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Pc Clock & Date Keeps Changing To 9 July 2008 !


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It has happened two nights in a row now. At around midnight a count down timer comes up on my screen saying that it will shut down in 15 minutes (and it does just what it claims!). The strange thing is that the clock on my PC changes to July 9 2008 and the time advances by about an hour. I try to change it to the correct time but it reverts back to the incorrect time. After going to bed and getting up at about 7am, I can actually reset the time and date and it stays correct until midnight ish and then it goes back to the wrong date and time again! Then I get all these annoying messages saying my avast has expired. I have just woken up now, reset the time and my avast is working again. I won't be surprised if the same problem happens again late at night. After doing a scan I have detected nothing.

What could be wrong?

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I don't know of a PC that would act like that without a virus infection. Do you have Anti virus on your PC what Operating system and type PC.

also do you know what is the avast? do you have that on your system. Somehackers try to get you to buy what is needed to turn off therir virus. Spy shieff was a big one doing that with outfit in China a few years ago.

soory I rem now avast is a anti virus. It is free for home use?? maybe like sky shieff which was free for home use protection until it became the problem itself. Would remove that from your PC and try free 90 trial of windows live one care it will scan and clean PC before install then protect you it will give you 90 days to think about buying a one year deal, but won't mess with you. PS if you do have a carsh and reinstall trial you get 90 more days. And don't use NORTON it is huge slow and can cause more problems then it solves.

Edited by RKASA
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I don't know of a PC that would act like that without a virus infection. Do you have Anti virus on your PC what Operating system and type PC.

also do you know what is the avast? do you have that on your system. Somehackers try to get you to buy what is needed to turn off therir virus. Spy shieff was a big one doing that with outfit in China a few years ago.

soory I rem now avast is a anti virus. It is free for home use?? maybe like sky shieff which was free for home use protection until it became the problem itself. Would remove that from your PC and try free 90 trial of windows live one care it will scan and clean PC before install then protect you it will give you 90 days to think about buying a one year deal, but won't mess with you. PS if you do have a carsh and reinstall trial you get 90 more days. And don't use NORTON it is huge slow and can cause more problems then it solves.


Thanks for the info. I am using Avast. The free edition. I am also running XP on my PC which is using an AMD processor 1834MHZ mother board -msi corecell model ms021. The strange thing is that this morning I scanned it (after setting the clock correctly). It allowed me to do so, although last night it would not. The scan showed no viruses present but the results of the scan showed that there were a few files which were unable to be scanned.

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It could be avest is the virus. Some promoters of this free stuff do that. No harm in uninstall avast and run pre install scan from Microsoft and then try the windows live if you don't like it can always put the free avest back. other anti virus can sometimes see what others don't. should not be any file that will not scan that one rings alarm bells. did it say the file names??

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Guest Reimar

It isn't avast who create the problem.

May you go online to drweb.com and download the latest version of cureit ans scann your computer tolally! You don't need to install the program, just run the downl;oaded file and follow the screen instructions. But keep in mind, this version can't be updated if you keep it on your computer, all time to rune you need to do a new download because this download has at all time the newest database of virus when new downloading.

But for the normal use I suggest to keep avast because it's a good and free av program.

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Like I said you can put avast back on later if you like and use any program you like, But you have virus like activity the messange the count down the shut down and files that avast will not scan the clock and date being set forward and a av program that didn't stop it. I only suggest you use the one care free to clean and scan and then if you go to the point of installing it you can remove it later as well. Maybe try a fresh downloaded copy of avast after the system is clean. I wonder what happens on July 9, 2008?

I beleave what you may have is the common sassor worm, it uses the offical looking countdown display.

details: http://www.pchell.com/virus/sasser.shtml

also shows how to remove it

Edited by RKASA
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