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Non Imm O Visa Exit/return On Expiry Date Or Before?

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Hi, my non imm O visa expires on the 20th Sept. So as the Visa states must be utilised before 20th September am I right in assuming that in order to get another 90 days I need to do it on the 19th or before, as opposed to leaving on the 20th?

Or can I just get an extension? I can stay until the 23rd October as my last visa run was nearly 2 months ago. Do I have any options here or definately need to leave this month to get another 90 days?


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There is no option to extend a 90 day stay longer than 7 days (unless you are talking yearly extensions of stay).

You should return on the 19th or before on a multi entry non immigrant O visa if it must be utilized before the 20th.

Ok, thanks for clarifying.

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Hi, my non imm O visa expires on the 20th Sept. So as the Visa states must be utilised before 20th September am I right in assuming that in order to get another 90 days I need to do it on the 19th or before, as opposed to leaving on the 20th?

Or can I just get an extension? I can stay until the 23rd October as my last visa run was nearly 2 months ago. Do I have any options here or definately need to leave this month to get another 90 days?


I was in the same situation as yourself (1 year non-imm O visa, enter before Sept. 12 but stamped in until October 21) and, not having read this thread yet, made my final 90-day visa run today - Sept. 12 - wondering if there'd be a problem or not. The immigration officer had a bit of a chuckle at my waiting until the last possible moment but cheerily gave me my 90 day stamp with no questions asked.

I'm not sure if this would be the case at all borders (I went through Chong Chom) or with all immigration officers... just reporting what my experience was.

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