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What Long-term Visa For A Farang Farang Couple?

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Me, Swiss, just returned again to Thailand with a fresh Multiple Non-O-Visa from Hull that I literally got issued within 2 !! minutes on no money to show

and no questions whatsoever being asked. However this is not the issue.

The problem is a Kiwi Farang Farang couple who spent their working life in Australia. They entered the country with their first Multiple Non-O-Visa on 15.11.2006 that was issued in Brisbane on 6.11.2006. They had above visa changed into “Retirement” in Kho Samui on 5.2.2007 based on THB 800’000

in a joint Thai bank account for 3 months, because they did not want to do the border runs.

Now they were told by Mukda Han Immigration, where they have sent in their 90 days reports lately, that starting from 1.9.2007 that sum in the bank for a Farang Farang couple has to be THB 1’600’000 during 3 months, which they of course do not like at all.

They are considering to go back to Aussi land and “downgrade” to a Multiple Non-O-Visa leaving the initial THB 800’000 in the bank. However, they also look forward to any better and more reasonable solutions in terms of Visas, Places of application, Money tied up in a Thai bank, etc. etc.

All your recommendations are therefore welcome and highly appreciated. Thank you very much.

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The probably most useless response I've seen in a while.

Anyways, if they cannot afford the 1.6M in the bank for both of them, their best option is probably to reconsider retiring to Thailand at all. Who can guarantee them that in 2 years it won't be 3.2M? Or a limit to multiple entry "O" visas?

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...Kiwi Farang Farang couple who spent their working life in Australia. They entered the country with their first Multiple Non-O-Visa on 15.11.2006 that was issued in Brisbane on 6.11.2006. They had above visa changed into “Retirement” in Kho Samui on 5.2.2007 based on THB 800’000 in a joint Thai bank account for 3 months, because they did not want to do the border runs.

Now they were told by Mukda Han Immigration, where they have sent in their 90 days reports lately, that starting from 1.9.2007 that sum in the bank for a Farang Farang couple has to be THB 1’600’000 during 3 months, which they of course do not like at all.

Yes, there is such new rule. It is discussed in this topic.



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Just a thought.

I wonder if you could get away with offsetting the extensions by 6 months (use a couple of tourist visas). Then move the 800,000 between bank accounts 4 months before each extension, complies with the letter of the law if not the spirit :o

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