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Which Service To Use


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Going to Kho Chang soon for a much deserved vacation for my wife 3 kids and me, but, due to contract comittments must check email at least twice daily and even create and transmit a PDF file or two in addition to staying in touch with my office per SKYPE. Bought a spanking new Laptop just for the occasion, that works with any LAN connection, BlueTooth connection to my Nokia phone and the unit will also read WIFI. All configured ready to go.

What is suggested for a connection? As we will not be making reservations rather travelling to the island and picking an appropriate place to stay once there.

Is there a strong GSM signal on the island? If so what service is recommended for access? Where to obtain?

Do some of the Hotels have WiFI there?

Or do some Hotel even have a LAN connection that I can tap into?

I know stupid questions but, many of you have been there and done that. My frist trip to Kho Chang.

Spending 3,000+ baht a day will not be a problem, but, the beaches must be pristine and th singal strong.

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