

When this Quality of Tourist becomes more prevalent in Thailand, then....

I am OUT OF HERE....Big Time!!!!


Here is another image of Rufus' friend, and his sartorial choices:


The guy is wearing pants that look like a QR Code with an orange hoodie.

And then, he had money to buy these shoes, more to his taste?



This is why I seldom leave my compound.



If I knew that guys here in Thailand were beginning to dress like humans, the way humans once dressed when I was younger, then I would leave my compound and enjoy my stay in Thailand.

At the very least, I do not need to live in the USA with Rufus as my neighbor.

This is why I am in Thailand at this time, as well as for other valid reasons.


The above images come from this vid:


Fortunately, this vid has subtitles.

Impossible to make hide nor hair of what these boys are saying.

Most have no more than a 9-th grade education.


As we can see, this is just one cause of American culture being further dumbed down.

It's a race to the bottom of the apple barrel.

And, the guys in this video are way out ahead.

And, they dress for the part.


Do you see any Farang dressed this way in Thailand.....


During the Hot Season?










1 hour ago, Celsius said:


That's painful in this weather.


It's like me walking while consciously contracting abdominal muscles, pulling my stomach inwards trying to flatten it.


It's difficult, but like you im not giving up.


I do not wear shorts.

And, I always wear buttoned down collar.

Often I wear jeans, but not cheap baggy ones.

I always enjoy wearing cotton dress trousers, which are quite comfortable.


And, let me say that it is NOT too hot for long trousers at anytime in Thailand.

I think men's knees are ugly.


I agree that women can wear shorts anytime they like, though.


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On 2/21/2025 at 6:20 AM, simon43 said:

It's interesting to see how Thais treat a Westerner who dresses reasonably well, as opposed to a slob.

Reasonably well..



Immigration office?


50B soup joint with plastic chairs?

The beach? Gym? Walk street? Funeral?


For most venues in Thailand underwear that doesn't allow your worm to wiggle around and lots of frequent showers is dressing "reasonably well".


Everything else is personal choice and doesn't really amount to anything more than faffing about. 😄





Do you tend to shun donning Hi-So fashion during the Hot Season in Thailand? 


Nah not going there I  don't dress up for anyone  King or Queen,

If people don't like me the way I am So be it  they never will be my friends . Their Loss.

  • Confused 1
On 2/21/2025 at 8:23 AM, henryford1958 said:

People don't dress like that in the West let alone some tropical third world country. Ever walked around London recently?

A Burkha is very fashionable in London 

  • Haha 1
49 minutes ago, portisaacozzy said:

no,i always wear my boxers all the year round


On the outside or inside of your trousers, might I inquire?



My daily outfit is shorts and a t-shirt, granted they are high quality shorts they're newer t-shirts and they are high quality sandals that look good, so I'm not dressed like a bum. But I'm dressed very casually on a daily basis. If I'm going out at night with the woman to a nice restaurant I might put on a pair of pants, if I'm in Bangkok going out at night I might put on a pair of pants and might even put on a button down shirt, bit 90% of the time I dress for comfort.


I'm not dressing to impress anybody, that's something I did when I was much younger. 


And I'm not sure where the implication of high society is in regard to clothing. High Society is a word to describe the very rich in Thailand, who are not a particularly impressive group of people in any level, other than their cash. 

  • Agree 1
On 2/21/2025 at 12:57 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Dear Folks,


As we all know, the Hot Season is now just around the corner in Thailand.


Of course, if this were Hong Kong, no matter how hot and humid it might become, still, there is really no good excuse for not dressing-up, or..at least…in the past…there was no excuse.


Maybe, these days, after the commie-takeover, things have changed in Hong Kong, with everyone running around without being dressed to the hilt.


But then, what about here in Thailand?


During the Hot Season, do you dress to the hilt?


Or, these days, do you try to dress in a way which makes you appear more egalitarian, and…more….approachable to those who have not?


Here in Thailand, air-conditioning is not up to the standards of Hong Kong, as you know. And so, dressing up makes one sweat more in Thailand.  But, do you still do your best?


Personally, I enjoy being among those who dress well, and dress well for any occasion. This means wearing a tie, sometimes.  And also, walking around the city as if BKK or CM were Milan.


In my opinion, it actually does not matter how old one might be….because…


There is really NO EXCUSE for not looking good.

And, not looking good like….



Let the above vid be your guide.  And…


Do most of you on TV dress this way when you step out?


Or, just HOW DO YOU DRESS, anyway???


Send photos, please.


What is the TV fashion style?









I'd not wasted my life watching that silly video, but the image shows men dressed in multiple layers of clothes that could be comfortably worn in Bangkok about five days a year and perhaps only in the morning at that.


I try to wear thinner shirts in warmer weather.


In cooler weather I might wear a light jacket in Bangkok.


I always wear shorts unless I was working, but retired now. I would never, ever wear a T shirt in Thailand except on the beach


To me .. wearing pants, long sleeves and even a tie ... I always felt comfortable. Definitely more free and breezy in shorts and short sleeves but difference negligible to me - but I'm not a fat sweaty mess on a two week holiday either


Hope that helps you assemble your 2025 summer wardrobe

8 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I might put on a pair of pants, if I'm in Bangkok going out at night I might put on a pair of pants


I have noticed, after years on TV, that readers prefer the term TROUSERS.

Most readers here are offended by the word PANTS.


This is why I do as is the custom.

I now always say TROUSERS when I mean trousers.

And, I say pants when I mean something else....

Like, when I am referring to...



  • Confused 1
2 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


I have noticed, after years on TV, that readers prefer the term TROUSERS.

Most readers here are offended by the word PANTS.


This is why I do as is the custom.

I now always say TROUSERS when I mean trousers.

And, I say pants when I mean something else....

Like, when I am referring to...



Trousers - UK

Pants - US


Trousers probably also only used by those over 70. Gramps

  • Thumbs Up 1
  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, The Legend said:

I would never, ever wear a T shirt in Thailand except on the beach



Never leave my compound in a T-shirt....ever...period.

I do not even own one of those types of shirts with just no sleeves and some sort of narrow material hung on the shoulders, holding the entire thing up and to the body.


Those kinds of shirts are worn by ditch-diggers and grave-diggers, in Connecticut.


3 minutes ago, The Legend said:

Trousers - UK

Pants - US


Trousers probably also only used by those over 70. Gramps


As I say:


I follow the custom on TV.

So be it.


9 minutes ago, The Legend said:

Trousers - UK

Pants - US


Trousers probably also only used by those over 70. Gramps

I teach my Burmese students that the reason why Americans say 'pants', when they actually mean 'trousers' is because they get easily-confused over English vocabulary, since only about 20% of Americans stem from English stock 🙂

2 minutes ago, simon43 said:

I teach my Burmese students that the reason why Americans say 'pants', when they actually mean 'trousers' is because they get easily-confused over English vocabulary, since only about 20% of Americans stem from English stock 🙂


Most are Germans, as you probably know.


On 2/21/2025 at 12:57 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Dear Folks,


As we all know, the Hot Season is now just around the corner in Thailand.


Of course, if this were Hong Kong, no matter how hot and humid it might become, still, there is really no good excuse for not dressing-up, or..at least…in the past…there was no excuse.


Maybe, these days, after the commie-takeover, things have changed in Hong Kong, with everyone running around without being dressed to the hilt.


But then, what about here in Thailand?


During the Hot Season, do you dress to the hilt?


Or, these days, do you try to dress in a way which makes you appear more egalitarian, and…more….approachable to those who have not?


Here in Thailand, air-conditioning is not up to the standards of Hong Kong, as you know. And so, dressing up makes one sweat more in Thailand.  But, do you still do your best?


Personally, I enjoy being among those who dress well, and dress well for any occasion. This means wearing a tie, sometimes.  And also, walking around the city as if BKK or CM were Milan.


In my opinion, it actually does not matter how old one might be….because…


There is really NO EXCUSE for not looking good.

And, not looking good like….



Let the above vid be your guide.  And…


Do most of you on TV dress this way when you step out?


Or, just HOW DO YOU DRESS, anyway???


Send photos, please.


What is the TV fashion style?








On 2/21/2025 at 12:57 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

Dear Folks,


As we all know, the Hot Season is now just around the corner in Thailand.


Of course, if this were Hong Kong, no matter how hot and humid it might become, still, there is really no good excuse for not dressing-up, or..at least…in the past…there was no excuse.


Maybe, these days, after the commie-takeover, things have changed in Hong Kong, with everyone running around without being dressed to the hilt.


But then, what about here in Thailand?


During the Hot Season, do you dress to the hilt?


Or, these days, do you try to dress in a way which makes you appear more egalitarian, and…more….approachable to those who have not?


Here in Thailand, air-conditioning is not up to the standards of Hong Kong, as you know. And so, dressing up makes one sweat more in Thailand.  But, do you still do your best?


Personally, I enjoy being among those who dress well, and dress well for any occasion. This means wearing a tie, sometimes.  And also, walking around the city as if BKK or CM were Milan.


In my opinion, it actually does not matter how old one might be….because…


There is really NO EXCUSE for not looking good.

And, not looking good like….



Let the above vid be your guide.  And…


Do most of you on TV dress this way when you step out?


Or, just HOW DO YOU DRESS, anyway???


Send photos, please.


What is the TV fashion style?








From a man's point of view. (In Phuket).


Apart from earning lots of money being a software engineer meant you could wear whatever you chose to wear, no one cared, and you could wear shorts to work if you liked, I can think of nothing more counterproductive to output than wearing a suit, etc.


Suits are for salesmen.


Here in Thailand during the day, most people wear shorts and loose-fitting soft shoes except those who have to work for a living and as I have seen in banks etc men wear a shirt tie and long trousers.


In the evenings I wear a decent pair of long trousers, soft shoes, and a shirt when going out to counter the mosquitos. 


It is never a good idea to be too well dressed, for one it is uncomfortable, two, I like to blend in with the crowd, and it is not a good idea to stand out here.


I do like to wear a suit, bowtie, etc when going to a gaudy at my Oxford University college now and then, but that is in the evening when cool, plus all the men are dressed similarly so there is no competition etc. 


I am currently sitting in one of my air-conditioned rooms in my house in Phuket, the air conditioners are Mitsubishi and work as well here as they do in any country in the world, cars, large department stores, restaurants, etc are also airconditioned, so it makes no difference if it is the hot season or any other season in Thailand. 

34 minutes ago, JamesPhuket10 said:

I am currently sitting in one of my air-conditioned rooms in my house in Phuket, the air conditioners are Mitsubishi and work as well here as they do in any country


I am here in CM, using about 70,000 BTU of Panasonic AC.

About 18 degrees C.

Not sure how well they work.

But, the temp is OK, for now.


28 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


I am here in CM, using about 70,000 BTU of Panasonic AC.

About 18 degrees C.

Not sure how well they work.

But, the temp is OK, for now.



I went back to the UK in November last year for a month to buy some property.


I stayed in a hotel for a month near the area I was going to buy.


Electric heater, I was cold so I turned it up, after the room was at a comfortable temperature I happened to look at the setting, it was set at 29 degrees. 😄


I have been in Phuket for two years so I am comfortable at a setting of 28C, the main thing is the humidity is greatly reduced so it feels cooler, I would feel ill at 18C 🙂 


I have friends living in CM but they leave when the smoke season starts and go and live in their other houses in the South for five months, there have never been any smoke problems in Phuket, my PM2.5 monitor is showing a reading of 6 at the moment. 


3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:


Most are Germans, as you probably know.



In England, we have always used trousers or pants interchangeably for men unless they are to be worn by women where they are always called pants. 


In Scotland, they are pronouced "Troosers" 🙂 

2 hours ago, JamesPhuket10 said:


In England, we have always used trousers or pants interchangeably for men unless they are to be worn by women where they are always called pants. 


In Scotland, they are pronouced "Troosers" 🙂 


And then, in NYC....there is, or once was....





So many fellow farangs would be shocked by how much wearing a button down shirt and closed toe shoes when dealing with any Thai who has a little "authority" or social status means to Thais.


I have never been harassed or given the run around when dealing with a Bank or Immigration by following this rule.


Oh, and a fresh haircut and well groomed appearance goes a long way too. 


Hi So for the hot season. GG is out styling & not pounding the keyboard at 4 AM, in a box?! 

Not Hi So, but ...

I had a skin cancer thingy removed.. The doctor said, be more proactive, as light skinned & living in Thailand. I knew I wouldn’t wear a hat, unless I liked it. Stroke of luck, a Panama Hat store on amazon, with an actual brick & mortar location in my old (old) town. Went there, got it sized, then bought two. Pricey but really like both. One is your basic Panama white & the other



res111143e21b8-9ccc-4e80-ab46-f66be745ec23 (1).jpg

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, Dcheech said:

Hi So for the hot season. GG is out styling & not pounding the keyboard at 4 AM, in a box?! 


There IS no "Hot Season" in my compound.

I have 70,000 BTU of AC power at my beck and call....

Just the flip of a switch, and I can turn the Hot Season into the Cold Season, but even colder.




I got a big ol' plastic box of uppity casual, not sure what Hi So is.  Only problem, they are for cooler weather.   Anything for warmer temps, has died long ago, since I got here in 2000.


Wife makes all the clothes now.  Too poor to shop in them fancy shops.  200 - 300 baht for shirts & pants ... outrageous :coffee1:

  • Haha 1
14 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I got a big ol' plastic box of uppity casual, not sure what Hi So is.  Only problem, they are for cooler weather.   Anything for warmer temps, has died long ago, since I got here in 2000.


Wife makes all the clothes now.  Too poor to shop in them fancy shops.  200 - 300 baht for shirts & pants ... outrageous :coffee1:


I hate shopping in malls.

I hate shopping.


Best to fabricate one's own clothes.



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