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That is because the western lady you refered to is most probably capable of taking care of her own self without a man.

Yeah ... the guy who invented the personal vibraor has a lot to answer for!

(Sorry ladies ... I just couldn't resist.) :o

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That is because the western lady you refered to is most probably capable of taking care of her own self without a man.

Yeah ... the guy who invented the personal vibraor has a lot to answer for!

(Sorry ladies ... I just couldn't resist.) :D

Might i add "Us girls love that man" :D:D

Hang on i'm guessing it was a lady who invented it?no? :o

...This could start a whole new thread! :D


Definitely a guy.

Probably the same one in the news today who has discovered that viagra is great for mountaineers at high altitudes.

I mean, you gotta have a special kind of brian to make that connection, unless some climber just happened to have a tab at the time he dropped his ice pick! :o


Definitely a guy.

Probably the same one in the news today who has discovered that viagra is great for mountaineers at high altitudes.

I mean, you gotta have a special kind of brian to make that connection, unless some climber just happened to have a tab at the time he dropped his ice pick!  :o


and there arent many special kinds of "brians" about are there,lol :D


Ive been reading this post for a while and I have to agree when reading allot of posts on thai visa, I do feel allot of the men "slag" off Farang girls. But allot do not. I don't take it personally as I think the Farang man has a much different experience living here than I do. ( I must imagine it is great with all these gorgeous ladies flirting with you)

But as a farnag girl living here, I dont see any of that in real life. I came here by choice to volunteer teach and I fell in love with this country and a wonderful Thai man. And he loves me because I am different.

He is also very kind. Ive never had a man take care of me so well. Its the little things that he does for me everyday that has taught me more about this wonderful country and culture. And he has taught me through watching him, how to take care of him as well.

I come from the west where women are not taught to do any of theses things anymore. And the tendency is to look down upon those who do. I know, I was one of those. Because western culture has told us that is what is right. Woman have to be strong, self supporting blah- blah. But here I am living halfway around the world from my home and getting a whole new perspective on life. Now I cant change who I am ( and I am most thankful that I have a good education and had a successful career) but I am extremely happy that I am learning the simple characteristic of treating others with much more care and compassion.

Its never to late to learn, Just need the right teacher :o

Since I have been coming to this site, which is longer than nearly all of you (look at my member No.), there is one subject when mentioned, brings with it a barrage of abuse. 'Farang Girls'. Why is it most posters here are totally against them, and most people seem to slag them off. I imagine the ones who continually slag them are the ones who could never make it with them.

    Don't get me wrong Thai girls are obviously pretty, but so are many farang girls.

Why indeed?

I've been lucky enough to have had many good relationships with women from several countries and different backgrounds. My problem is that my work means I travel and am unlikely to be in any country for more than about 3 years and get to spent no more than 4 months at home; wherever I decide that is. Consequently a large proportion of my relationships have reached the point of "It's me or the job", and I've always opted for the job.

When I was working in Malaysia I used Thailand for my breaks, I love the country, its people and culture. It's somewhere I can relax. In Thailand I was fortunate to meet my partner, and after 7 years we're still doing OK, she understands and accepts that when I'm working she'll see me for 4 months of the year, I know she'd prefer me to be in Thailand all the time, but understands that's the way my job works.

I'm not saying I couldn't find a farang women who would accept my working life, but I've just given up trying. And to be honest after a two month stint in some crappy camp in the bush I want a nice place to unwind, I don't want to suffer the vagaries of a European climate (Blackpool! uhgg!) so Thailand is the place. :o


There are many many reasons as to why us farang males travel thousands of kms to be with Thai ladys......some of those resons may be that Thai girls are gentle, funny, always smiling, sexy, sexy and sexy !! unlike a loud mouthed 70kg+ western girls , and its even worse when western girls try to dress like Thai ladys in LOS, coz it puts me of my lunch when i see one...... :o

There are many many reasons as to why us farang males travel thousands of kms to be with Thai ladys......some of those resons may be that Thai girls are gentle, funny, always smiling, sexy, sexy and sexy !! unlike a loud mouthed 70kg+ western girls , and its even worse when western girls try to dress like Thai ladys in LOS, coz it puts me of my lunch when i see one...... :D

ok the stereotyping is still going on! :o

i know many kind,sweet,always smiling,40-50kg girls....

i also know a few fat idiotic ones...however!.. :D

i've also seen alot of fat ugly thai ladies.

like i said before:

europe woman tend to be average,not stunning but ok looking where i think(imo)

asian woman are either stunners or ugly :D:D

i know many kind,sweet,always smiling,40-50kg girls....

i also know a few fat idiotic ones...however!..

kitty, I think you need to swap the words "few" and "many" around. I know many 85+Kg farang girls, and very, very few 40-50kg farang girls....ok, the kind, sweet and smiling is a personality/characteristic/unique thing, but let's not lie about the weight :o


The first year i visited Thailand something happened that helped to turn me off farang women. When i was staying on one of the islands and i went down to the beach with the two young daughters of the couple that ran the resort i was staying at.These girls were about 8 and 10 years old. We were standing at the small store getting ice cream and this farang bitch from England started freaking out on me for being a child molester .The poor kids were scaried to death of this crazy farang fat pig and started crying. She was quite proud of herself till the Thai people at the resturant who of course knew the kids told her to shut up and then their mother who was just up the beach came and freaked out on the bitch in front of about 20 farang and Thai tourists. You could tell that this pig was just waiting to see her first case of perverted white guy abusing Thai kids so she could go home and tell all her suet faced friends ,so they could all sit around grunting and snorfuling about how all men are pigs.I bet she didnt tell them that story though.


It has been qutie interesting reading through these posts. As has been stated Farang girls nice though they are. CANNOT COMPETE with Thai women.

europe woman tend to be average,not stunning but ok looking where i think(imo)

asian woman are either stunners or ugly :o  :D

Sorry Love , but that is the daftest thing I have read for a while!

Nice intention but one ###### of a generalisation( the norm for this thread I might add)

You look stunning anyway!


The first year i visited Thailand something happened that helped to turn me off farang women. When i was staying on one of the islands and i went down to the beach with the two young daughters of the couple that ran the resort i was staying at.These girls were about 8 and 10 years old. We were standing at the small store getting ice cream and this farang bitch from England started freaking out on me for being a child molester .The poor kids were scaried to death of this crazy farang fat pig and started crying. She was quite proud of herself till the Thai people at the resturant who of course knew the kids told her to shut up and then their mother who was just up the beach came and freaked out on the bitch in front of about 20 farang and Thai tourists. You could tell that this pig was just waiting to see her first case of perverted white guy abusing Thai kids so she could go home and tell all her suet faced friends ,so they could all sit around grunting and snorfuling about how all men are pigs.I bet she didnt tell them that story though.

I love children ... mine, yours, or anyone else's ... they're Nature's gifts to us all ... and I pray to the Lord Buddha that I never catch a man in the act of sexually molesting a small child, because if I was 100% certain of his guilt it would take more self-control than I possess to prevent me from killing him on the spot.

Apart from loathing paedophiles for their despicable behavior, I detest them for putting me (and all decent men) in a position where we are afraid to even smile at a child for fear of our motives being seen as sinister by some narrow-minded <deleted>.

I fully understand how being tagged as a child molestor would be extremely upsetting for you, but you can hardly paint all farang women with the idiot brush because of the actions of one idiot. I'm not making excuses for the dizzy bitch ... I would probably have hauled off and smacked her in the gob if she'd rounded down on me that way ... but if she'd been Thai, would the experience have turned you off Thai women ?


Can't Turn Back Syndrome (POFF)

I met a really sexy farang girl last year who was from Canberra and it was the first farAng girl I'd fancied in ages.

Automatically, I told myself she was out of my league and couldn't be arsed to strike up a conversation when I could go to a bar and be chatted up by a Thai.

To my surprise, she started chatting to me and I didn't know if she was flirting or not...

I was so out of touch with the game, but we ended up going out to Gullivers where I saw my Thai friend O (a ladyboy businesswoman) and her work colleagues.

When there was an uncomfortable silence with me and this Aussie gal, I downed my gin & tonic and went to dance with O.

Upon my return, the Aussie lass was still stood by the pool table watching me.

"What has she got that I haven't then?" She asked with typical farang confidence and wit laced with insecurity.

"A willy" I replied, and after a bit of explination she laughed and fancied me even more, it was fantastic, and then we were kissing before long and at the end of the night she came back to my place and we kissed again in bed but to my horror and astonishment I couldn't get an erection so we just went to sleep.

I could have torn my hair out - what was the problem?

Was it because...

A: When pulling farang girls, we consume a lot more alcohol because we take more time to flirt and we need to lower our barriers and have the confidence to talk because farng women are stronger, scarier? Etc... You're more likely to feel like a <deleted> if you get turned down so we get more drunk, yeah?

I dunno, maybe it was that that I hadn't been used to for so long.

B: Beautiful as she was, she was trying too hard to be sexy and it didn't work, it wasn't natural. She was a good looking girl and didn't have to try.

Anyway, she ended up feeling less attractive than she already did and flew back to Canberra the next day. I sent her an e-mail saying, "Sorry I couldn't get a rock on etc..etc..." and she said "No worries"... but I could tell that she'd wanted a send off so to speak and that I'd let her down. :D

Anyway, last November, on another jaunt to Banglumpoo - I met a friend I met in Ko Samui (an Essex girl who to this day is a good friend) and she introduced me to this buxom Swede called Lisa. I had no idea this Lisa fancied me until a few hours and many drinks later when it was too late, she started to kiss me and I panicked - I thought, 'Oh no, I've had too many tequilas' - anyway, sure enough, I go back to her hotel and I got past first base but I was worrying too much because she was so dominant and didn't allow any time for foreplay (she missed out there :D ) and we got straight down to it. I was okay for a minute or too and then I began to get a lazy lob-on, shortly followed by a condition known as 'Playing Snooker With A Piece Of String'.

Again I could have died and it was a case of "Nevermind dear".

Now what is wrong? No matter how intoxitated I am or how long I've been drinking I'm always okay with Thai gals, you can stick a brush on the end and paint the ceiling, so why not with western chicks, do I feel intimidated? ..I never used to in my pre-Thai days.

Finally, I am about the same size as Begs (not nesscessarily my knob) and maybe I just don't like women who are bigger/heavier than me.

Incedentally, I haven't met Begs but he's about the same as me, built like your avarage Thai man but obviously whiter.

The last time I sucessfully had sex with a farng girl was in a Ford Focus in the car park at LeisureWorld, Hemel Hempstead last April, so maybe I can only perform on western soil. :o

You could try importing a Ford Ka for the deed Scamp , the smaller the better! :D

Would a Ford KA be big enough for the Western women he is pulling?? :D:D:o

Couldnt resist! haha, by the way, anyone have the link for that Ford KA ad, the one with the pidgeon?? its great!


Perhaps in favour of farang girls, one downside with Thai girls is that you know something is wrong within your relationship when they stop beating the sh*t out of you :o

Can't Turn Back Syndrome (POFF)

I met a really sexy farang girl last year who was from Canberra and it was the first farAng girl I'd fancied in ages.

Automatically, I told myself she was out of my league and couldn't be arsed to strike up a conversation when I could go to a bar and be chatted up by a Thai.

To my surprise, she started chatting to me and I didn't know if she was flirting or not... 

I was so out of touch with the game, but we ended up going out to Gullivers where I saw my Thai friend O (a ladyboy businesswoman) and her work colleagues.

When there was an uncomfortable silence with me and this Aussie gal, I downed my gin & tonic and went to dance with O.

Upon my return, the Aussie lass was still stood by the pool table watching me.

"What has she got that I haven't then?" She asked with typical farang confidence and wit laced with insecurity.

"A willy" I replied, and after a bit of explination she laughed and fancied me even more, it was fantastic, and then we were kissing before long and at the end of the night she came back to my place and we kissed again in bed but to my horror and astonishment I couldn't get an erection so we just went to sleep.

I could have torn my hair out - what was the problem?

Was it because...

A: When pulling farang girls, we consume a lot more alcohol because we take more time to flirt and we need to lower our barriers and have the confidence to talk because farng women are stronger, scarier? Etc... You're more likely to feel like a <deleted> if you get turned down so we get more drunk, yeah?

I dunno, maybe it was that that I hadn't been used to for so long.

B: Beautiful as she was, she was trying too hard to be sexy and it didn't work, it wasn't natural. She was a good looking girl and didn't have to try.

Anyway, she ended up feeling less attractive than she already did and flew back to Canberra the next day. I sent her an e-mail saying, "Sorry I couldn't get a rock on etc..etc..." and she said "No worries"... but I could tell that she'd wanted a send off so to speak and that I'd let her down. :D

Anyway, last November, on another jaunt to Banglumpoo - I met a friend I met in Ko Samui (an Essex girl who to this day is a good friend) and she introduced me to this buxom Swede called Lisa. I had no idea this Lisa fancied me until a few hours and many drinks later when it was too late, she started to kiss me and I panicked - I thought, 'Oh no, I've had too many tequilas' - anyway, sure enough, I go back to her hotel and I got past first base but I was worrying too much because she was so dominant and didn't allow any time for foreplay (she missed out there :D ) and we got straight down to it. I was okay for a minute or too and then I began to get a lazy lob-on, shortly followed by a condition known as 'Playing Snooker With A Piece Of String'.

Again I could have died and it was a case of "Nevermind dear".

Now what is wrong?  No matter how intoxitated I am or how long I've been drinking I'm always okay with Thai gals, you can stick a brush on the end and paint the ceiling, so why not with western chicks, do I feel intimidated?  ..I never used to in my pre-Thai days.

Finally, I am about the same size as Begs (not nesscessarily my knob) and maybe I just don't like women who are bigger/heavier than me.

Incedentally, I haven't met Begs but he's about the same as me, built like your avarage Thai man but obviously whiter.

The last time I sucessfully had sex with a farng girl was in a Ford Focus in the car park at LeisureWorld, Hemel Hempstead last April, so maybe I can only perform on western soil. :o

I think your Willy has a serious problem with farang women. Like ...when he walks up to one and is supposed to do his job, he refuses. Then, when you try to force him, he goes flat like a dead eel ran over by a bicycle. There's only one solution - Free Willy!

and there arent many special kinds of "brians" about are there,lol :D

Just check my picture out Kitty, there's brians behind those muscular good looks! :o

Since I have been coming to this site, which is longer than nearly all of you (look at my member No.), there is one subject when mentioned, brings with it a barrage of abuse. 'Farang Girls'. Why is it most posters here are totally against them, and most people seem to slag them off. I imagine the ones who continually slag them are the ones who could never make it with them.

    Don't get me wrong Thai girls are obviously pretty, but so are many farang girls.

Seems my comments are still missing in this thread,

nice to read, that I am not alone, by sharing such impressions about Farang women.

I think, it has nothing to do with it, if the girl is pretty or not... nonsense!

And there are not only the posters here at Thaivisa-Forum, who openly admit, that they do not want to have any personal contacts with Farang women....

1- A huge number of European/American Caucasian men are looking for an Asian female as a long-term relationship. This is a well known trend and a fact and nobody can deny that.

2- There is not such a trend between Asian men and Farang girls, and again, nobody can deny that. This is also a fact.

Why is that so? Maybe some Farang women should offer you some explication.

I have my own opinion about it...I can tell you plenty of reasons, why you should not date a Farang girl.


After having read numerous comments on how unfriendly Farang women are, or how, when you smile at them they don't respond like a Thai girl does I felt I needed to share my experiences growing up as a girl in the US. Perhaps, after reading this, men might understand why a girl would be less than friendly to a friendly man. Please note when reading this that I grew up in a very normal middle class neighborhood, not a bad neighborhood at all.

When I was 13 years old my friends and I used to walk to school together, every day we passed a house where the man would stand in his backyard and play with himself as we walked by. Finally, after having had enough of being scared and intimidated by this guy I told my parents and the police came in to deal with him.

When I was about 14 I was stopped by a man on the pretext of asking for directions. He then proceeded to expose himself to me right there on the street.

I had a similar experience with a guy playing with himself in the alley next to my school when I was about 15.

When I was 18 I had a peeping tom, he used to come and peer through my windows on a regular basis. I could not sleep in my room for years without having all the windows shut and locked and the curtains drawn tightly it scared me so badly.

My sister was nearly raped by a "friendly" guy who stopped in his car to ask for directions, he tried to pull her into his car and the only reason she got away was because she fought him off. She was 17 at the time.

I know quite a few girls who have had their drinks spiked, the only reason they weren't raped was because, fortunately for them, they were with friends at the time.

I was travelling through Malaysia when I was 22 and went to a tourist attraction with my girlfriend only to find a Malaysian guy playing with himself behind one of the bushes.

In the 15 years I have lived in Thailand I have never had things like this happen to me.

Guys, encounter this BS more than a few times in your life and see how friendly YOU feel when a strange guy smiles at you and stops to talk to you.

Of course its not fair to tar all farang men with the same brush but "once bitten, twice shy".

I was once told that the difference between Thai girls and English girls is that Thai girls get out of the bath to have a piss!


so i'm a black sheep !!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't mind if you are a 'black sheep' and you can come piss in my bath anytime you're free.

I would like though that you wait until I get out (of the bath) first. :D

the man would stand in his backyard and play with himself as we walked by.


He then proceeded to expose himself to me right there on the street.


a guy playing with himself in the alley next to my school


to find a Malaysian guy playing with himself

I think we get the point - men like to play with themselves. :D:o Just kidding, i know what you mean. :D

1- A huge number of European/American Caucasian men are looking for an Asian female as a long-term relationship. This is a well known trend and a fact and nobody can deny that.

2- There is not such a trend between Asian men and Farang girls, and again, nobody can deny that. This is also a fact.

Why is that so?

The rise of feminism (over 40 years) in the west and its more recent off-shoots: grrrrl power and the general aggressiveness and male-like qualities of farang women (these may "empower" women but they're 180 degrees moving in the wrong direction if they want to attract a man this way). The man-as-oppressor-woman-as-victim mantra (very tiring).

Physical weight. Many men prefer to roll in the hay with a girl lighter than themselves.

Simple gene pool tactics. Men want to give their genes with "opposites" to spread their DNA far and wide.

I think generally farang women having been trying to ape men for so long now that they've lost a lot of their attraction. They debunk any woman trying to please a man as being a "stepford wife".

In the end, men vote with their dicks.

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