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Any Good Movie Recommendations


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Not sure if this is the right forum or whether anybody will reply, not bothered really :o but anyway.

I've just seen King Arthur, what a boring load of rubbish!

The actors were ok apart from Clive Owens voice, not theatrical in anyway,

Ray Winstone was excellent.

Excalibur from 20 odd years ago is still one of my favourite films.

Also saw I Robot, very good although some effects were too arcade gameish.

bye bye

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Shrek 2 - thought I'd hate it, but it was bloody funny, two thumbs.

Rundown - Action adventure with 'the rock', action movies don't get much better than this. two thumbs.

Timeline - like jurassic park with no dinosaurs - rubbish as all helll, one finger.

Seabiscuit - like pirates of the carribean but with horses, kind of. Its aces, two thumbs.

4 holes 1 goal - errrr, how did that get in here? two thumbs, quite literally.

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I quite liked King Arthur, although the storyline was a bit weak and the actors pretty rubbish, the different take on the artherian legend was interesting.

Supposedly based on new evidence/information found about the legendary "King Arthur".

I'm a fantasy freak, so for me a good movie would have to include swords, sorcery adn a dragon or two. Try getting hold of a copy of "Merlin" if you can its worth a watch, quite a long film but concentrates on the Merlin/Magic side of the King Arthur legend

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What a charming little child! :o

I liked Shrek 2, but can't say I've seen many movies since that one, on my last flight back from Bangkok the movie selection on Emirates was execrable.

Spiderman 2 I'm told is better than the first one.

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I thought that "King Arthur" was a load of rubbish....I thought the same for "Troy." This retelling of well known stories is pretty silly. I enjoyed "Collateral"...this film has some good dialogue and action. Probably one of the better films to hit this country's major theaters...."Cold Mountain" which is gone now was also good.

Ray Winstone is a delight in whatever film he is in...


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I, Robot was good, but the fx were as dave said a bit arcadish, but Will Smith, yum yum :D

Spiderman 2 was good too, good fx, but whats the deal with the wrist web stuff running out all the time? And does anyone else think that the guy who plays spidey is a bit gormless looking? :o Loved the japanese street singer though :D

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Didn't see Troy or King Aurthur - not interested in all that period costume drama, and I never did see what all the fuss was about with Gladiator.

Spiderman 2 was a good action movie and better than it's predecessor.

I just bought Dawn of the Dead (2004) on VCD and it's well worth buying, let alone watching.

I'm not into horror but it was very well done with a good cast and plot and if there were any CGI FX then I didn't really notice.

The first ten minutes alone were more gripping than anything I've seen in a long time and I recommend anybody reading this to buy it - it's less than 200bt and available at at most places - I got mine at a skytrain station.

Be sure to get an English one with Thai subtitles, enjoy it with your pertner and watch her jump out of her skin.

Get back on this thread and let me know what you think.

I Robot was alright but easily forgotten.

I'm off now to see Alien V Predator. :o

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Alien vs. Predator was better than I expected. Good, mindless fun. I thought Collateral was one of the best films of the year. Michael Mann's previous movies - Thief and Heat - had similar themes about perfectionists, professionals, and one last big score. For another intelligent movie, try and get hold of a DVD of The Good Thief, starring Nick Nolte.

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Well, I must have different tastes than a lot of people on this forum, but I found Spiderman 2 boring. The story was bland, the acting was dumb, and the love story like a bad cartoon. All in all, much like a comic book.

I thought King Arthur was pretty neat since you got to see a unique interpretation of the legend and a portrayal of ancient British life like I haven't seen anywhere else. The British as hill tribe people is a concept you don't see much.

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the gladiator was a great film, that and films like it should not and can't be compared to spiderman etc.

Agree with you there, darling. Not to mention Russell Crowe.. :o

Spiderman 2 special effects were great. But I didn't like the story much, especially the love story. And yeah, Boo, I also think Toby McGuire looked like a moron.

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Just returned from seeing Alien V Predator and it was what I had expected, and I had expected it to be ok/good - and it was. :D

i really don't think i could watch it, i saw freddy v jason, pretty poor.

i think these are desperate film makers trying to earn some money by matching these characters together. i don't see how they can bring a film out called alien v predator, and how they can come up with a valid reason for them being together, (ok, i know the answer to that is go and see for myself) but the title puts me off. predator 1 was ok, predator 2 was a bit stupid and i've never been inti the alien films.

whats the next blockbuster :o

"Aliens v the triffids in jurassic park, hunted by Rambo and Commando"? :D

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"Aliens v the triffids in jurassic park, hunted by Rambo and Commando"? :o

That's a whole new genre Rambo goes to Jurassic Park, brilliant! Forget the stodgy palaeontologist, let John Rambo sort it all out :D

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Agree with you there, darling. Not to mention Russell Crowe.. :o

Well well LC, this statement along with your quote from JFK at the bottom of your posts leads me to believe that your not only into Poms. Well done my dear. lol

Now to get back to the topic at hand, Bourne Supremacy was a good flick along with the first one, Bourne Identity.

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Well well LC, this statement along with your quote from JFK at the bottom of your posts leads me to believe that your not only into Poms. Well done my dear. lol

Just once in my lifetime that I fancied an Aussie, trip. After actually going out with one, I've then decided to stick with Poms. :o

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Just returned from seeing Alien V Predator and it was what I had expected, and I had expected it to be ok/good - and it was.  :D

i really don't think i could watch it, i saw freddy v jason, pretty poor.

i think these are desperate film makers trying to earn some money by matching these characters together. i don't see how they can bring a film out called alien v predator, and how they can come up with a valid reason for them being together, (ok, i know the answer to that is go and see for myself) but the title puts me off. predator 1 was ok, predator 2 was a bit stupid and i've never been inti the alien films.

whats the next blockbuster :o

"Aliens v the triffids in jurassic park, hunted by Rambo and Commando"? :D

Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave!!! What are you saying???

I share your views on both the Alien and Predator movies but this movie IS a good idea and has been ten years in the making.

There's also been AVP computer games and comics which were also a good match, but as for Freddy V Jason - I never saw it and yes it does look a tad crappy, and I still don't understand why there are 3 discs for the VCD - How long is it?

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Haven't seen any pictures this Summer-since the bastards here seem to get them 3 months late. Now that my ranting is over here are a few dvd recommendations.

Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2

Butterfly Effect

To End All Wars (WW2 Thai Railway)


The Cooler

Swimming Pool

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