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Is It Raining Everywhere?


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All my clothes are damp, my bed even feels wet..we don't have a drier! Nothing is dry!!!

We have 72 nappies in various states of wetness. Am currently resorting to drying them with an iron, with one draped over the fan, and another on the PC case which seems to be the warmest place in the house right now...

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Well, I was going to add, unless it floods, but then lost my connection. :o

As someone who has had great difficulties in obtaining water when there has been drought, I do beg to differ from you girlx. There is nothing at all wonderful about no rain at all.

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Oh-Oh the rain has just hit Phuket

Ah well at least half my washing is dry.

not rained for a couple of hours now in samui but has all week ,in 14 years in thailand had never slept without air or fan until this week ,its really cold ...

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Rainy season is not that bad :bah: since I am driving my car everywhere I go :o

I do understand that things will be a bit wetter in the next few months but then again, is that not good? :D

I do know that on a motorbike :D you are what I would say F.C.U.Ked :D but thats life on a motorbike... I used to like the rain when I had a big bike :bah: but those days are long gone...

If you cant change it, leave it... Rain will come weather or not you like it...

PS... My house is completely dry and I live in NST... outside it is very wet and my UBC is searching for signal all the time... :D:o found signal

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Well, I was going to add, unless it floods, but then lost my connection. :o

As someone who has had great difficulties in obtaining water when there has been drought, I do beg to differ from you girlx. There is nothing at all wonderful about no rain at all.

As someone who made it through last summer on stored rainwater, (south PKK) I agree 100%. My wee house was in an area that had a dryer than normal micro-climate. It would be raining like crazy a few km up the beach, but completely dry at my house.

We finally (through some devious political manipulation) got muni water .. then I sold the house.

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I actually love the rain, I love that it's cooler..I do not love that all my clothes feel damp and my bedding is not dry! Seems to be a different month every year that the rainy season kicks in. 3 years ago it was September, then it was November now it's October...guess it's close enough! All the waterfalls in my area have been officially closed due to fear of nam par..flash floods, so it's good to see them taking precautions after the tragedies that have struck this year already.

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true, rain is better than no water in high season, but still, if you live in thong nai pan (KPG) and get around via motorbike, rainy season sucks!!!

That is true! The TNP road is bad even in the dry season! I remember years ago, before part of it was paved, after one particularly heavy storm a large boulder rolled into the road cutting off access. People had to get out of their trucks and hike around the boulder to the other side and get into a waiting truck. Supplies came in the same way. The boulder is still there, they just dug the road around it instead, it was that huge (size of a small house).

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