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Foreigner Assaults Thai Man in Road Rage Incident in Pattaya

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6 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Gee you are dim.

The Swiss thug did a runner after causing the accident and then kicking the smaller Thai man while he was on the ground.

Then the police arrested the Swiss thug, Stefan,at his residence in Pratumnak because they had his license plate.


But if you want to make up your own imagined version of events and post them here, well go ahead. 


I can see how it could also have occurred that way...   Now that you've mentioned... that sounds more feasible given the reports... 

... And thats the difference between you and I.... I'm not so delusionally blinded to see 'other possibilities'.... 



Now... given the position of the motorcycles as stopped...

Who caused the accident in the first place ? 


looks to me that the Thai guy has cut across the foreigner....   


... Either parked across the front of him to block-him after an earlier 'incident'...


.... Or, that was the manoeuvre that caused the accident and then the conflict.



Screenshot 2025-03-17 at 19.30.45.png

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1 minute ago, MalcolmB said:

Ah yes, the Thai deserved it. They all do. Terrible people who should be deported.

And leave the country to the lovely Swiss, who kicked Thais in the street, who kick them on the beaches, who bash them in the supermarket and sic their dogs on the Thais on the beaches.


You've chosen scenarios in which you are correct....  


But there are also plenty of scenarios where in the face of the glaryingly obvious you still side with Thai's... I've only ever seen you side with Thai's... highlighting an overwhelming myopic pro-Thai bias...   rather than a balanced recognition that both Thai's and foreigner can also be in the wrong - because thats just 'humanity'....






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3 minutes ago, LiamB80 said:

They filed charges on the foreigner without an official complaint from the Thai person. When I’ve seen a foreigner assaulted by a Thai the police always say we can’t press charges unless the foreigner makes an official complaint. Double standard of justice definitely.


We do tend to see that a lot on reports here.


3 minutes ago, LiamB80 said:

Thai guy got served and likely had it coming.


Maybe, maybe not - thats why 'both sides' of the story should be reported - plenty of possibilities.... 


Its possible (and after MalcomB's input) its looking like...  


a) There was an accident / minor collision 

b) Looks like the Thai guy had cut up the Foreigner (either following an initial collision or that was the collision).

c) Foreigner reacted and got violent

d) The foreigner fled - police later apprehended him

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3 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:

how do you know? were you there? Did you see the lead up?


He doesn't need to... 


It won't matter what the facts are....  not one bit.... 


He will only ever see the foreigner as being at fault, no matter what happens here, he never comments when its Thai thuggery because that would force him to accept that some Thai's can also behave poorly... 

... But he will (nearly) always comment on an incident where a foreigner is involved and no matter the story, will be blaming them.... sometimes he's right, sometimes his delusional imbalance and strange anti-foreigner bias shines through. 





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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

he never comments when its Thai thuggery

This OP is about a voilent thug causing an accident, jumping on a Thai man who was on the ground and doing a runner.

I didn’t see any Thai thuggery. 
The Thai wins diffused the thug calmly.


I don’t really see a need to talk about Thai thuggery like all you victims.

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2 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

This OP is about a voilent thug causing an accident, jumping on a Thai man who was on the ground and doing a runner.

I didn’t see any Thai thuggery. 
The Thai wins diffused the thug calmly.


No disagreement from me there - it 'looks' that way to me too, though we have one side of the story, so I'd like to hear both sides, even see a full video that doesn't just show the conclusion... 


... you know.. for completeness and so we dont 'jump to conclusions'... 


2 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

I don’t really see a need to talk about Thai thuggery like all you victims.


Of course...  you wouldn't comment anyway - you never do on those threads because you are simply incapable of seeing balance and recognising that we are in fact all the same - just humans, some good, some trouble makers...   some drunk drivers, some violent thugs... 



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11 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

But he will (nearly) always comment on an incident where a foreigner is involved and no matter the story, will be blaming them.

And you will be apologizing for them BECAUSE they are a foreigner.

Members like you and Bob are entitled to your opinions on Thai people. That’s ok, not the way I would want to live here, but up to you.

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7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

even see a full video that doesn't just show the conclusion... 

Anyone who thinks this disgusting behavior is acceptable is disgusting in my opinion.


Something needs to be done about these Swiss.



  • Confused 2
16 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:
30 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

But he will (nearly) always comment on an incident where a foreigner is involved and no matter the story, will be blaming them.

And you will be apologizing for them BECAUSE they are a foreigner.

Members like you and Bob are entitled to your opinions on Thai people. That’s ok, not the way I would want to live here, but up to you.


This is where you and I differ... You are incapable of seeing the balance.


I've already highlighted that I do not condone the Foreigners actions to fight.

In the other thread (where the bounces attacked a foreigner) your comment was that they didn't hit him hard enough.


My opinions on 'Thai people' are very balanced and based on what I see...  Mostly good, just like anyone else - but some are not, just like anyone else - This comment which have repeatedly made is something that you struggle greatly with.


Regarding the way I 'live here'...  I'm meeting one of my closest friends today, he's Thai - I have many close Thai friends - our opinions overlap to a remarkable degree - they also see that some foreigners and some Thai's behave very poorly - but stereotypes are flawed. 




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5 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Stefan from Switzerland.





Are you sure ?....     but photo's of him at a police station are not proof that he caused a collision. 

This is just cleaning up after he got violent and is told to just to accept a small charge any everyone saves face......   Thats how Thailand works and it would have been the same if this were Thai on Thai and the issue became public as this did. 


That said: he 'could have' cause the accident - I'm not saying he didn't... 


I am saying, I'd like to hear both sides - the report is from 'one side'...   as is commonly the case and we already know that we can't take what we read in these reports as fact.


The Foreigner behaved like a thug and received some sort of penalty that serves as a 'sense of justice served'... 


But.. we still do not know the full story....    you have already made up your mind through... no surprise.






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17 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Anyone who thinks this disgusting behavior is acceptable is disgusting in my opinion.



I agree - this is disgusting behavior and should not be tolerated - whatever the nationality, the same goes for any other such violent events... regardless of nationality.


Strange though - you see such thuggery as disgusting when its a foreigner, when its a Thai you state that they didn't hit the foreigner hard enough.... 


Given such comments, I'd argue that your delusional bias is disgusting.


17 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Something needs to be done about these Swiss.


Because of the actions of three people who've made the news over the last year you tarnish a whole nation with your generalisation - Again, you present a complete inability to show any intelligent balance whatsoever. 




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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:




More to the story here...    I hear the foreign man shouting "this is not ok what he do"... 


... The Thai guy claimed the foreigner caused an accident then attempted to flee...  

So it appears the Thai chased down the foreigner and stopped him, then the foreigner fought back ?



Not condoning the foreigners actions at all - but why is only one side of the story ever reported ?





Not just an elderly bloke getting decked aye🙄🤣

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1 hour ago, Robert_Smith said:

....what's your opinion on Thai security guards/thugs?




Like with all other people. Most of them are good, but you read about the few who aren´t, and make up your mind after that.

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21 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

if you bother to watch the news you will see witnesses saw the accident, the Thai victim said it and the Swiss thug admitted it.

It is not in question.


You are the only one in denial.

I’ll watch the full news later - I’m keeping an open mind to all possibility’s….  But just because ‘something’ is stated in a news report it doesn’t make it factual. 


My bet is the foreigner was told to accept a simple charge & any further issues would go away…   That’s the way it’s works here. 

Also, it’s known that eye witnesses can and do lie, have lied etc- plenty of reports of that on here - so I wouldn’t naively accept that on blind faith either. 


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5 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:

There was a small traffic accident, ffs, no matter those fault it was let the Insurance/Police sort out the aftermath.

The Swiss guy is a guest in this country and by doing what he did it reflects on every Falange here weather Ex-pat or Tourist, no wonder the locals get the hump with us.

Agreed - the Swiss guy behaved atrociously….


But, fortunately‘ most Thais are smart enough not to judge us all (Foreigners) by the same negative generalisations…


That’s said in areas of high tourist footfall an underbelly of contempt can grow when more idiots behave like this. 

17 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

Not just an elderly bloke getting decked aye🙄🤣

& he didn’t kick anyone in the nurs either…. (Nothing on any of the videos showed that)….    This was just a lie made up by the bouncer who assaulted the (aggressive) foreigner to try & justify his actions…..

Malcom of course believed it because it was in print & it suits his bias rhetoric. 

28 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Because of the actions of three people who've made the news


1. The Phuket woman kicker.

2. The Trang Granny Supermarket basher.

3. The Prachuap dog biter

4. The Pattaya kicker


As you said, they are just the ones who have made the news because they were caught on camera.

Attacking women is not acceptable behavior, larger farang males attacking small Asian women is a disgrace. 


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11 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Also, it’s known that eye witnesses can and do lie, have lied etc- plenty of reports of that on here - so I wouldn’t naively accept that on blind faith either. 

Of gawd.

The Swiss thug admitted he caused the accident.

It isn’t in question who caused the accident. 
But if you really want to Rich, carry on, keep blaming the Thai.

The Thai who head butted the Swiss gentleman’s foot.

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2 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:
38 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Because of the actions of three people who've made the news


1. The Phuket woman kicker.

2. The Trang Granny Supermarket basher.

3. The Prachuap dog biter

4. The Pattaya kicker


As you said, they are just the ones who have made the news because they were caught on camera.

Attacking women is not acceptable behavior, larger farang males attacking small Asian women is a disgrace. 

Ok 4….   
your sweeping generalisation is still that of bigoted bias & a failure to show any intelligent balance… 

  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

& he didn’t kick anyone in the nurs either…. (Nothing on any of the videos showed that)….    This was just a lie made up by the bouncer who assaulted the (aggressive) foreigner to try & justify his actions…..

Malcom of course believed it because it was in print & it suits his bias rhetoric. 

Similar to the thai who head butted the Swiss gentleman’s foot, the Thai attacked the Brit’s foot with his nuts. 

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

Ok 4….   
your sweeping generalisation is still that of bigoted bias & a failure to show any intelligent balance… 

I don’t like Swiss, never have.

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