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German Has Enough Of Muslims Chanting


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Drunken German attacks Muslim Worship Hall.

Police Major Natapon from Banglamung Police Station was called to the Mike Orchid Village 1 in Soi Kow Noi on Friday Night to deal with a case involving a drunken German Resident and a group of Muslim Worshipers. Police arrived and were met by an angry group of Muslims whose prayer session was interrupted by a German Resident who entered their prayer room allegedly shouting racist profanities before an attempt was made to destroy the prayer room. Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day and this, in combination with a night of heavy drinking, led him to confront the worshippers. Police charged the German national with causing a public disturbance and he was later released and told to respect the worshippers in the future.



Edited by mikethevigoman
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At thge moment we are in the middle of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

At this time of year the loudspeakers on mosques throughout the world are going at it double-time. The Koran has to be read out loud from cover-to-cover and that takes a bit of doing.

Here in a compound in Saudi we have two mosques, so I get it in stereo. But this starts with the first prayer call at around five in the morning and ends about ten at night - so time enough for sleep. When I was living in Shiraz (Iran) the guy at the end of our kouchie (alley) draped his house in a black cloth like the one that covers the Ka'aba and had his eight speakers on the roof going all night. So I'm better off here.

I can understand the German guy though. In UK we can't ring church bells day and night because of the perceived noise pollution, but the strangled-cow wailing from the mosques goes on unabated. Why would he expect, in a mainly Buddhist country, to have to put up with the same nonsense.

When he bought his house, was the mosque there?

What time was this happening? He had had 'a heavy night of drinking' on a Friday. So was this eight in the evening or one in the morning. It does make a difference.

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At thge moment we are in the middle of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

At this time of year the loudspeakers on mosques throughout the world are going at it double-time. The Koran has to be read out loud from cover-to-cover and that takes a bit of doing.

Here in a compound in Saudi we have two mosques, so I get it in stereo. But this starts with the first prayer call at around five in the morning and ends about ten at night - so time enough for sleep. When I was living in Shiraz (Iran) the guy at the end of our kouchie (alley) draped his house in a black cloth like the one that covers the Ka'aba and had his eight speakers on the roof going all night. So I'm better off here.

I can understand the German guy though. In UK we can't ring church bells day and night because of the perceived noise pollution, but the strangled-cow wailing from the mosques goes on unabated. Why would he expect, in a mainly Buddhist country, to have to put up with the same nonsense.

When he bought his house, was the mosque there?

What time was this happening? He had had 'a heavy night of drinking' on a Friday. So was this eight in the evening or one in the morning. It does make a difference.

I previously lived in a compound in Saudi. I realised that while I was there it was important to either respect the culture or leave.

In Thailand people are allowed to practice any religion they want. The majority are Buddhist but this is a religion based on tolerance. If this man can not show tolerance for others then he should go elsewhere. I can think of no excuse for this behaviour.

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I previously lived in a compound in Saudi. I realised that while I was there it was important to either respect the culture or leave.

In Saudi you don't really have a choice, do you? I have a friend who was beaten for arriving with a cross, very tolerant people there.

Why did this saucehead move near a mosque if he couldn't take the chanting? Like people who move near airports who protest the noise. Silly.

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In Thailand people are allowed to practice any religion they want. The majority are Buddhist but this is a religion based on tolerance. If this man can not show tolerance for others then he should go elsewhere. I can think of no excuse for this behaviour.

Tolerance works both ways - it is no excuse to carry out intolerable behaviour and expect everyone else to tolerate it.

And this is the problem with radical Islam today.

Five hundred years ago it was the Roman Church trying to rule the world, saying that you either believe wghat we say or we will kill you. The world survived that. Let's hope it survives this as well.

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I'm sorry Humphrey Bear but I disagree. Many Thais are Muslim and they have a right to be respected. I doubt that there would be any debate about this man's pedigree if he attacked someone else's place of worship

I am not sure what praying has to do with radical Islam.

Edited by garro
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I previously lived in a compound in Saudi. I realised that while I was there it was important to either respect the culture or leave.

In Saudi you don't really have a choice, do you? I have a friend who was beaten for arriving with a cross, very tolerant people there.

Why did this saucehead move near a mosque if he couldn't take the chanting? Like people who move near airports who protest the noise. Silly.

Bit like moving to pattaya then complaining there are too many bars ! :o
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Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day

he should be happy and count his blessings. the stupid chap is lucky not living next to a Hindu temple :o

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Move back home to Germany!! :o
This guy has probaly never been anywhere other than pattaya and dosent know what a muslim is ! probably thought it was out of tune karaoke bar ! :D

The proportion of muslims i n the German population is as great as in the UK population - they are from Turkey, the Balkans, Afghanistan and so on, whereas a large proportion of the UK muslims are from the Indian sub-continent.

In Germany they do not stand out from the rest of the population so much, but are less accepted there than the muslims in the UK. And that shows the attitude. Same attitude in the Scandinavian countries, where there is a smaller percentage population, but it is still not welcomed by a large section of the population.

Most Germans are more travelled than the average Brit, certainly more than the average septic. Their holidays are longer, their take-home-pay is higher. The standard of living, as with most of Northern Europe, is higher than the UK.

For the past thirty years I have spent my working life with German, French and Scandinavian construction companies. I realise that construction workers are not considered among the world's most PC people, but they do reflect a fair proportion of what their countrymen's attitudes are. When working abroad with a (mainly) South Asian and North African workforce, they are tolerant and friendly, but none of them want these guys back in their home countries.

Just the way things are.

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Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day

he should be happy and count his blessings. the stupid chap is lucky not living next to a Hindu temple :o


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Move back home to Germany!! :o
This guy has probaly never been anywhere other than pattaya and dosent know what a muslim is ! probably thought it was out of tune karaoke bar ! :D

The proportion of muslims i n the German population is as great as in the UK population - they are from Turkey, the Balkans, Afghanistan and so on, whereas a large proportion of the UK muslims are from the Indian sub-continent.

In Germany they do not stand out from the rest of the population so much, but are less accepted there than the muslims in the UK. And that shows the attitude. Same attitude in the Scandinavian countries, where there is a smaller percentage population, but it is still not welcomed by a large section of the population.

Most Germans are more travelled than the average Brit, certainly more than the average septic. Their holidays are longer, their take-home-pay is higher. The standard of living, as with most of Northern Europe, is higher than the UK.

For the past thirty years I have spent my working life with German, French and Scandinavian construction companies. I realise that construction workers are not considered among the world's most PC people, but they do reflect a fair proportion of what their countrymen's attitudes are. When working abroad with a (mainly) South Asian and North African workforce, they are tolerant and friendly, but none of them want these guys back in their home countries.

Just the way things are.

When was the last time you were in UK?

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:D Noise sensitivity (Misophonia) can make life unbearable. Certain sounds become so irritating, some people feel boiling rage whenever they hear "that sound".

Agreed - my father was that way when I played Rolling Stones and The Who records in the sixties. :o

But usually all these repetitive noises such as church bells, prayer calls and so on, can be tuned out.

I was the same with my first wife's mother - hear her arrive and I went into a 'boiling rage'.

People working in factories don't hear the machinery so much (but do hear the lunch-time hooter).

But I think that there must be more to it, in this case - maybe just the drink, but maybe it is worse than in recent weks, due to Ramadan.

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Who'd've thought a mere drunken expat could aspire to the vanguard of the Clash of Civilizations...

In all seriousness, let's give the local plod credit for a response which is proportional to the actual harm done. In Germany and much of the rest of the West, Herr Nupp would still be cooling his heels in lock-up while the police and the prosecutors mulled hate crimes charges.

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The good Herr Bernard should be careful. Muslims have a very low tolerance around these things.

Just look at what happened when one of our drunken Danish journalists put a Mohammed cartoon in the paper.

At least there is one religion we share with them... :o

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Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day

he should be happy and count his blessings. the stupid chap is lucky not living next to a Hindu temple :o


because there the chanting combined with eardeafening shrill instruments (cimbals) goes on modt of the time all night during a puja.

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When was the last time you were in UK?

Myself - two years back - for three weeks to get my Saudi visa, medical and so on.

But my mother, my sister and my daughter all still live in UK, my sister and daughter also working there. We correspond fairly regularly, also I read a lot of newspapers and other web-sites. TV isn't the whole of life!

I also correspond with Danish, Swedish and German colleagues on former projects, although mainly about work and beer.

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It's obvious that you super liberals never lived near muslims who insisted on making sure everyone had to suffer from their loud speakers spewing whatever they spew. I plotted all sorts of things to destroy their sound system but moved rather than go to jail for mayhem or possibly murder. If you want to pray, that's certainly up to you but have the courtesy to do it in private without upsetting the entire neighborhood. That noise blaring out over loud speakers is inconsiderate beyond belief. If you think it was only the crotchety old farangs bitching you are VERY much mistaken. I know exactly how the old German felt.

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Am I the only non racist on this board? Surely they should all move out and leave Old Bernie to enjoy his retirement in the peace and quite he undoubtedly deserves :o

As I asked before, but of course had no answer - was the mosque there when he bought his house?

If so, then he cannot really complain.

If not, then how was it allowed to be plonked right in a residential district, unless the majority of locals were/are muslim?

In Benghazi I was living in a large communal house and my window was about twenty metres away from a mosque loud-speaker. Best alarm clock I've ever had.

But again, in Libya Islam is not taken to extremes - not like the all-night cacaphony I had in Iran.

If the house was there (and in the German owner's possession) before the mosque, then I think he has reasonable grounds for complaint. And has probably lost a heap of money on the property as well.

If the mosque was already there, then suck on it.

Edited by Humphrey Bear
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:o Noise sensitivity (Misophonia) can make life unbearable. Certain sounds become so irritating, some people feel boiling rage whenever they hear "that sound".
all joking aside i do sypathise with him, however as someone else mentioned ill bet they were there when he moved in, so heres another question for the realtor when looking for a house, any mosques nearby ?,.and on another note i think he was lucky, i think if he had been a younger man he may have had a different reception /end to this ordeal,.
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