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Thailand Dropping Out Of Global Community


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I really doubt this was written by a Thai, whatever the picture on the blog.

The writing style lacks any of the usual Thai English "idioms" (it's always interesting to me that you can often see the underlying structure of a speaker's first language by noting the kind of mistakes she makes when speaking yours), yet it's nowhere near flawless enough to to suggest a very well educated Thai with perfect English.

There's a bit too much harping on about the fate of retirees. Why this insistence? Like Guesthouse, I think the poster is mostly likely a retiree or soon-to-be-retiree to Thailand, pretending to be Thai to attach some credibility to his missive -- pretty lame. :o

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Been hunting myself, seems to be a blog by a user who appears to be a Thai businesswoman.



oh ok, it's a blog...

Thank you for finding it... :o

It didn't show up on any news or opinion searches using the Nation's search engine. The blogs aren't covered by it.

(edit)... that reminds me, didn't one of Gentleman Scamp's identities on here used to be a Tawan?

Edited by sriracha john
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His problem is not the junta, but hotel occupancy

So naive the post is.

I agree. The article sounds interesting... because its tone changes a bit...

However, and this is the main critic I would make toward thai people, they never go to the end of a reasoning.

Too shy ? I don't know. But the writer doesn't (or is not willing to) connect the dots.

He's listing some issues (real), he's raising some questions, but he doesn't point the causes... He doesn't name the... "special interests". :o

We stay on the surface of the problems.

Edited by cclub75
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I really doubt this was written by a Thai, whatever the picture on the blog.

The writing style lacks any of the usual Thai English "idioms" (it's always interesting to me that you can often see the underlying structure of a speaker's first language by noting the kind of mistakes she makes when speaking yours), yet it's nowhere near flawless enough to to suggest a very well educated Thai with perfect English.

There's a bit too much harping on about the fate of retirees. Why this insistence? Like Guesthouse, I think the poster is mostly likely a retiree or soon-to-be-retiree to Thailand, pretending to be Thai to attach some credibility to his missive -- pretty lame. :D

coudn't be that the blogger a real thai woman and the husband a farang retiree? :o

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Been hunting myself, seems to be a blog by a user who appears to be a Thai businesswoman.

You'll be telling me next that I'm Humphrey Bogart

You mean you're not??!!

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world" Guesthouse had to tell us like this...

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Whoever wrote it (and I really don't care who..), it is pretty true, and seems to encompass a lot of the views expressed on this forum and others. Thailand is getting increasingly nationalistic and reactionary largely due to populist politicians and feudalistic cliques that cannot exist amidst an educated, outward-looking, and aware population. However, having said that; as long there is an abundance of cheap golf and sexually pliant women here, I don't honestly give a flying fig. :o

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I really doubt this was written by a Thai, whatever the picture on the blog.

The writing style lacks any of the usual Thai English "idioms" (it's always interesting to me that you can often see the underlying structure of a speaker's first language by noting the kind of mistakes she makes when speaking yours), yet it's nowhere near flawless enough to to suggest a very well educated Thai with perfect English.

There's a bit too much harping on about the fate of retirees. Why this insistence? Like Guesthouse, I think the poster is mostly likely a retiree or soon-to-be-retiree to Thailand, pretending to be Thai to attach some credibility to his missive -- pretty lame. :D

coudn't be that the blogger a real thai woman and the husband a farang retiree? :o

I was thinking along the same lines as you actually.

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Surely, there are thousands of well educated Thais who could have written the letter. Its lack of Thai idiomatic expressions in English is a point. Its position of pro-expatriate, pro-farang, however, is more likely to be written by a spouse of a farang.

Revolutions, both violent and nonviolent, are not fomented by the elite who are in power. Revolutions in modern, developing nations usually start from disenchanted, disenfranchised urban elites who are frozen out of the center of power. Thaksin was such an elite, and they usually stir up the various urban and ethnic underpowered cliques to gain power. We are seeing the downfall of such a nonviolent revolution, and the reactionary results. But that is probably unrelated or off topic. Thai nationalism and distaste for 'foreign invaders' of all types is centuries old, ingrained in the culture.

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My wife could have easily wrote such a post.

A) She lived in the US for 6 years, went through the immigration process, gained a fisrt hand experience of life as a forienger living in the US. Easily done, and done by millions every year.

:o Now she sees the litteral cow CR@P I go through in Thailand.

In my work I rub shoulders among educators and the business elites. It amazes me how much the educators are in the dark ages. But the business class are conected with reality.... and the current learders consult with the educators for leadership advice. Very scary....

This place is really taking a nose dive, without a bit of grace.

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This, written by a Thai...

i bet any amount that this was written by a farang :o

yup, I'm with Dr. Water. This was absolutely written by a farang.

And how would you know, "absolutely"? It's impossible to know that.

Very likely written by a Thai with a global perspective. I've seen such articles written by Thais before.

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I have serious doubts as to whether this article was written by a Thai national....

At the very least a Thai (or a Thai of dual nationality parotage) who has lived abroad for the greater part of their life...

Most likely an expat living in Thailand.


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Been hunting myself, seems to be a blog by a user who appears to be a Thai businesswoman.

You'll be telling me next that I'm Humphrey Bogart

You mean you're not??!!

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world" Guesthouse had to tell us like this...

I was misinformed.

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Sadly it doesn't matter how well the article was written because most of the people who will vote in the next government don't or wont read English. Now if the article was translated and published in a Thai newspaper, that might have some impact.

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