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Urine Testing Suggests Autism Is Mercury Poisoning


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Urine Testing Confirms Autism is Mercury Poisoning

A new peer-reviewed scientific/medical case study confirms that many children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) suffer from mercury poisoning. The new study, "A Prospective Study of Mercury Toxicity Biomarkers in Autistic Spectrum Disorders" by Mr. David A. Geier and Dr. Mark R. Geier has been published in the most recent issue of the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A (volume 70, issue 20, pgs 1723-1730).

This study utilized urinary porphyrin profile analysis (UPPA) to assess body-burden and physiological effects of mercury in children diagnosed with ASDs.

Using UPPA, Geier and Geier (2007) examined 71 children diagnosed with ASDs, 9 neurotypical siblings, and 5 general population controls. The researchers studied urinary porphyrin patterns using results reported both by the US Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp) and the French Laboratoire Philippe Auguste.

Their findings demonstrated that:

1. . Only the non-chelated patients diagnosed with ASDs had porphyrin patterns indicative of clinical mercury toxicity.

2. . Treating ASD diagnosed patients with chelating agents resulted in lower mercury-specific urinary porphyrins.

3. . The UPPA patterns reported were consistent between the two labs used.

The results of the present study confirm and extend previous observations by Nataf et al. (2006) and Geier and Geier (2006) on the use of UPPA profiling to establish the causal role for mercury in ASDs. Additionally, the current findings are consistent with those observed by many other physicians who treat patients diagnosed with both ASDs and mercury toxicity.

Thus, urinary porphyrin profile testing is being successfully used to:

1. . Demonstrate the role of mercury in ASD populations,

2. . Identify those children and adults who are mercury poisoned, and

3. . Track mercury excretion from affected children undergoing treatment.

For the past several years there has been a raging controversy as to whether or not mercury in medicines, especially in vaccines, has caused a dramatic rise in the rate of children diagnosed with an ASD. Many experts have insisted ASDs are caused by some yet-to-be-identifie d genetic cause. A paper recently published in Nature Genetics described the results of

multi-million- dollar genetics study (which studied a thousand-plus families with at least two children diagnosed with an ASD using in-depth genetic screening). Tellingly, the authors reported, "None of our linkage results can be interpreted as 'statistically significant' ."(The Autism Genome Project Consortium 2007).

With the current study's results, public health officials should now publicly admit what they have been saying in their private transcripts and memos: Mercury from Thimerosal-containi ng vaccines and other medicines has been a major cause of ASD cases, which, based on recent CDC estimates (CDC 2007), may, when corrected for under ascertainment, exceed a rate of one in 100 children.

Today, any parent, physician, or healthcare provider can easily confirm whether a non-chelated child with an ASD diagnosis is mercury poisoned by having UPPA testing run at either laboratory.

CoMeD's web site, (HYPERLINK"http://www.Mercury- freeDrugs. org"http://www.Mercury- -freeDrugs. -org) contains:

1. . Further information on how to order these tests,

2. . Full copies of the Nataf et al. (2006), Geier and Geier (2006), & Geier and Geier (2007), and

3. . Some of the many published papers validating the UPPA test.


Geiers' Other Thimerosal-related Articles on http://www.mercury-freedrugs.org/

"Neurodevelopmental Disorders After Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines -A Brief Communication (VAERS Database)" [/url]

"A Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of MMR Immunization and Thimerosal on the Population Prevalence of Autism (US Dept. of Education - Ecological Study)"

"A Meta-Analysis Study (VAERS Database)"

"A Prospective Study of Rho Immune Globulin as a Risk Factor for Autism (Assessment of Autism Clinic Database - Case-Control Study)"

"A Two-Phased Population Epidemiological Study of the Safety of Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines (VAERS & VSD Databases)"

"An Assessment of Downward Trends Following Thimerosal Removal (VAERS Database - Ecological Study"

"An Assessment of the Impact of Thimerosal on Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders (VAERS Database & US Dept. of Education data - Ecological Study)"

"An Evaluation of the Effects of Thimerosal on Neurodevelopmental Disorders (VAERS Database)"

"Early Downward Trends in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following Removal of Thimerosal1 (VAERS Database, and data from California Dept. of Developmental Services & US Dept. of Education - Ecological Study)"

"Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following TCVs - A Follow-up Analysis (VAERS Database)

Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines - Neurodevelopmental Disorders - Heart Disease in the United States (VAERS Database, and US Dept. of Education - Ecological Study with a review of early Verstraten documents from his study of the VSD Database)"

"A Case-Control Study of Mercury Burden in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders"

"A Case-Series of Children with Mercury Toxic Encephalopathies"

"Published Hormone Research Article 2006"

"Published Mercury and Testosterone Medical Hypothesis"

"Evolving views on the causes of autistic spectrum disorders"

"Response to Critics"

"Thimerosal Does Not Belong in Vaccines"

"Study Misses Link Between Thimerosal and Neurodevelopmental Disorders"

"Geier and Geier Lancet Published Letter"

"Parents Fears About Thimerosal"

"Response to Comments by JR Mann"


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A friend of mine has just told me there is a big thing in the uk now as a lot of peole that had teeth fillings with mercury have been suffering illnesses for years that are related to this,.

Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Mercury Amalgams


Mercury penetrates the blood-brain barrier around the brain, and as little as one part per million can impair this barrier, permitting entry of substances in the blood that would otherwise be excluded.

--Chang and Hartman, 1972; Chang and Burkholder, 1974

The effect of mercury on the nervous system selectively inhibits protein and amino acid absorption into brain tissue.

--Yoshino et al.,1966; Steinwall, 1969; Steinwall and Snyder, 1969; Cavanagh and Chen, 1971

Mercury inhibits the synaptic uptake of neurotransmitters in the brain and can produce subsequent development of Parkinson's disease.

--Ohlson and Hogstedt, "Parkinsons Disease and Occupational Exposure to Organic Solvents, Agricultural Chemicals and Mercury" Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment Health Vol 7 No.4 : 252-256,1981

Mercury is nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys) and causes pathological damage.

--Nicholson et al, "Cadmium and Mercury Nephrotoxicity" Nature Vol 304:633, 1983

Chronic exposure to mercury may cause an excess of serum proteins in the urine which may progress to nephrotic syndrome and peculiar susceptibility to infections that break into and modify the course of any pre-existing disease.

--Friberg et al, 1953 "Kidney Injury after chronic exposure to inorganic mercury" Archives of Environmenal Health Vol 15:64, 1967; Kazantis et al, 1962 "Albuminuria and the Nephrotic Sundrome Following Exposure to Mercury" Quarterly Journal of Medicine Vol 31: 403-418, 1962; Joselow and Goldwater, 1967 "Absorption and Excretion of Mercury in Man and Mercury Content of "normal" Human Tissues" Archives of Environmental Health Vol 15:64, 1967

Mercury fillings can contribute to a higher level of mercury in the blood, and can affect the functioning of the heart, change the vascular response to norepinepherine and potassium chloride, and block the entry of calcium ions into the cytoplasm.

--Abraham et al, 1984 "The Effect of Dental Amalgam Restorations on Blood Mercury Levels" Journal of Dental Research Vol 63 No.1:71-73,1984; Kuntz et al, "Maternal and Cord Blood Background Mercury Levels: A Longitudinal Surveillance" American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No. 4: 440-443, 1982; Joselow et al, 1972; Mantyla and Wright, 1976; Trakhtenberg, 1968; Oka et al, 1979

Mercury exposure from amalgams leads to interference with brain catecholamine reactivity levels, has a pronounced effect on the human endocrine system, and accumulates in both the thyroid and pituitary glands, reducing production of important hormones.

--Carmignani, Finelli and Boscolo, 1983; Kosta et al, 1975; Trakhtenberg, 1974

Mercury induces the thyroid gland to absorb an increasing amount of nuclear radiation from the environment.

--Trakhtenberg, 1974

Mercury can impair the adrenal and testicular steroid hormone secretions, cause intolerance for stress and decreased sexual ability. In rats, it causes subnormal fertility and sperm production.

--Burton and Meikle, 1980; Khera, 1973; Stoewsand et al, 1971; Lee and Dixon, 1975; Thaxton and Parkhurst, 1973

Mercury in the body can produce contact dermititis and reduced function of the adrenal glands (Addison's disease), producing progressive anemia, low blood pressure, diarrhea and digestive disturbances.

--Alomar et al, 1983

Mercury has a distinct effect on the human immune system, especially the white blood cells. Mercury ions have been observed to cause chromosomal aberrations and alters the cellular genetic code. Mercury has the ability to induce chromosomal breakage, alter cellular mitosis, cause a drop in T-cell production and kill white blood cells.

--Vershaeve et al, 1976; Popescu et al, 1979; Skerfving et al, 1970,1974; Fiskesjo, 1970

Mercury has an effect on the fetal nervous system, even at levels far below that considered to be toxic in adults. Background levels of mercury in mothers correlate with incidence of fetal birth defects and still births.

--Reuhl and Chang, 1979;Clarkson et al, 1981; Marsh et al, 1980; Tejning, 1968; Kuntz, W.D., Pitkin, R.M., Bostrum, A.W., and Hughes M.S., The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No.4:440-443,1982

Mercury in the human body can contribute to intelligence disturbances, speech difficulties, limb deformity, and hyperkinesia (hyperactivity resulting from brain damage). Abnormally small heads and retardation were present in 60% of cases.

--Amin-Zaki and Clarkson, et al, 1979


For further reading: There is a large volume of published research supporting the link between Amalgam and health problems:


* "Chewing releases mercury from fillings" [letter]. THE LANCET

* "Mercury released from dental fillings provokes an increase in mercury and anti ...

* "Resistance of the normal human microflora to mercury and antimicrobials after e ...

* Birth Defects & Mercury

* Chronic elemental mercury intoxication: neuropsychological follow-up case study

* Chronic encephalopathies induced by mercury or lead: aspects of underlying cellu ...

* Concentrations of heavy metals in maternal and umbilical cord blood

* Cytotoxicity of amalgams, alloys, and their elements and phases.

* Dental AMALGAM and Mercury by Birgit Calhoun

* Did Mercury in "Little Blue Pills" Make Abraham Lincoln Erratic?

* Epidemiology, etiology, and prevention of multiple sclerosis. Hypothesis and fact.

* Evidence for delayed neurotoxicity produced by methylmercury.

* Increased blood-mercury was related to the presence of more than four amalgam fi ...

* infertility, birth defects, and fetal developmental effects related to mercury f ...

* Interactions between dental Amalgams and the oral environment.

* Mercury and ALS

* Mercury and Brain Research

* Mercury-Caused Endocrine Conditions Causing Widespread Adverse Health Effects, C ...

* Neurological and Immune Reactive Conditions Affecting Kids

* Occupational exposures to metals as risk factors for Parkinson's disease.

* Placental transfer of heavy metals in normal pregnant Japanese women

* Re: 10,000 People Poisoned By Amalgam

* Researchers present evidence of mercury’s effect on brain neurons

* Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Mercury Amalgams

* Side-effects: mercury contribution to body burden from dental amalgam.

* Studies on the Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Fillings

* Talbot ES. "Injurious effects of mercury as used in dentistry".

* The prevalence of sensitivity to constituents of dental alloys.

* Traces of mercury in organs from primates with amalgam fillings

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A friend of mine has just told me there is a big thing in the uk now as a lot of peole that had teeth fillings with mercury have been suffering illnesses for years that are related to this,.

scientists and researchers have been trying for 50 years to find some proof that mercury amalgam fillings can cause neurological illnesses.

so far they havent come up with a shred of evidence , and even giving them another 50 years , i doubt if they will.

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With all due respect to the OP (and I do respect her position) I disagree. Yes, mercury can and does cause serious problems. 100% agreement. But it's a stretch to include Thimerosal or even dental fillings. My argument is in the source of the problem - this is a difference of schools of thought, nothing else.

A few items to keep in mind;

1. Thimerosal was in vaccines starting way back in the late 30's. Autism was first diagnosed in 1943. Vaccines were heavily used in the west during the baby booms of the 50's-70's. Yet the epidemic of autism only started in the late 1990's. Surely, if there was a true link we would have seen this during the baby boom.

2. Thimerosal has been removed from many pediatric vaccines for a few years and in some scandanavian countries it has been absent for a several years. And yet, the diagnosis of autism for children age 5 and under has been growing.

3. Strong likelihood that the increase in autism is due to the broadened diagnostic criteria used today.

4. Uncontested fact about true autism is that it is a genetic mutation. Everyone agrees on this, even the people proposing the mercury theory.

Human genes undergo mutations from the day we are born. When we are young, the body can usually fix them. However, as we age, humans increasingly acquire mutations that are not corrected by the body's DNA repair mechanisms. This means that older parents are more likely to have chromosome mutations that are passed on when Mr. Sperm pierces Mrs. Ova. Look at the baby boom era average parent age and look at the average age of parents today. We have people in their late 30's and 40's making babies. 30 years ago, they were 20 and early 30 year olds making babies.

And now the dark secret people are afraid to discuss. If it's gene related and it can be screened for, what will people's reactions be? What if it is related to the fact that the gene donors have deficient genes? It's not something people want to contemplate. Far easier to blame Thimerosal and not accept the fact that having babies when we are older gives rise to a higher likelihood of defective offspring.

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There is Mercury in drinking water too, we're all doomed :o

And in seafood....

In fact, environmental exposure to mercury is widespread and from many, many sources. As is exposure to small amounts of other toxins, some of which accumulate in body fat and other tissues.

Which is one of the things that makes it so difficult to establish linkages between specific chemical exposures and the incidence of various diseases.

The study described here seems very odd indeed in that it had such a small control group. ..however the description (and title) shown in the OP is from a press release issued by the "Coalition for Merceury Free Drugs" not from the scientific article itself. As it (the published study) is very recent it is not yet available except through purchase of the journal, but abstracts will become available soon through services like medline. I'll be interested to see if the control grouop really was this small or if the press release erred. Certainly the press release was not issued by an objective entity.

The current thinking in the scientific community is that both genetic and envionmental factors seem to be involved in autism. (In addition, better/wider diagnostic criteria may have created an artificial increase in its incidence). One hypothesis recently put forth was that children with autism have a genetic defect which impares their ability to detoxify mercury. Children's exposure to trace amounts of mercury begins in utero and aside from things like maternal tooth fillings and maternal or child immunizations in the past (as one poster pointed out, thimersol was removed from childhood vaccines some years back) includes drinking water and food. Most children are able to detoxify small amounts of mercury without adverse effect, but there may be genetic defects which prevent some of them from doing so. There have also been suggestions that high levels of testerone may contribute to mercury toxicity.

A 2006 study in Texas found a strong correllation between environmentally released mercury (from industrial waste etc) and rates of autism...(that's correllation, not causation!)

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These Geier guys are interesting indeed - some would label them qucks - they have been labled "Untrustworthy" in a court of law - also "Intellectually dishonest"


Yes he is the type of guy I would trust with children - he chemically castrates them!!!


"The reviewer, Mark Geier, is an American doctor, vaccine activist, and highly criticised expert witness in vaccine cases, who promotes the idea that mercury in vaccines causes autism, and that testosterone is somehow also implicated. He performs expensive, drastic, controversial, experimental and unproven treatments on children with autism, including "chelation" to remove this mercury (a procedure from which a child died in 2005, under the care of another activist doctor) and "chemical castration" of children using leuprorelin, a testosterone blocker."

Edited by Prakanong
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