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Significant Price Rises Everywhere !


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over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases

for example :-

1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent

2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent

3 milk has increased by 14 percent

4. we all know diesel is going up

Fortunately I am not an American retiree living here relying on U.S. dollar payments

but I dread to think how people in this situation are coping with the reduced

purchasing power of US$

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over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases

for example :-

1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent

2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent

3 milk has increased by 14 percent

4. we all know diesel is going up

Fortunately I am not an American retiree living here relying on U.S. dollar payments

but I dread to think how people in this situation are coping with the reduced

purchasing power of US$

no problem for me

1. i don't use a gymnasium

2. i prefer the food served at home to that served in restaurants

3. i hate milk

4. my cars use gasoline (price increases of gasoline are irrelevant as we fill up each time for 1,000 baht only :o)

5. i (fortunately) don't rely on USD payments

6. living in Thailand is still dirt cheap and will remain dirt cheap for many years to come compared to most other countries.


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over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases

for example :-

1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent

2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent

3 milk has increased by 14 percent

4. we all know diesel is going up

You,re going to the wrong places. :o

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1. i don't use a gymnasium

2. i prefer the food served at home to that served in restaurants

3. i hate milk

4. my cars use gasoline (price increases of gasoline are irrelevant as we fill up each time for 1,000 baht only :o)

5. i (fortunately) don't rely on USD payments

6. living in Thailand is still dirt cheap and will remain dirt cheap for many years to come compared to most other countries.


With all due respect Dr Naam just because it doesn't seem to affect you personally I think

it would be interesting to receive some responses from a wider audience :D

I would be interested to read if the people still consider Thailand to be " dirt cheap " as you put it ?

I completely disagree with your statement for example regarding the purchase of automobiles.

You can't be serious in saying that Thailand is a cheap place to buy cars :D

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over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases

for example :-

1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent

2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent

3 milk has increased by 14 percent

4. we all know diesel is going up

You,re going to the wrong places. :o

may be but I'm interested in whether other people are noticing any substantial price increases

and whether it's the beginning of a trend ?

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may be but I'm interested in whether other people are noticing any substantial price increases

and whether it's the beginning of a trend ?


Ive certainly noticed it. right across the board. To many just another 0 on the end of the bill. but to those like me and you thing's are changing.

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yeah, I've cut back on the pate and caviar. Hard life :o

No seriously, it is getting more expensive.

It is the same the world over. Going back to Australia now makes me cry as even though I can 'afford' to, it ain't the land of cheap goods and services it once was. It is almost expensive as the UK.

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Yeah, I have noticed the price increases and I do live on dollars, but you know, you just make adjustments. No sob stories from me.

I am visiting Southern California in the U.S. right now and I find that prices are escalating here very rapidly as well, especially fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and, of course, petrol. I had been away from here for a little over a year and am still amazed at how much prices--in general--for foodstuffs, energy and clothing have increased during that time.

I agree about making adjustments, no point in complaining. I think it is happening in many countries at present.

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over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases

for example :-

1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent

2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent

3 milk has increased by 14 percent

4. we all know diesel is going up

Fortunately I am not an American retiree living here relying on U.S. dollar payments

but I dread to think how people in this situation are coping with the reduced

purchasing power of US$

The place where I get my haircut was THB 100, 2-3 years ago . On relocating back to Thailand a few months back it was THB 120. I went again recently and it's now gone up to THB 150. So for comparison that's some pretty steep rises: 50% in 2-3 years, and 25% in the last few months.

Yes I know I can get haircuts for less, but we're not talking much to start with. So it's still worth it, and I'm happy going back. Value for money seems to be dropping rapidly tho' :o - especially when you consider I've got less hair than 2-3 years ago. :D

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over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases

for example :-

1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent

2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent

3 milk has increased by 14 percent

4. we all know diesel is going up

Fortunately I am not an American retiree living here relying on U.S. dollar payments

but I dread to think how people in this situation are coping with the reduced

purchasing power of US$

Not only in Thailand, but in other countries as well. See the graph below for the States. The reason... oil prices.

Thailand has lifted the milk price control and why sour cream and cheese is now up 50% Because of ethanol, corn prices have gone up and so has the increase of pork and chicken ( over 50% in the last 6 months) The last month, have seen increases of over 100% for certain commodities like cilantro, lettuce, tomatoes, spring onion. (Tomatoes and lettuce have in the last week though come back to previous levels)



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You guy's dont know how lucky you are im still in Blighty till next Year !, it really is expensive to live here, gas, elec, poll tax fuel at an all time high at £1.00 a ltr, intrest rate rises. honest guy's you should thank your lucky stars.

you need a minimun of £500.00 a week here just to live.

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1. i don't use a gymnasium

2. i prefer the food served at home to that served in restaurants

3. i hate milk

4. my cars use gasoline (price increases of gasoline are irrelevant as we fill up each time for 1,000 baht only :o )

5. i (fortunately) don't rely on USD payments

6. living in Thailand is still dirt cheap and will remain dirt cheap for many years to come compared to most other countries.


With all due respect Dr Naam just because it doesn't seem to affect you personally I think

it would be interesting to receive some responses from a wider audience :D

I would be interested to read if the people still consider Thailand to be " dirt cheap " as you put it ?

I completely disagree with your statement for example regarding the purchase of automobiles.

You can't be serious in saying that Thailand is a cheap place to buy cars :D

For me buying a new car here was a lot cheaper [over 1/3] than the UK......... US cars in the US are cheaper, but only in the US.

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<br />
over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases <br />for example :-<br /><br />1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent<br />2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent<br />3 milk has increased by 14 percent<br />4. we all know diesel is going up<br /><br />Fortunately I am not an American retiree living here relying on U.S. dollar payments<br />but I dread to think how people in this situation are coping with the reduced<br />purchasing power of US$
<br />no problem for me <br /><br />1. i don't use a gymnasium<br />2. i prefer the food served at home to that served in restaurants<br />3. i hate milk<br />4. my cars use gasoline (price increases of gasoline are irrelevant as we fill up each time for 1,000 baht only <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />) <br />5. i (fortunately) don't rely on USD payments<br />6. living in Thailand is still dirt cheap and will remain dirt cheap for many years to come compared to most other countries.<br /> <img src="style_emoticons/default/jap.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="jap.gif" /> <br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Cost of a top of the range Mitsuibishi Triton in Thailand £9000 in the uk £20000+ am not too worried either.

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Ive certainly noticed it. right across the board. To many just another 0 on the end of the bill. but to those like me and you thing's are changing.

That's the beauty, the genius of CPI (Consumer Price Index) or "inflation"... every one of us can have (rightly) a different opinion about it.

There should been as several CPI than there are people....

Gasoline is going up. Sure. But meanwhile, price of LCD screen are going to hel_l. etc. etc.

Just an "extreme" example of what's currently going on.

Now, if you want my opinion : prices of commodities and basic goods (with low selling prices, and low margins) will continue to go up.

Manufactured goods, with much higher margin, can handle the inflation of costs... and could therefore even continue their trend (decrease of prices).

So basically, and as usual, the first to suffer will be the poors.

But mai pen rai, the BOT and the thai gvt continue to tell us that inflation is contained. And that we should even decrease interest rates (to copy our US friends, to save thai exports etc.) etc...

Everything is under control. And the King, after 10 days in hospital, has "good appetite" (quote from the official daily statement)...

Be happy...

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You guy's dont know how lucky you are im still in Blighty till next Year !, it really is expensive to live here, gas, elec, poll tax fuel at an all time high at £1.00 a ltr, intrest rate rises. honest guy's you should thank your lucky stars.

you need a minimun of £500.00 a week here just to live.

500 quid a week minimum to live on,think you may be ever so slightly exagerating there fella

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<br />
over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases <br />for example :-<br /><br />1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent<br />2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent<br />3 milk has increased by 14 percent<br />4. we all know diesel is going up<br /><br />Fortunately I am not an American retiree living here relying on U.S. dollar payments<br />but I dread to think how people in this situation are coping with the reduced<br />purchasing power of US$
<br /><br />The place where I get my haircut was THB 100, 2-3 years ago . On relocating back to Thailand a few months back it was THB 120. I went again recently and it's now gone up to THB 150. So for comparison that's some pretty steep rises: 50% in 2-3 years, and 25% in the last few months.<br /><br />Yes I know I can get haircuts for less, but we're not talking much to start with. So it's still worth it, and I'm happy going back. Value for money seems to be dropping rapidly tho' <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> - especially when you consider I've got less hair than 2-3 years ago. <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

700 baht minimum in the Uk where I am.

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<br />
over the past few days I have noticed some quite significant price increases <br />for example :-<br /><br />1. my gymnasium increased its membership fees by 25 percent<br />2. one of my favorite restaurants has increased its menu prices by 10 percent<br />3 milk has increased by 14 percent<br />4. we all know diesel is going up<br /><br />Fortunately I am not an American retiree living here relying on U.S. dollar payments<br />but I dread to think how people in this situation are coping with the reduced<br />purchasing power of US$
<br /><br />The place where I get my haircut was THB 100, 2-3 years ago . On relocating back to Thailand a few months back it was THB 120. I went again recently and it's now gone up to THB 150. So for comparison that's some pretty steep rises: 50% in 2-3 years, and 25% in the last few months.<br /><br />Yes I know I can get haircuts for less, but we're not talking much to start with. So it's still worth it, and I'm happy going back. Value for money seems to be dropping rapidly tho' <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> - especially when you consider I've got less hair than 2-3 years ago. <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

700 baht minimum in the Uk where I am.

0 baht here.

Electric shaver. :D

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Thailand and other Asian states will always be dearer for the farangs because the majority of locals don't require as many luxuries as we do and can't afford them anyway.

Get over it, it's still a cheaper deal than anywhere in Europe, apart from perhaps Rumania and Albania.

P.S. Candoman, your friend must be absolutely repellent - or mad - to be paying those prices for ST.

Edited by qwertz
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Prices go up. That's life.


and yet you argue against a minimum wage increase ...............................

Life should be full of challenges. What greater challenge for the masses than trying to make ends meet?


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Prices do increae everywhere. When in Rome........... Buy your veggies at the local markets - chicken and local beef are still much cheaper here than in home countries. Eat at local shops/street vendors instead of the upscale, overpriced expat restaurants. If you want the lifestyle you left at home then you must pay a premium. It is all about supply and demand.

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Bar fine up to 600 Baht (500 Baht a year ago.........20% rise) :D

Short time now they try for 2,000 Baht (up from 1000 a year ago..........100%rise) :D

So my friends tell me :o

whats a bar fine?

isnt that something that guys who cannt get a woman have to pay, you must have some ugly friends.

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