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New Model Toyota Pickup


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All in all not that much in it to choose one over the other except for finance offers and ease of purchase.I gues I'd have been happy in either and I did hire a Vigo for a month beforehand.

What finance offers were available between the 2?

Firstly, due to my missus being from Buriram, getting it in her name here in Pattaya was a no no unless we either forked out a large deposit (circa 30-40%) or had a guarantor from either Chonburi, a neighbouring province or Bangkok. The same deposit was for me here in my name. We wanted a low deposit and so we bought it from her province, no guanantor at 20-25% but her mother stood in at 15% deposit so we "saved" 15-25% cash we would have otherwise had to put down.

Now in Pattaya, Toyota rules, whereas in Buriram, Isuzu rules. Initially, Toyota Buriram (actually Nang Rong) made the best deal but as we wanted an auto we would have had to go for the 4*4 unless we got one of the low riders which look strange to us. 4*4 needs a much bigger deposit for anyone, Thai or westerner.

We went to Isuzu one last time as her mother's boyfriend had bought one cash and said we needed a deal which bettered his deal (his was cash) and bettered Toyota. They gave us a deal.

Now finance in thailand is a mathematical screw up. They do not use a depreciating balance so you effectively pay interest on the whole amount borrowed in each of the 48 months. The net effect is to raise the interest rate. The real rate was about 3% but in fact it works out over 5%.Still ok for us.

We wanted blue but got another 50k off for black. They said they were not making blue ones for a month (I found one the next day in Pattaya !). All the insurances etc. free servicing, tints, bars, tank of gas, internal wheel guards and some other things. About 35-40k at list price but which we would have bought anyway.

The 50k swung it really as well as the 15% down when Toyota would not go below 20%. Just a bank book, no salary slips or tax papers (all she has is an account which I put money into each month - so sort of job !). They agreed all that up front.

However, in the smaller Toyota garage in Pattaya, there is a young guy who speaks near perfect english and he said he could fix it for 15% deposit but no more cash off so I don't know if true really.

The thing about finance is that if you are refused, then it becomes more difficult to re apply. In the boonies, they sort of know everyone, come to your house and see my hired Toyota, a new Isuzu, etc. and they rubber stamp it because they know the family. In Pattaya they need to be more thorough.

If the Hi Lux 4*4 exclusive which was list price of 899k including leather and auto etc. was available on say 20% I would have bought that but not at 40% deposit and umpteen other conditions.

I needed a truck or car as my missus was expecting our baby in the July (came July 17th) and the "guarantee" from Isuzu was too good to turn down. The extra few baht each month for a higher finance amount is neither hear nor there but the extra 250k deposit on the Toyota 4*4 was better in our bank.

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Hope it looks a lot better than the current ugly thing.

So that's how you've accumulated nearly 7000 posts by adding stuff not relevant to the post. Another plonker!

Yeah, he's pretty good at that but does come out with something useful every thousand posts or so. :o

Not sure about the new pickup. Not long bought a Prerunner - the type that'd go right over Neeranam's poof wagon without blinking - and think I still would have even if I knew there was a brand new version coming out. The current Vigo is a proven, solid bit of kit and a big hit. Who's to say a brand new version wouldn't be a clunker? Best to hang back until they get a reputation IMO :D

i have owned or driven all the 4x4s here, this is the business i am in, the vigo is the best, navara ( which i have for another month ) is no comparison, the dmax/colorado noisy and the one i drove with 60000 kms was loose,.triton, ok, ,toytota is not number one for no reason, all you slagging it off have an inferior vehicle if you have another make, period ( my opinion ) motor dealer for 35 years,.

Just curious, but whys the Nissan Navara no comparison? Expand please.

The navara is giving away 500 cc to the vigo for a start and even though nissan claim more torque its not in the bottom rev range or first 3 gears,.its quite good in the top 3 gears as they have mapped the injection this way,off the line its lethargic,it feels looser on the road and though its shocks seem good the ride is wallowy ,.the manual gearbox is awful, floppy and feels cheap,.interior space is good,.i wanted to like this truck but im disapointed,.im not one that bashes vehicles for no reason ,.usually customers /owners that have bought something will feircely stand by there decision, im off back to a toyota,.i have had no problems with the truck,.but a toyota it is not,.i am actually fitting a power up unit tomorrow that re maps the fuel for more low down power,i imported it from germany,.gives more torque and increases bhp to 205, we,ll see,.
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All in all not that much in it to choose one over the other except for finance offers and ease of purchase.I gues I'd have been happy in either and I did hire a Vigo for a month beforehand.

What finance offers were available between the 2?

Firstly, due to my missus being from Buriram, getting it in her name here in Pattaya was a no no unless we either forked out a large deposit (circa 30-40%) or had a guarantor from either Chonburi, a neighbouring province or Bangkok. The same deposit was for me here in my name. We wanted a low deposit and so we bought it from her province, no guanantor at 20-25% but her mother stood in at 15% deposit so we "saved" 15-25% cash we would have otherwise had to put down.

Now in Pattaya, Toyota rules, whereas in Buriram, Isuzu rules. Initially, Toyota Buriram (actually Nang Rong) made the best deal but as we wanted an auto we would have had to go for the 4*4 unless we got one of the low riders which look strange to us. 4*4 needs a much bigger deposit for anyone, Thai or westerner.

We went to Isuzu one last time as her mother's boyfriend had bought one cash and said we needed a deal which bettered his deal (his was cash) and bettered Toyota. They gave us a deal.

Now finance in thailand is a mathematical screw up. They do not use a depreciating balance so you effectively pay interest on the whole amount borrowed in each of the 48 months. The net effect is to raise the interest rate. The real rate was about 3% but in fact it works out over 5%.Still ok for us.

We wanted blue but got another 50k off for black. They said they were not making blue ones for a month (I found one the next day in Pattaya !). All the insurances etc. free servicing, tints, bars, tank of gas, internal wheel guards and some other things. About 35-40k at list price but which we would have bought anyway.

The 50k swung it really as well as the 15% down when Toyota would not go below 20%. Just a bank book, no salary slips or tax papers (all she has is an account which I put money into each month - so sort of job !). They agreed all that up front.

However, in the smaller Toyota garage in Pattaya, there is a young guy who speaks near perfect english and he said he could fix it for 15% deposit but no more cash off so I don't know if true really.

The thing about finance is that if you are refused, then it becomes more difficult to re apply. In the boonies, they sort of know everyone, come to your house and see my hired Toyota, a new Isuzu, etc. and they rubber stamp it because they know the family. In Pattaya they need to be more thorough.

If the Hi Lux 4*4 exclusive which was list price of 899k including leather and auto etc. was available on say 20% I would have bought that but not at 40% deposit and umpteen other conditions.

I needed a truck or car as my missus was expecting our baby in the July (came July 17th) and the "guarantee" from Isuzu was too good to turn down. The extra few baht each month for a higher finance amount is neither hear nor there but the extra 250k deposit on the Toyota 4*4 was better in our bank.

Did you actually come across one of these on sale as there is supposed to be not any around?

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See one ? I saw many. Could have bought 10 if I wanted.

The list price of my Isuzu Highlander was 792k, the equivalent Vido was about 20k cheaper and the Exclusice 100k dearer. Finance 100k over 4 years and you have only 2k per month or so but it was the extra deposit which threw me.

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See one ? I saw many. Could have bought 10 if I wanted.

The list price of my Isuzu Highlander was 792k, the equivalent Vido was about 20k cheaper and the Exclusice 100k dearer. Finance 100k over 4 years and you have only 2k per month or so but it was the extra deposit which threw me.


Been to dealers in Bangkapi Bangkok, Hua Hin and Cha am and all 3 told me 'No Available No More'. Looks like I'll have to trawl the streets of Bangkok unless anyone has any other ideas. (Head office with a stock list I must be dreaming!)

Edited by jflundy
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It's my understanding that Toyota is offering an Exclusive version of the Pre Runner in white color, however it doesn't have 4-wheel drive nor does it have an automatic transmission. I believe there is also a 2-door extended cab white colored version offered, however the 4-door, 4-wheel drive with auto transmission is no longer manufactured. There may still be some leftover models available for sale, but I seriously doubt it unless the dealer has jacked up the price so high that nobody will buy it.

Edited by PattayaDavid
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It's my understanding that Toyota is offering an Exclusive version of the Pre Runner in white color, however it doesn't have 4-wheel drive nor does it have an automatic transmission. I believe there is also a 2-door extended cab white colored version offered, however the 4-door, 4-wheel drive with auto transmission is no longer manufactured. There may still be some leftover models available for sale, but I seriously doubt it unless the dealer has jacked up the price so high that nobody will buy it.

This is also my understanding. However have heard that another batch of exclusives may be on the way.

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Is there a thread somewhere that compares the different make of pick up vehicles anywhere?? :o

There is a thread that has the link to a Bangkok Post article which compares all the trucks (Toyota came first). It was about 4 months ago or go to the BP site and search the archives

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It's my understanding that Toyota is offering an Exclusive version of the Pre Runner in white color, however it doesn't have 4-wheel drive nor does it have an automatic transmission. I believe there is also a 2-door extended cab white colored version offered, however the 4-door, 4-wheel drive with auto transmission is no longer manufactured. There may still be some leftover models available for sale, but I seriously doubt it unless the dealer has jacked up the price so high that nobody will buy it.

This is also my understanding. However have heard that another batch of exclusives may be on the way.

From the dealer in Phuket today,

Want white can have but not till january. 900 were made in white and all have been sold (official records at least)

New run then.

New model yes December , price , couldnt tell me

old model no discount (official anyway) availiable yet , sure not much longer though b4 they have to clear the old model , so hang fire for a month or two is what he said.

used the same dealer for the last purchase and got a great deal , so gave the guy 5,000 as a cheers.

looks like thats about to pay dividends !

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It's my understanding that Toyota is offering an Exclusive version of the Pre Runner in white color, however it doesn't have 4-wheel drive nor does it have an automatic transmission. I believe there is also a 2-door extended cab white colored version offered, however the 4-door, 4-wheel drive with auto transmission is no longer manufactured. There may still be some leftover models available for sale, but I seriously doubt it unless the dealer has jacked up the price so high that nobody will buy it.

This is also my understanding. However have heard that another batch of exclusives may be on the way.

From the dealer in Phuket today,

Want white can have but not till january. 900 were made in white and all have been sold (official records at least)

New run then.

New model yes December , price , couldnt tell me

old model no discount (official anyway) availiable yet , sure not much longer though b4 they have to clear the old model , so hang fire for a month or two is what he said.

used the same dealer for the last purchase and got a great deal , so gave the guy 5,000 as a cheers.

looks like thats about to pay dividends !

Unless he's pulling your plonker!

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What a load of hassle just to buy a truck for a decent price.

I was all set on buying the New Vigo when it came out, but with all this talk about 6 month waiting lists and varying prices I might just hire the old (current) model for a few months, or stick to driving what I have now for another year - I know it's supply and demand, but I always thought that "it's easy to buy and difficult to sell". Not when buying a truck here it seems - can't be bothered with the hassle really...

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What a load of hassle just to buy a truck for a decent price.

I was all set on buying the New Vigo when it came out, but with all this talk about 6 month waiting lists and varying prices I might just hire the old (current) model for a few months, or stick to driving what I have now for another year - I know it's supply and demand, but I always thought that "it's easy to buy and difficult to sell". Not when buying a truck here it seems - can't be bothered with the hassle really...

what you on about, waiting lists for what?

Edited by jflundy
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What a load of hassle just to buy a truck for a decent price.

I was all set on buying the New Vigo when it came out, but with all this talk about 6 month waiting lists and varying prices I might just hire the old (current) model for a few months, or stick to driving what I have now for another year - I know it's supply and demand, but I always thought that "it's easy to buy and difficult to sell". Not when buying a truck here it seems - can't be bothered with the hassle really...

what you on about, waiting lists for what?

Take a wild guess!

There is a clue is in the title of the thread, if you still can't work it out you could take the time to read the whole thread and work out that waiting lists for a Vigo are being discussed...

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well seeing as i started the thread...................

There is not a waiting list

It appears the waiting time is down to the dealer and what he has in stock. When i bought my vigo ( 3.0 manual 4x4 diesel non pre runner double cab) i could have black straight away, white in a week and a month for other colours.Other dealers waiting times varied.I waited a month for the silver i wanted.

I am very happy with it indeed and would only change to a new model if i could see genuine improvements. I agree the brakes could be sharper , so i had the the workshop adjust the settings on the brake pedal.That imroved the response greatly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was speaking to a toyota guy in Big C the other day and he told me only the 2 door cab is changing. With this you will have a small door on each side to access the back seat.

He said the 4 door cab would remain exactly the same. Could anyone confirm this and secondly what's the waiting time approx for a 4 door 4wd Vigo on average?

Many thanks

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I was speaking to a toyota guy in Big C the other day and he told me only the 2 door cab is changing. With this you will have a small door on each side to access the back seat.

If true about the "Jump Doors" behind the regular doors on the 2 Door, then it looks like I will finally be spending my Baht for a new truck... Having looked at all the brands / models available I really prefer both the looks and performance of the Toyota, but due to the lack of the "Jump Doors" was almost ready to purchase a Nissan...

I guess that I will need to hold off for a few months and see what Toyota ends up coming out with...


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OMG! 22k pounds for the Hilux in the UK. That is like over 1.5 million baht!

I was told yesterday that the prerunner 4dr, waiting time is about 10 days. Free 1st class insurance, tags and licenses. Depending on your credit with Thanachart bank, the dealer requests 15% deposit, or 25% for the 4x4. But my bank will allow me to get it for 10% deposit.

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OMG! 22k pounds for the Hilux in the UK. That is like over 1.5 million baht!

I was told yesterday that the prerunner 4dr, waiting time is about 10 days. Free 1st class insurance, tags and licenses. Depending on your credit with Thanachart bank, the dealer requests 15% deposit, or 25% for the 4x4. But my bank will allow me to get it for 10% deposit.

Can you please explain why you can get away with 10%

We had to put 15% but were told that 10% would require all manner of guarantees.

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