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Live Fish In A Basket At The Local Market


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Like I say, if you went to a Slaughterhouse and saw what went on, you would probably be put off meat for life.

When us westerners go to a Supermarket we are buying meat that has been processed already, it's laid out on nice little trays or pre packed.

We call cow..Beef

We call Pig..... Pork.

And baby sheep...Lamb.

We use these names cos if we actually called the meat by what animal it came from, it may not seem so appetising.

No. The reason is that the words for the animals are Saxon words , because Saxons breeded the animals, animals whose meat was eaten by their lords, the Normans, who called the meats with their words.

Then came Robin Hood and Saxons and Normans became all equal English citizens, but the different words for animals and their meats kept on :o

Edited by Edonista
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Yeah I never like seeing the live fish thing either, but here is a crazy idea I have............Why not actually keep the fish in more then 1 inch of water when they are in a bucket. The customer will see that they are still swimming about, therefore fresh.

I don't understand why you always see half a dozen semi-live catfish or something flopping over each other fighting over a couple of inches of water ?? I mean why not just let them breath a bit before they go for the chop ?

Fish - and Eels - don't "breath" water, they extract oxygen from water using their gills.

Put a fish in a bucket with one foot of still water and you will suffocate it because there is no way for more oxygen to enter the water once the initial amount has been consumed. That's why you see tanks in restaraunts with small air compressors pumping air through the water.

Eels, (and some other marine life, Catfish and Mud Skippers for example) can directly breath air or extract oxygen from water, so in markets where you commonly see them in a bowl with an inch or so of water they are breathing air - the water is only there to keep them relatively cool.


Edited by p_brownstone
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