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Birds Hanging Around My High Rise Condo


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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months, there have been BIRDS. Many, many, BIRDS. Hanging around my balcony, and above my balcony. What are they thinking? What are they doing? There is no food source for them here that I know about. They start their noisy alien sounds quite early in the morning, sometimes waking me up. While they are not nearly a big a threat as the biting RED ANTS that attacked me some months ago, I want them to just leave me alone. What to do? A friend recommended a good recording of CAT noises? Any idea?

BTW, sometimes I even hear pecking, like a woodpecker. Are these birds eating my building? Is concrete tasty?

Edited by Jingthing
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Without dwelling too heavily on the 'baked / roasted / on a spit' type answers, you could make some CD mobiles & hang them on the balcony.


For 2 serves

3/4 hot red chilli pepper

1/2 clove garlic, crushed

1/8 cup olive oil

1/8 cup lemon juice

1/8 teaspoon dried basil

1/8 teaspoon thyme

1/8 teaspoon tarragon

1/8 teaspoon marjoram

2 boneless skinless birds

1. Remove seeds from hot chilli peppers (wear rubber gloves to do this) and finely chop peppers.

2. Combine peppers and remaining marinade ingredients in a small bowl.

3. Cover and refrigerate for 2 days to allow the flavours to blend.

4. Makes enough marinade for 8 boneless skinless birds.(~2 lbs). Put birds in a closable plastic bag and pour in the marinade. Seal bag and marinate overnight in the refrigerator.

5. Remove bird from marinade and discard leftover marinade. Grill bird over medium heat for 5-7 minutes per side.


(sorry, couldn't help myself.)

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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months, there have been BIRDS. Many, many, BIRDS. Hanging around my balcony, and above my balcony. What are they thinking? What are they doing? There is no food source for them here that I know about. They start their noisy alien sounds quite early in the morning, sometimes waking me up. While they are not nearly a big a threat as the biting RED ANTS that attacked me some months ago, I want them to just leave me alone. What to do? A friend recommended a good recording of CAT noises? Any idea?

BTW, sometimes I even hear pecking, like a woodpecker. Are these birds eating my building? Is concrete tasty?

Please remember that these are Thai birds, and have every right to be on that balcony, you are only a guest on their balcony, and as a guest you have no rights. If you don't like it then you can always leave said balcony :o:D:D

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I heard a good suggestion the other day. A paintball gun. The paint will wash off the birds afterwards. Just make sure the paint is the same colour as your balcony, unless you feel the need to repaint in a different colour. :o

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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months, there have been BIRDS. Many, many, BIRDS. Hanging around my balcony, and above my balcony. What are they thinking? What are they doing?

are they good-looking birds?

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BTW, sometimes I even hear pecking, like a woodpecker. Are these birds eating my building? Is concrete tasty?

Maybe your balcony is where their tree used to be? I used to work in a new building and had rooks or crows landing on the fire escape and tapping at the glass... someone said there used to be big trees where the building now stood, and the birds kept coming back, looking for their tree.

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aww complainin about da poor birdies. wuts the world coming to!

Anyway..you could cover your balcony in something slippery like um..cooking oil. Then watch them skid around and slide off etc. If it doesnt get rid of them..at least it would be rather entertaining. :D

Edit: um check that cooking oil wont do them any harm digestion-wise first thought..it may also have an unfortunate side effect.... :o

Edited by eek
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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months, there have been BIRDS. Many, many, BIRDS. Hanging around my balcony, and above my balcony. What are they thinking? What are they doing? There is no food source for them here that I know about. They start their noisy alien sounds quite early in the morning, sometimes waking me up. While they are not nearly a big a threat as the biting RED ANTS that attacked me some months ago, I want them to just leave me alone. What to do? A friend recommended a good recording of CAT noises? Any idea?

BTW, sometimes I even hear pecking, like a woodpecker. Are these birds eating my building? Is concrete tasty?

:o The way the birds see it your high-rise condo balcony is just like a big rocky cliff in the jungle. Nothing is going to climb up to them to eat them. The cliff/condo balcony looks like a nice safe place to roost.

What your going to have to do is convince them that the balcony is not a safe place for them to stay. Exactly how you do that may require some ingenuity and 3 or 4 trys before you find the right answer.

You can try:

1. an external speaker mounted on the balcony. Play loud rock music or something that will scare them away.

2. Get a cat. Leave food for him/her out on the balcony, and a nice place for the cat to sleep out there.

3. Get a falcon or hawk for a pet. Let it live on the balcony.


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Put some birdy food stuff (the stuff that cant be eaten in 2 seconds flat) outside for them, away from your balcony. On a tree somewhere close enough for them to notice maybe?? Then hopefully they will go there than on your balcony.

Or sneak some food onto yir neighbors balcony..but that would be a tad unethical. :o

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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months, there have been BIRDS. Many, many, BIRDS. Hanging around my balcony, and above my balcony. What are they thinking? What are they doing? There is no food source for them here that I know about. They start their noisy alien sounds quite early in the morning, sometimes waking me up. While they are not nearly a big a threat as the biting RED ANTS that attacked me some months ago, I want them to just leave me alone. What to do? A friend recommended a good recording of CAT noises? Any idea?



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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months, there have been BIRDS. Many, many, BIRDS. Hanging around my balcony, and above my balcony. What are they thinking? What are they doing? There is no food source for them here that I know about. They start their noisy alien sounds quite early in the morning, sometimes waking me up. While they are not nearly a big a threat as the biting RED ANTS that attacked me some months ago, I want them to just leave me alone. What to do? A friend recommended a good recording of CAT noises? Any idea?



wrap some fishing line around your balcony when they fly in they;ll hit it ,they will soon stop .

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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months, there have been BIRDS. Many, many, BIRDS. Hanging around my balcony, and above my balcony. What are they thinking? What are they doing? There is no food source for them here that I know about. They start their noisy alien sounds quite early in the morning, sometimes waking me up. While they are not nearly a big a threat as the biting RED ANTS that attacked me some months ago, I want them to just leave me alone. What to do? A friend recommended a good recording of CAT noises? Any idea?



wrap some fishing line around your balcony when they fly in they;ll hit it ,they will soon stop .

ow thats gotta be a bit cruel tho? They could potentially cut themselves, esp if the line is very tight. How about using string instead..and attach something to it ..like bells or tissues/cloth handkerchiefs? Would bags of water attached to it work? Might sound weird but from another thread they say bags of water keep flies and dogs etc away..so why not birds too? Or plastic bottles filled with water? :o

Heck, the more i suggest...the more stupid i sound. I think its time to shut up! :D

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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months,

If they have started to come around it's because someone is feeding them, its not nesting season, get up early and see where they gather. The cd hanging from string does work, good luck. :o

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I don't understand what you mean by a CD hanging on a string. What does that do? They don't like shiny things? I also suspect another resident has a bird feeder.

It would be really nice to be able to say: Bpai Bpai Birdies!


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I live in a high rise concrete condo. This building is about as unnatural a structure as you can imagine. In the last few months,

If they have started to come around it's because someone is feeding them, its not nesting season, get up early and see where they gather. The cd hanging from string does work, good luck. :o

We have sparrows with young right now (10th floor condo.), they seem to breed continually. Since they are no trouble and make no mess or smell we leave them alone, just clear out the old nests once in a while (mask and gloves).

It's great when 4 or 5 young fledge together, flying in all directions bumping into the plants before they gain control. They seem to come back to the nest for some days afterwards squeezing in and totally wrecking the structure (makes it easy to remove once they've gone).

We have a net around the balcony to keep out pigeons ('orrible things) the sparrows just whizz right through.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How about a "dummy" bird of prey?

I have seen poeple use "bird of prey" cutout taped to their glass door, or ceramics or whatever physical ones (say, sitting on your balcony). That should do wonder. No killing, etc.

Edited by stateman
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