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Drug Tests In Schools


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I am a student at one of Bangkok's many private universities. On arrival to my lectures today I was shepparded into an area full of other confused students and handed a small plastic beaker and frog-marched to the bathroom.

The samples were them tested (with what looked like a pregnancy test) for drugs. Interestingly none of the local students though this at all strange, personally I was thinking more along the lines of invasion of privacy, human rights etc......

Can anyone shed any light on the dubious legallity of this event especially as there weren't any members of the police force present?

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Most probably not legal, without you parents consent.

Unless you are already 20 and you consented.

It was an entry requirement for my son's High School.

My wife and I had no problems about it.

Edited by astral
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If by chance you are a Thai,then take your best shot if you want to change something.

If you are farang,keep your mouth shut,it is none of your business what goes on,either accept it and be happy or get your shit together and go home, why do you think that we are not really wanted here,not our business to change how they do things.

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Human rights ... does it have any many meaning in Thailand? :D

like it has been said ... follow their rules (changed and updated on a daily basis)

or leave ...

this is what toxin means ... keep the f$ck shut up or go away from our wonderful country full of toxin rightness :o


ps: mind you it's absolutly illegal, unless you are 20 years old or with parents's agreement.

Edited by francois
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If we're talking abuse of human rights, I'd say the rest of the 'developed' world has caught up with Thailand.

Is it legal to tast for drugs in school? Is it 'legal' to gun down a couple of thousand alleged drugs traffickers? Course it is - 'all is fair in love and war', and Toxin has declared a War Against Drugs.

Is it legal to round up, torture and incarcarate indefinately without trial alleged Muslims? Course it is - 'all is fair in love and war', and Bush has declared a 'War on Terrorism'.

Human Rights, Freedom, Democracy - all notions that went out with Marxist-Leninism and other outdated ideals in the New World Order.

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