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Well i would never have anything to do with a farang women again.

Exactly the attitude I meant! Why not just "I'll never become sexually or romantically involved with a farang woman again?" It almost seems like you are afraid that being sociable with a farang female might cause you to stray from your decision to stick to Asian women! It is quite unlikely if you are in fact more attracted to Asian ladies.

Speaking only for myself .................

It's not a "skin color" thing with me ... I've known many Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and SE Asian girls with very white skin. I don't think I made a conscious decision 30-odd years ago that I preferred "non-white" girls ... without wishing to appear boastful, I'd known many Anglo/Euro girls intimately by the time I was 25 ... I just realized one day that I hadn't been in bed with a white girl for several years and that ALL my girlfriends (paid and unpaid) were black or brown and/or had slanted eyes.

I'll never say "I'll never have anything to do with a farang woman again". I have a number of farang female friends ... I just don't sleep with them. :o

I guess I could justify saying "I'll never become sexually or romantically involved with a farang woman again" because I'm probably too old and set in my ways to give it a shot, even if I could find one who would have me ... but you never know what dishes Life is going to serve you until they're on the table.

Try this experiment- Go up to a women in Thailand and say hello then try the same thing in farangland. I think most of us already know what the diffrence in the answers will be.

first, I don't believe that all farang women would tell you to p*** off when you are saying nicely 'hello' to them (unless you aren't a complete idiot) and secondly I must say that almost every single man thinks after talking to a girl for more than 5 minutes that this is the ticket to bed now. if you refuse, they will be angry, insulted or get nasty and even never talk to you again. that's not for all but for a lot.

so does that mean thai girls are easier game ?? also I must say that I can observe a tendency that thai women get quite nervous and excited as soon as a farang man enters the scene... :o

I must say that I can observe a tendency that thai women get quite nervous and excited as soon as a farang man enters the scene... :o

Yep, it's a hard life.

I must say that almost every single man thinks after talking to a girl for more than 5 minutes that this is the ticket to bed now.

you mean, it isn't? :D sheesh :D


also I must say that I can observe a tendency that thai women get quite nervous and excited as soon as a farang man enters the scene... :D

I agree, I still get this feeling with my honey.... :o

I love all women, except the ones with trouser snakes :o

The farang girls do get a bit of a bashing here, but som num na, they have a bible that they refer to us in - it is called cosmopolitan.

guys it is very simple:

A Thai/ Asian girl knows what a man likes, and gives it to him.

She is feminine extra +++

A farang or Western girl of whatever skincolour, needs to challenge the man, needs to do all kind of comparing, measuring, talking, and then my Lion goes to sleep. She is masculine extra +++

Let a man be a man, and a woman be a woman.

Wow, I would get beaten up by the followers of www.feminism.org

You know what i am getting at?

If I live in the West, i tend to become gay. While in Asia I wouldn t think of being gay for a sec!

I suppose it is a little like what my male friend experienced.

He had been married to a tall larger lady(not fat just biggish)for 2 years, the relationship broke down and he then started seeing a small girl who was also a size 8. Ok this relationship didnt work either but since dating the smaller ladie he has never dated anyone big again and doesnt want to, in fact they seem to be getting smaller :o

Its all about learning what you like and when finding your preference sticking to it as much as you can.

I believe it has absolutely nothing to do with small size, big size. big milk, small milk, small nose or whatever.

I believe it only has to do with the feminine mindset that attracts many farang to Asian girls. They are just so much more feminine.

Sorry Farang girls!


i even send her a postcard from Thailand once a month to let her know i am ok because i know she cares.I try to send the ones with a beach scene even though i live in CM because i know how much she loves the beach

i like your kind of humor! :o

I believe it only has to do with the feminine mindset that attracts many farang to Asian girls. They are just so much more feminine.


Yep, got to second that.

I consider myself a gentleman. I treat everybody I meet with respect, and expect to be treated with respect back just for that reason alone. This *always* happens with Thai girls, but not so much at all with farang girls.

I personally believe that many farang girls are under a paranoia that if any guy is polite and open towards them, the guy’s intention is to bed them, so instantly a defensive (and often rude) wall comes up. With Thai girls, the opinion seems to be much more of “this guy is being nice to me because he’s a nice bloke” – A lot more down-to-earth, thank you.


Farang girls are also fat and ugly.

[..... and secondly I must say that almost every single man thinks after talking to a girl for more than 5 minutes that this is the ticket to bed now. if you refuse, they will be angry, insulted or get nasty and even never talk to you again. that's not for all but for a lot.

so does that mean thai girls are easier game ....

why do westerners make such a big fuss out of sex? catholic church maybe? Sins?

I have dropped all religions and now fully enjoy sex, no guilt, no bad feelings... Sex is for me not much more then physical activity, to be enjoyed while being alive. And Asian gilrs seem to be on the same line of thought on this I feel.

Again, it is not skincolour/small nose/ almond eyes etc, it is mental attitude and behaviour.


I personally believe that many farang girls are under a paranoia that if any guy is polite and open towards them, the guy’s intention is to bed them

Interesting point...

Two friends of mine on Sat. night approached a table of four Western women (tourists) for a chat. I had my back to them so I couldn't see the entire group stop talking when my friends sat down. I warned them not to do it, but did they listen? Even though it is our local drinking spot my friends were made to feel like fools and very unwelcome. All they said was "hello"--they aren't ugly nor were they rude in any way. If they were Thai girls who weren't interested I think they would've still been friendly. Perhaps they wanted their "Asian Experience" to be untainted by the "white man" presence.

An earlier post mentioned that there is a serious role reversal when Western women come to Thailand and I totally agree.

Personally speaking I never thought of getting married/having kids in the US--NEVER. What happened? Now I think it's a great idea and can't wait. Another role reversal??? I can finally be a man rather than a eunuch?




Nah...one of them's Canadian. That might've been it. :o

And actually the other one was born in Canada, but is a British citizen.

So, yeah. It's because they're Canadian.

The girls were hippies staying around Soi Ngam Duplee. I don't know why they even bothered.


Nah...one of them's Canadian. That might've been it. :o

And actually the other one was born in Canada, but is a British citizen.

So, yeah. It's because they're Canadian.

The girls were hippies staying around Soi Ngam Duplee. I don't know why they even bothered.

Kenny's Bar?

It all boils down to JELOUSY, thats what falang girls are very very good at!!!


But are you suggesting Thai girls are any less good at being jealous (I would argue they are better).

If I live in the West, i tend to become gay. While in Asia I wouldn t think of being gay for a sec!

I don't know if you meant it as a half joke or not, but..

Yikes, with one sentence you have just revealed to me that which I had hitherto been unable to express.

This sums up my feelings on the subject beautifully - good job!


While I've mostly been with Black women,( and a few Hispanic and Indian ones too. ), let me first say that I have always been secretly attracted to White women ( but then again, I am a Black guy! :o ) It's that "Forbidden Fruit thing, I guess. While In fact, I've dated several White girls, I've never actually had a real relationship with any,let alone have sex with them, even though I had several opportunities too! :D I guess I was always having that unconscious, yet naturally ingrained fear of being lynched by a mob of angry White men ( not to mention Angry Black Women! :D ) if I showed any public romantic interest in any White woman here in America... I guess I would have better chances in Europe?

Which reminds me, I was in a bar on Soi Whitehouse in Jomtien last year , when I was talking to this German guy. He told me that I really shouldn't be in Thailand if I wanted to be with many hot, beautiful women. He told me that Thai women do not like Black people, that I should go to Germany instead, because most German women love Black men! I told him that sounded alot like B.S. , but then another German guy suddenly butted in our conversation ( his friend? )and said that it was true, that German women, unlike American White women, do like Black men... And that one of his old girlfriends dumped him for one!

Hmmm...Maybe I should try European women? I hear they are supposed to be nicer than American women! :wub: I think I'll wait until most, if not all the White men there go to Thailand for the Thai women, so I can go over there and have my pick of Hot , Sexy European White women! :D I guess I don't have to wait too long, according to the guys in this Forum!

While I don't discriminate or prefer one kind or race of a woman over another ( as long as they are pretty and nice -_- ) , for now, I think I'm mostly into Asian women. I guess I'm in my "Asian Woman" phase.... :)

As a matter of fact, until recently, was never really into Asian women at all. The Asian or Asian American women that I saw and knew were not very "buxom" in the right "places" ( which I like ! ) and plus the fact that they seemed to be ONLY interested in White men. :( While I was always interested in Asian cultures, the actual women in those cultures were the furthest thing in my mind. It was only when I got to know and talk to Asian women from Asia to realise how different they were personality wise from American women ( and this included most American born Asian women that I knew ). For me , it was not the physical , but the emotional and personality difference....I don't know how to accurately explain it in words... But that is what really attracted me to them. Of course, they are also different looking than the Black and Hispanic women I've actually been with ( not to mention White women that I've known for that matter! )

I guess deep down, I will always wonder what it's like to be with a White woman. Hopefully,maybe I'll get my chance someday! But according to many White guys on this Forum, It seems like it's not a very good experience! :D Oh well... Different stokes....

Anyway, don't worry, Farang Girls in Thailand! I won't ignore you! Especially if you are pretty and nice!


Likes all pretty and nice women :)

Anyway, don't worry, Farang Girls in Thailand! I won't ignore you! Especially if you are pretty and nice!


Likes all pretty and nice women :o


sums up the whole point!!!!!


I've travelled all over the world for business often with female colleagues. We often openly joke about preferred locations - us lads always love going to Asia for the reasons mentioned above whilst the girls claim to have an awful time here. Similarly they always love the Middle East - particularly lebanon and the UAE as they receive a great deal of attention from apparently attrcative men. I always hated the Middle East and found that the guys there deliberately snubbed me as they flirted with female colleagues. The Caribean is also popular with female colleagues though I have never been myself.

At the end of the day in some countries Western women, no matter how unattractive they are, will get laid. Similarly in Asia unattractive western men can also find success.

It works both ways.

Farang girls are also fat and ugly.

Farang men either!


KevinN wrote ....

When walking down the street, I sometimes smile at a Thai woman, she most always smiles in return and we might speak., no big deal really.

But living in the US and doing the same thing,,the woman will come right out and tell you to piss off,go shit in your hat,or some such or threaten to call the cops.

That is something that a farang male is used to ,so why pay them any mind at all if that is the way they want it.

And a farang broad does not ever excite me in a sexual way either. Not really into "white cellulite".

Perhaps I should change my signature line, because I am far from perfect.

Years back I guess you could have described me as being racist. I didn't go much for darker skinned people. Perhaps that was due to where I came from because we didn't have too many coloured people there and there was no such thing as 'the asian invasion' in those days.

The only asians that were there then were in the main chinese who had been there for generations with their forebears having come to the gold rush.

When the gold petered out they stayed and established themselves in a variety of businesses 'greengrocers, fruiterers, restaurateurs, clothing trade etc.

The assimilated into the community and yet remained closely involved the asian community.

It was extremely rare to find an asian (of chinese extraction) featuring in the law court newspaper reports.

About 25 years back I started travelling a bit and got into working in quite a variety of countries ranging from the Middle East, the Far East, Central Asia etc.

It was purely due to economic reasons that I happened to come by Thailand about 15 years ago (I would have faced a rather large tax bill had I gone home)

So I took an extended R & R in Thailand and have lived here ever since.

I have a very beautiful Thai wife who could have been Miss Thailand (IMO) and she did indeed take out the 'nang sow title' at her amphur.

I might say that it has been a bit of a rocky ride, no more due to her fault than it has been mine.

Anyways, I think I have gotten over the racism phase (perhaps it is now true that it is still racism as I would be hard pressed to ever look twice at a caucasian woman ever again)

There are many reasons I am in this mode. Some of the reasons (most) have already been posted so I won't bore you with a repetition.

'I posted a topic a month or two back and I will paste it here again for those who might have missed it. My apologies to those of you who did (did see it)'

"She lives in the smallest village in every province.

She sits quietly on the skytrain , she smiles from passing buses.

She can be seen sitting sidesaddle on passing motor bike taxis.

She works in Robinson's, Central, or in the restaurant you had dinner in lately.

She is an office girl working in Silom Road going to lunch with a group of friends.

She may even be working for a pittance on a building site.

Yes you will find her even in a beer bar or a massage parlour.

She may be a teacher in a remote village school in any part of the kingdom.

She is everywhere.

Her beauty is everywhere.

She IS Thailand..............."

I don't think that there are too many places (other than Thailand and possibly Vietnam) in this small world of ours that such could be written of the female populace.

I wrote earlier in this thread that I don't like insulting people (women) on the basis of their physical appearance as everyone is a human being after all.

So ladies (read caucasian) it is for me 'just no contest'



Just to add another point that is often made by women and by one woman in particular I heard

"thai women look down on us because we are competition"

Er no, thai women look down on you because you are wearing no bra, a low cut top, a mini skirt and are about 30kg too big to be wearing an outfit like that.

Dress respectfully and you will be given respect. How many thai women when bending down to pick something up will try and close their blouse to stop anything ( as in bra/cleavage ) being seen? Quite a few.

how many falang women will do that, not too many.


oh yes, to back up Frond. I have had the "tell me honestly why you came here" question. And you tell them anything except one reason and they dont believe you, tell them for the women and you are immediately some lowlife loser and you get the verbal slap in the face.

But if you ask them, they are broadening their horizons, they are individuals empowering themselves, are strong people who made a courageous decision. Us men, we are sexcreeps. :o

I was walking down the steps of Sala Daeng BTS one day about 18mths ago all by myself, when a white woman walking the other way suddenly yelled at me to "get a real life and a proper woman"

Hmm, and they wonder why we dont speak to them. :D


There are a few farang females I've met in Bangkok who I keep in regular contact with and are a really good laugh, so don't like bitching too much on this subject, but there are some very valid points...

On a recent trip back the UK it came to the mad-2/3am-dash-for-rip-off-taxi to get home. Of course, the waiting population outweighed the amount of available taxis, so it was a bit of a hunt trying to track one down.

For one girl trying to flag one down, every taxi that went past she was screaming (and I mean really shouting-screaming) all sorts of abuse and curses to the taxi driver, just because he didn't stop - don't blame him after that!

How many Thai girls (or guys) have I seen acting in a similar manor in my time out here? You guessed it...

I was walking down the steps of Sala Daeng BTS one day about 18mths ago all by myself, when a white woman walking the other way suddenly yelled at me to "get a real life and a proper woman"

Did you have your inflatable doll with you at the time? :o

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