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On The Bkk - Pattaya Bus


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By the way, both girls were very pretty, but man, I pity the poor guy that wins the heart of that little Thai tigress :o:D

I'll bet anything they were bar girls.

I wouldn't.

What do you base that on? You think bargirls are more likely to be hot tempered arrogant fcuks than people (who think they are / want to be) middle class?

Yes, that's exactly what I think.

As Mobi said, there were other signs.

Pretty girls heading to Pattaya.

Pretty in whose eyes? Bargirls can have the prettiest looks for many farang.

A reasonable command of the English language.

Yep, as most bargirls do who work for with foreigners

Apparent jealousy toward a farang chick.

This I doubt. Not many Thai girls are jealous of a farang girl and Thai guy. Especially those who have meal tickets from foreign customers.

I'll put money on it.

How much? 2000 baht short-time.

So a pretty, flowery-skirted, fairer-toned officegirl might have been on that bus back to Pattaya and wanted a fight with with a farang? :D

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By the way, both girls were very pretty, but man, I pity the poor guy that wins the heart of that little Thai tigress :o:D

I'll bet anything they were bar girls.

I agree. Very few normal Thai girls would keep agitating the situation.

They were most likely hoes! :D

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I made a joking statement in an earlier post wondering what bar she worked in. I don't think they were bar girls though. As a general rule, the good looking younger bar girls tend to be better behaved--or at least not likely to create a fuss.

Some of the older more "seasoned" and "weathered" ladies who've been around the block a few times might make a scene, though.

My guess is these are young up-start yuppie types who haven't made far enough to be able to afford a car, but have enough to spend some holiday time in Pattaya. These types are a pain in the butt and very resentful of others.

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I've seen so many similar types of confrontations around Pattaya bars, with very aggressive girls shooting their mouths off.

I could be wrong on this, but I don't consider the average, working class Thai women to be very aggressive....but bargirls are scary when they get upset.

If you think about it, for a girl to go beserk like that over something as trivial as a bus seat reclining too far is quite unusual (abnormal) anywhere. I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has seen such a display anywhere in their travels, I haven't. It's very likely there are drugs involved here too.

I feel sorry for the farang lady whose boyfriend (if he was indeed her boyfriend) was too chickenshit to stand up for her. I consider that abnormal too.

It made me think about what would have happened if it was my ex-girlfriend being abused there on the bus. She was a Tai Kwon Do champion with a hot temper. She would have knocked her out for sure.

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The Thai "Boyfriend" may have just been some guy she was sitting next to (and may have made some small talk).

I know if a girl was sitting next to me and got into it with some Thai hooker i would just keep myself well out of the situation (you never know if her pimp b/f might be sitting in the next row just waiting for you to get involved).

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By the way, both girls were very pretty, but man, I pity the poor guy that wins the heart of that little Thai tigress :o:D

I'll bet anything they were bar girls.

I agree. Very few normal Thai girls would keep agitating the situation.

They were most likely hoes! :D

I agree with this, and I'll go further and say the one who exhibited such hotheaded performance more than likely has used lots of Ya ba. Even when they're not on it, I've been told it alters their behavior badly, and they become unpredictable. I saw a similar outburst in Phuket once at a restaurant, with one of them going ballistic for no apparant reason. Someone then explained to me that she had taken lots of ya ba before.

You see how easy it is to be an armchair expert?

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Based on the events, the Thai girl appear to be the more feisty one amongst the two :D . However, this does not imply that what she did was wrong....I suppose she is just more animated in expressing her discontent as compared to other Thais we normally interact daily. Strange though, not very often do you come across a good looking young Thai girl behaving this way in public :o . Maybe something to do with her social background? Maybe something to do with her unique career in Pattaya? Many possibilities.....

Anyway, the white girl did the very wise thing by not getting drawn into further conflict. It could have turned into an unpleasant episode and ruined her trip altogether.

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Anyway, the white girl did the very wise thing by not getting drawn into further conflict. It could have turned into an unpleasant episode and ruined her trip altogether.

Yeah, but she could have used a decent bitch slap. She needs to be put in her place by someone. If she always gets away with abusing tourists like that she'll only get worse.

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Seat up? Seat reclined? The excruciating moral and social dilemma of each action. The subtlties of seat lowering ettiquette, lowering too fast? Too slow? The social standing of the main players, are they hi-so, lo-so or despicable bar-girls. Who is the agrieved party? Should the agrieved party say something or, suffer in silence?

Yes folks, this thread has it all. A roaring, roller-coaster of a ride, a block-buster. Someone should buy the movie rights.

Edited by Sir Burr
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Anyway, the white girl did the very wise thing by not getting drawn into further conflict. It could have turned into an unpleasant episode and ruined her trip altogether.

Yeah, but she could have used a decent bitch slap. She needs to be put in her place by someone. If she always gets away with abusing tourists like that she'll only get worse.

The bus could have stopped next to a huge pool of mud perhaps, and let the girls wrestle in it for wagers. :o

That might be worth seeing, or pondering over incessantly....? :D

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I agree with this, and I'll go further and say the one who exhibited such hotheaded performance more than likely has used lots of Ya ba. Even when they're not on it, I've been told it alters their behavior badly, and they become unpredictable. I saw a similar outburst in Phuket once at a restaurant, with one of them going ballistic for no apparant reason. Someone then explained to me that she had taken lots of ya ba before.

You see how easy it is to be an armchair expert?

Yep, what ever the agressive girl's occupation, I'd bet she was a yaba user. She made it clear three times that she wanted a scrap (seat recline, getting off the bus and waiting on the farang girl to get off the bus.)

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A reasonable command of the English language.

Yep, as most bargirls do who work for with foreigners

Apparent jealousy toward a farang chick.

It's less often jealousy and more likely general anger towards anyone NOT selling @ss for a living (if they were indeed in that profession).

And that's not limited to sex workers -although there are probably fewer professions that are more damaging to one's psyche- , there are plenty of bitter folks in all professions who are of the type that feel they haven't gotten a fair deal in life and often don't have the discipline to actually work towards what they want ...sometimes just seeing other people have these things + a little annoyance (like a reclined seat at an inopportune moment) is enough to drive someone over the edge. In other countries, this may translate to campus violence, going postal, or road rage.

In this case, it might have been as simple as wanting to be able to 'go on a weekend holiday to the beach' instead of 'going to pumpum with their x thousandth customer or polishing the gogo poles for 6 hour shifts.'


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Anyway, the white girl did the very wise thing by not getting drawn into further conflict. It could have turned into an unpleasant episode and ruined her trip altogether.

Yeah, but she could have used a decent bitch slap. She needs to be put in her place by someone. If she always gets away with abusing tourists like that she'll only get worse.

The bus could have stopped next to a huge pool of mud perhaps, and let the girls wrestle in it for wagers. :o

That might be worth seeing, or pondering over incessantly....? :D

Pretty Farang girl vs. Pretty Thai girl....

I'd certainly pay money to see that fight!


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Seat up? Seat reclined? The excruciating moral and social dilemma of each action. The subtlties of seat lowering ettiquette, lowering too fast? Too slow? The social standing of the main players, are they hi-so, lo-so or despicable bar-girls. Who is the agrieved party? Should the agrieved party say something or, suffer in silence?

Yes folks, this thread has it all. A roaring, roller-coaster of a ride, a block-buster. Someone should buy the movie rights.

:o Love it! Sums up this thread completely and made me laugh out loud! I can't believe I have read every page of this thread!

The strangest things can get you hooked! :D

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Seat up? Seat reclined? The excruciating moral and social dilemma of each action. The subtlties of seat lowering ettiquette, lowering too fast? Too slow? The social standing of the main players, are they hi-so, lo-so or despicable bar-girls. Who is the agrieved party? Should the agrieved party say something or, suffer in silence?

Yes folks, this thread has it all. A roaring, roller-coaster of a ride, a block-buster. Someone should buy the movie rights.

:o Love it! Sums up this thread completely and made me laugh out loud! I can't believe I have read every page of this thread!

The strangest things can get you hooked! :D

surreal behavior

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One of the banes of my life is selfish people who insist on reclining their seat when there is obviously minimal space for the person behind. Typically it happens on planes, and makes me very uncomfortable, and not a little upset.

I cannot comment on why this girl became so hysterical - maybe it was the presence of a Thai boyfriend - but if this has happened to her many times before (as it has me) I can certainly sympathise with her loss of control.

There but for the grace of God.....etc


Aircraft seats and seats on other mass transportation were designed to make a less than optimal trip a little more comfortable.

If one doesn't like it one should take a private limo or a private jet.

What do ya think?

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Typical racist angry anti-farang behavior. Have seen similar on the BKK - Pattaya bus and from low class black trash women in NYC.

So, the girl on the bus was being racist, in your opinion? (Very possible) But the second part of your statement isn't racist? :o How can you deride (possible) racism in another, yet practice it yourself? :D

Reporting facts is not racism.

To whit:

1. Exhibited "low class" angry behavior (low class is not racist)

2. The ho was indeed "black" (black is not racist)

3. She had a "trashy" appearance (trashy is not racist)

Of course Fat Al (Sharpton) and many racist police would agree with your claim

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Typical racist angry anti-farang behavior. Have seen similar on the BKK - Pattaya bus and from low class black trash women in NYC.

So, the girl on the bus was being racist, in your opinion? (Very possible) But the second part of your statement isn't racist? :D How can you deride (possible) racism in another, yet practice it yourself? :D

Reporting facts is not racism.

To whit:

1. Exhibited "low class" angry behavior (low class is not racist)

2. The ho was indeed "black" (black is not racist)

3. She had a "trashy" appearance (trashy is not racist)

Of course Fat Al (Sharpton) and many racist police would agree with your claim

Of course you're not racist! Now you've explained it, I retract my previous statement with apologies. No rational, sane person could ever see what you've written as racist. You are absolutely correct - it's just a collection of facts. :o

About the "ho" comment. I know that you're not trying to be derogatory & this is a proven fact too. Eeerrrmm, how do you know it's a fact?

Completely off topic & just out of interest, I've been wondering for some time... How old is that girl in your avatar?

Edit - typo

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Anyway, the white girl did the very wise thing by not getting drawn into further conflict. It could have turned into an unpleasant episode and ruined her trip altogether.

Yeah, but she could have used a decent bitch slap. She needs to be put in her place by someone. If she always gets away with abusing tourists like that she'll only get worse.

The bus could have stopped next to a huge pool of mud perhaps, and let the girls wrestle in it for wagers. :D

That might be worth seeing, or pondering over incessantly....? :D

To get involved in a cat brawl with a raging stranger is the last thing you want on your holiday :D . Unless it was mugging, it's a no-no for me. She must have weighted her options thoroughly and decided it was just not worth it. Who knows, if it was her home turf, she propably would have given some.

Mud wrestling???? great thought though :o !!!!!!!!

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There's nothing worse than an interesting thread going to the pack because someone starts screaming "Racism".

It's nonsense to bring races into this...

At worst, it's a case of extreme nationalism or xenophobia.

In the end she's probably just an angry girl (perhaps drug induced) who needed some outlet and the fact that her target was farang was convenient for her.

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not being there, you can't really make an opinion.

personally, if I pay for my seat, I believe I have the right to recline my seat. if the person behind is big, he or she should consider getting 2 seats. it is not my problem if they are so big, they are taking up my space. space that I paid for. right?

selfish? consider this. have you had a fat person sit next to you on a bus before? I have. their body usually intrudes into your seat forcing you to cramp up, or move to accommodate their bigger body. what do you call that?

same thing.

on the question of racism.. I don't know about you people. but there is definitely a lot more animousity towards foreigners. more so than a few years ago. you read in the papers. you see in the streets. anybody who has lived here for a long time can see the changes. it's a fact. and not a figment of someones imagination.

what to do about it? nothing much you can do about it, really. you can take it or leave.

why it exists at the level that it is at? I don't know. probably a combination of many factors. one being - life is getting tougher here for many thai people. frankly, I am really surprised at how tough, many thai people are. living day to day is not easy. I thought living month to month, paycheck to paycheck, was tough enough. imagine living day to day? I think if I was faced with this scenario, I would just give up, and jump off some roof somewhere. honest.

back to the main topic... I think the farang chic showed some class. and the thai girl was out of line if she didn't even bother to ask the farang girl to raise her seat prior to going balistic.

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personally, if I pay for my seat, I believe I have the right to recline my seat. if the person behind is big, he or she should consider getting 2 seats. it is not my problem if they are so big, they are taking up my space. space that I paid for. right?

selfish? consider this. have you had a fat person sit next to you on a bus before? I have. their body usually intrudes into your seat forcing you to cramp up, or move to accommodate their bigger body. what do you call that?

Since it is OK to hurrass fat people, how about skinny people with long legs? Should they have to buy two seats and sit sideways so you can recline an extra 2 inches, instead of of using a little common courtesy and not putting your seat back so far? :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There's nothing worse than an interesting thread going to the pack because someone starts screaming "Racism".

It's nonsense to bring races into this...

At worst, it's a case of extreme nationalism or xenophobia.

In the end she's probably just an angry girl (perhaps drug induced) who needed some outlet and the fact that her target was farang was convenient for her.

Don't you just love it :D

She's a whore, a jealous harridan, a racist and now a drug addict :D

(And before you start flaming me, I'm as guilty as anyone else. :o )

This thread is danger of going on longer than the infamous "processed chicken" thread which ran for many days and ended in flame wars and bannings :D

PS Nobody seems to have accused her of being lesbian yet. After all she did have a female companion.

Maybe the farang lady was an ex? :D

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