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Visa On Arrival - Fool?

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I work offshore outside Thailand 29 days on 27 off

So in theory never more than 90 days Leave in any 6 month period.

Can someone tell me

When did my 6 month(180 days) start and Finish?

I arrived October 2006

Stayed 27 days

I arrived December 2006

Stayed 27 days

I arrived July 2007

Stayed 27 days

I arrived September 2007

Stayed 27 days

Confused MAK MAK! :o

According to the letter of last Sept. posted here by 'Maestro' you have a rolling six months from the day you enter the country and without a visa thirty days each visit also starting on the day you enter. There is no definition of a month in the letter, but the School book of 'tables' defines it as thirty days, which I suspect I learned in England fifty years ago but forgot. I don't know if Thais specify 'calender month' as English does. Since you are on a cycle of 28/28 I imagine you are fine, If you are British you get a little break in that days of entry and departure are not considered 'in the country'. Your presence or otherwise on departure days is not mentioned in the aforesaid letter. If this is not correct you can probably read about it in the 'language forum'.

Edited by tgeezer
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I'm interested to note that posters consider the Immigration Officer gregarious enough to have gone to the the trouble of seeking out a farang friend/acquaintance willing to translate the Thai word for 'FOOL' (and clever enough to explain why he wanted to know, to said farang), or sufficiently resourceful/curious to have purchased and consulted a needlessly costly Thai/English dictionary for the word 'FOOL', and, additionally, transposed the undoubtedly lower case translation into upper case, and, lastly, silly and/or brazen enough to actually insert it into a passport! One wonders how good the I.O.'s English language skills were? One wonders why he isn't in charge of Immigration. What a useful fellow he would be to know - an insider, so to speak. (Most certainly he would seem to be worthy of quick promotion, to 'Chief Smarty Pants', if nothing else - are the Thais really this subtle, or even interested in farangs, to bother with a written put-down? Doubt it. Did he, on this particular occasion, turn to a colleague and make what our dear poster might consider to have been a snide remark? Doubt it). Oh, has our dear poster been considered to be a fool on previous occasions, and, to add insult to injury, actually been unfortunate enough to have had someone state this judgment in writing?

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I think it means "FOOT" to indicate that you arrived by foot, did you get this from a land border crossing? I think the final "L" is supposed to be a "T" and the guy just wrote it wrong. I remember reading before about someone having "FOOT" written next to one of their stamps.

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^^I remember reading before about someone having "FOOT" written next to one of their stamps.

The bearer of this passport has only the foot part of Foot and Mouth disease!! Let his mouth go, but quarantine his right foot!! :o

Edited by Big A
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Please forgive me for not believing that. Kindly scan it and post it here.



Here you go, had to take a photo of it. Its a bit odd I think ...

Maybe they mispelt it and mean FULL.

Yes, it seems pretty clear that it's (2)FOOL meaning (2)FULL.

Rechecking my own passport, I've got any number of multiple entry visas where between the visa and the fold there's a handwritten number in brackets or a circle with a date stamp next to it.

The OP doesn't have a visa in fact, but he does have something similar in essence; his first Visa Exempt counting period. As that ran 6 months from April to October, his most recent entry is within that counting period and said period is complete. Complete and full are not dissimilar concepts and the correct word in Thai may be "dtem" which satisfies both concepts.

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