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Pui (posting Under The Influence)


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Have you ever woken up the next morning after making a post and had little recollection of what you had written. I'm not a drunk, but on occasion I have made intoxicated posts.

A Thai Visa "Impaired Forum" might be a good idea. Any post with extemely bad grammar and multiple misspelling could be move to this forum by the moderator.

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Any post with extemely bad grammar and multiple misspelling could be move to this forum by the moderator.

If this was done, there would be a few posters who you would never read anywhere else. :o

Perhaps a better idea would be an automatic posting "spell checker" - the post would be rejected if it had too many spelling mistakes. Unfortunately this would not stop some of the more erudite members who would continue to post correctly spelt rubbish. :D

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I'll admit to doing it. :D

Maybe, my computer should have some form of brethalyser on it, so if I am over a certain limit it won't let me log on :o

If we had listening to Mr Thaksin then we'd all have breathalysers on our keyboards and this wouldn't be a problem.

Yet another example of the great man's thinking gone unappreciated. Let's hope that he'll be back soon.

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