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Phuket Adsl


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I maybe be working my job in the UK over the net from Thailand, could you please comment of your experience of the ADSL in phuket ?

I would be required to work from 8am until 6pm monday to friday and occasionally thru the night, these are GMT/BST times so add 6 or 7 hours for thailand ie. 2pm until mid-night and occasionally thru the nigth and early morning.




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ADSL is very intermittent.. For your situation you would need to consider having 2 systems, one for backup..

Also highly dependant on line quality.. Its much (much) better than it was 2 - 3 years back but its still nothing like reliable...

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My father has ToT ADSL in Phuket and it is absolutely shocking. His conenction can be down for days at a time and varies in speed between 60K to 1K actual download speeds. The customer service is virtually non existant and almost always results in "We'll call you back" - which of course never happens. Their most common solution to every internet outage is that you need to buy a new cable modem. I work in IT and know for a fact, that although the humidity, dust and power fluctuations here are not kind to hardware, you don't need a new modem three times a month.

I use CAT CDMA (Wireless PCMCIA card) and although it appears to be a bit more reliable, the speeds are laughable compared to Europe. I am lucky if I can run Ventrilo most days and it usually takes a minute to load Yahoo.

If I was going to contract out of this country I wouldn't stray far from Bangkok to be honest. From what people say, they seem to have the better deal when it comes to internet.

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A mate who tried to work exactly the same kind of deal (UK and UK work hours) tried to work here on Phuket.. Spending the top cafe type net packages, etc etc etc..

After nearly losing his work he ended up packing it in and moving to bangkok.

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