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noun : a man whose wife committed adultery verb : be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage; "She cheats on her husband"

Nay,' says he, 'I do not think to clear my hands of her; for, to be plain with you, madam,' added he, 'I am no contended cuckold neither: on the other hand, I assure you it provokes me the highest degree, but I can't help myself; she that will be a whore, will be a whore.

The Fortunes & Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe

Fact: 3 million British dad's are unaware that the child(s) they are bringing up, are not their own. Experts estimate this figure after a huge survey. Due to DNA home testing kits, and internet services, women can no longer keep their age old lie about the real father. Certain women support groups are protesting aqainst these DIY kits and services, calling for them to be banned.

Now I know many people with children, and most of them have their fathers features. I do know one person who's son looks nothing like him. I'm saying nothing.

Now with a Thai baby, it would be even harder for a falang father, to see his features. The Thai lady could easily put it down to her Thai genes etc, and the baby could look nothing like the father.

Are you 100% sure the child is yours?

Has anyone tried DNA testing on their child?

I'm sure I would.

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