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Property Prices In Huah Hin


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We originally had thought Florida presented good possibilities for retirement but after three trips there in 2005-6 we changed our minds. Property prices were going up faster than California where they've been busy giving mortgages to anyone with a heartbeat.

You might be better off right now renting or staying put rather than trying to find a decent deal anywhere, not just in HH.

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If you have cash and can move quickly there are big bargains to be had in the US sunbelt.


Three years ago the US$ was worth about CDN$1.20, nice Florida condos were about US$250K, i.e. CDN$300K.

Today the sub-prime crisis has led to fire sales and some of these same condos may now be discounted 30%.

So, US$250 less 30% = US$195 or so and the CDN$ is about par with the greenback so huge bargains if you look around and have Euros or CDN$ ready.

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Cha am is really kiking off. Quite a few developments going up & seems to be new bars & restaurants opening on a daily basis.Beach is absolutly fantastic this time of year as well....hasnt rained for about a month or even longer...Properties selling & prices rising but still great value compared to other areas of Thailand

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In my opinion Cha-Am is very overrated. I would call it a dump.

The beach is nothing special, more overcrowded with the stupid parasols.

Available houses for sale/rent is way too expensive for what you get. Something like 'sport village' houses are 10-15K per month and around 2M to buy. I would not want to live there for free. Other areas like some condo's look nice but are located very close to the 'slums'.

So you see, it is really difficult to put a price-tag on land/houses in Thailand. It is so very personal!

I considered it for a while and spend some time there to evaluate. Within a week i wanted to get the he_ll out of there.

Agree with Klikster about the Ban Krut area. Nice, but for many too quiet.

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I agree, Sports village is a dump...looks like you were quoted Farang price, I stayed there last year & my mate only 2 months ago, we both only paid 6k a month.

Have you seen the beach recently?.....absolutley stunning.Lots of places dont have the umbrellas now.

Land, Houses & Condos are all selling quickly....I have been looking for some more land, cant believe when I phone...sold, sold,sold!!!

Some of the town houses need a bit of tarting up but hey apart from that the atmosphere now is fantastic....a bit like Samui was 5 years ago with the property buzz. Whatever it is Cha am is certainly selling & prices rising....just something else....I have been approached 3 times in the last 4 weeks by private buyers asking if I want to sell my excisting house.....prove is in the pudding as they say

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The last time I was in Hua Hin (3 months ago) I was surprised to see how many central estate agents had closed, even as more were opening up.

In Pattaya the high season has been busy for tourists but not property sales - according to reliable estate agents here, but the amount of speculative new developments make me think it is getting more like Hua Hin - lots of better quality developers, more expensive developments, higher prices, no buyers. I believe it can't go on.

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Last summer I was amazed at how many new estate agents there were in HH in the six months since my previous visit.

Its easy to open up and actually pay the rent when a market is hot but once it slows or flattens out only the good ones who know the market and have resources will survive. Too many of them are selling the same things but the market will winnow things out IMO.

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