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"thai Women Vs Farang Women"


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Farang women also seem able to find Thai men attractive without having to slag off everything about Western men in the process.

Not exactly true. I've also heard western ladies bashing the lads with equal vigor.... ugly, overweight, slobs, losers that can't find a western woman in their own country. I often wonder why the ladies think this way as much as the lads bashing western women. :o

You're confusing two different things.

Calling a spade a spade is not bashing ALL Western men. I'm rather fond of men, and of Western men in particular, but when a guy comes to me on this forum, spewing a bunch of racist and sexist bull* about women, has a crap attitude and seems unable to read, write or speak to anyone with the most basic of respect -- then yes, I do think he's most likely some bitter loser that can't find a girl in his own country through some combination of crappy appearance, crappy attitude and being damaged goods, and I might very well say so.

But this kind of man is not representative of ALL Western men, and thank god for that.

Did you just write that? (See bold.)

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I'm not trying to slagg off fat men -- but I've definitely observed that a non-trivial amount of farang men in BKK are overweight, which hardly puts them in a position to criticize the weight and appearance of farang women.

I'm athletic built - am I allowed to?

Depends TAWP, post a photo and your stats and we'll let you know :o

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Pampal, I guess I should say sorry to all you hairy guys out there, I've been married to a Thai man for so long, hairy just puts me off :o

You left out the word fat

It's fat and hairy :D

Well, my husband has put on a few kilos since we married so I will remove the word fat from my description, ok? :D

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yawn yawn, blah blah, <deleted> <deleted>. There is no western women vs thai women for western or thai women themselves. No western women I know wants to be a thai women or vise versa. Sadly it is only in the minds of men to make up such comparisons. As others have said. If you want a thai owmen then good for you, if you don't then that is also good for you as we are all, hear it now poeple, individuals who want & need different things in life & from love

Wow, how zen of me, oh no, even kids know this so how can it be so difficult for a bunch of adults to understand too???


Nice to update my list of posters who have trollied out the same old saddo comments about western & thai women though for future reference. :D

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'We don't understand either' so does that make you a half man/half woman T T or just an alien? All in good fun as you said.

Well I do have my feminine side (I cried when I first saw Old Yeller – of course I was like seven); and I have been called half a man a few times as well (farkn’ English football hooligans); and I did have alien registration card once (when I lived in Japan).

So I think the answer is yes.

The female side of me likes western women, the male side of me likes all women (well many of them), and the alien side of me just hopes to get a another visa next year.

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I'm not trying to slagg off fat men -- but I've definitely observed that a non-trivial amount of farang men in BKK are overweight, which hardly puts them in a position to criticize the weight and appearance of farang women.

I'm athletic built - am I allowed to?

Depends TAWP, post a photo and your stats and we'll let you know :D

Sorry, don't have access to Forum 47 anymore, so I cannot post sexy pics! :o

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I'm not trying to slagg off fat men -- but I've definitely observed that a non-trivial amount of farang men in BKK are overweight, which hardly puts them in a position to criticize the weight and appearance of farang women.

I'm athletic built - am I allowed to?

Depends TAWP, post a photo and your stats and we'll let you know :D

Sorry, don't have access to Forum 47 anymore, so I cannot post sexy pics! :o

Well, it doesn't have to be too revealing TAWP, I am not interested in the 'full package' as it were but rather just to judge how "fit" you are :D

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No western women I know wants to be a thai women or vise versa.

Are you kidding ? Every Thai woman dreams she was born a Western woman ! Why do you think they look for farang husbands ? Because it is the only way they can try to upgrade their status to yours, which appears to them as an incredibly priviledged one !

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No western women I know wants to be a thai women or vise versa.

Are you kidding ? Every Thai woman dreams she was born a Western woman ! Why do you think they look for farang husbands ? Because it is the only way they can try to upgrade their status to yours, which appears to them as an incredibly priviledged one !

Foreign partners bring status via wealth.

When/if Thailand offers decent education and vocational training to its citizens, there will be more options for gaining wealth, and we will no doubt see fewer Thais willing to form liaisons with foreigners.

A rudimentary social security system would also produce interesting changes.

Edited by WaiWai
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I am a farang.

I quite like western women, please toss your unwanted ladies in my direction and I'll guarantee them a soft landing.

Thai women are not my faves anyway and would be low on my list for intelligent intercourse (verbal of course), personality and character.

Give me a slightly rounded western women with character rather than a svelte oriental who bores me.

And the bedroom performance? There's nothing a Thai girl can do for me that an occidental girl can't match.

Some of you poor guys out there must have really been let down by women if you think a Thai is the cure for your heartaches and frustrations.

Signed, Available, Germany

BTW, stop hitting on Blizzard's English. It's better than my Swedish or yours.

If I am not mistaken Blizzard is an American business graduate - or is he not?

Blizzard's English is still better than my Swedish or yours.

P.S. Edonista, where did you get the notion that western women cost more than Thai women?

The cost of the latter seems to be spiralling according to reports from mongers on various forums.

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No western women I know wants to be a thai women or vise versa.

Are you kidding ? Every Thai woman dreams she was born a Western woman ! Why do you think they look for farang husbands ? Because it is the only way they can try to upgrade their status to yours, which appears to them as an incredibly priviledged one !

Pleeease, how many Thai women do you actually know. Perhaps many wished they had whiter skin but thats it.

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Gotta love this thread.

Really though, you miss the point if you think it's all about money. It's not. Took me a while to realize this, but the reason why people enjoyed "the girlfriend experience" a decade ago and why it seems Thai girls are losing their charm today is because of the influx of Western programming.

Like it or not, men are biologically programmed to like women who are nuturing. They make better mothers for our children.

You can listen to all the Western propaganda you want and media programming saying strong, independent women are sexy, but the reality is, men want to marry women who are nuturing. Most men can't even articulate this, and they certainly can't understand why they find western women so unnattractive.

Western women for their part, also subconciously realize something is wrong, but they can't really understand it either. Western society doesn't allow for this kind of thought. Western ideas really started to infiltrate Thailand after the Vietnam war. The Thai women who were born in the early 80's, are very different from the generation before. They are very western. These are also the girls making up the new crop of comfort women. Not surprisingly, you hear alot fewer people these days talking about the great "girlfriend experience". As a rule, the older the girl and the less wealthy her family was during childhood, the closer the girl is to someone you want to marry. There are exceptions, but anecdotal evidence seems to favor this theory.

The girlfriend experience occurs naturally between any man and a nuturing woman, nationality aside. It does not happen between a man and a strong, independent woman. Sex might, but that is different. The more western Thai girls become, the less the distinction between them and their farang counterparts. Thai prostitutes may still be physically more appealing than their western counterparts, but even that will change soon.

If the OP is really tired of hearing this, all he has to do is wait 1 more decade. By that time, Western cultural influences will be so pervasive in Thailand that any distinction will be gone. Instead, we'll have a new board with a bunch of men claiming how they can't stand Thai women in favor of Laotian/Burmese/etc. women who have not yet lost their femininity.

Farang women are just as much a victim in the screwed up culture of the West as the men. It's not fair to criticize them. However, any Western woman who wants to be happy, can do so simply by abandoning the strong/independent mindset and adopting a nuturing personality, so it's within her power to change if she wants. Society won't help with this however.

That's the real distinction. It's not economics, and there is a huge difference between traditional Eastern culturals and the modern, diseased culture of the West.

With respect, I disagree totally with this.

Are you saying that Thai women are better mothers than western women?

No, western women know how to nurture children; they just don't want to be slaves or mothers to grown men.

And how would you know what goes on in the subconscious mind of western women? Western women aren't complaining and men who have enough confidence to have a relationship with a woman who is their equal are not either. Western women dont need your condescending advice that they can change, you are the one complaining, how about you changing your attitude if it matters to you so much.

It is about economics. Money is a great controller and the fact that western women are now financially independent of men and most Thai women are not, speaks volumes.

Lastly, most western women dont care what your preference in women is and if you are happy with a Thai woman, good on you, but.............why do you have to have an excuse?

Why do you have to say 'I like Thai women because western women ...................................and follows a multitude of different reasons?

Why cant you just like Thai women without there being anything negative about western women in it?

Why do you have to justify it?

Agree Polly. Im surprised one person can presume so much about others tbh.


I am also surprised that people compare the WHOLE of the western world's females to Thai females. The notion that vast majority of western women have a bad attitude and are fat/manly/ball-breakers is (as always) plain ridiculous. The 'west' includes so many different cultures, backgrounds, degrees of education, etc, its impossible to pigeon-hole all women into one negative box.

The notion that Thai women are more demure and feminine that all western women is also an over-generalisation.

More importantly, i wonder what exactly people mean about "Thai women becoming more westernised". (Esp seeing as this is seemingly considered negative). What does it mean to the Thai lady? Is it that she feels she has more personal rights as a woman (which men do not like)? Is it that she feels she can speak up or against something that she disagrees with? Is becoming a bit "more westernised" is a bad thing in the eyes of a western male but a good thing FOR the Thai lady?

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The original poster suspected that a Thai-Farang match is 90% financial and 10% cultural.

He then went on to highlight half the cultural reasons, i.e. that (poor) Thais look attractive to Westerners.

I submit that it's closer to 50%-50%, (or 60%-40%, whatever, I'm willing to negotiate :o )

Anyway, what the OP didn't mention is that Westerners look attractive to Thais too, just in the looks department. Add some education & money, and there you have fertile grounds for, well, 'fertile grounds', period, I guess.

Of course this varies per couple. Walk around Pattaya and you see a lot of 90%-10%. :D But in other parts you may see more 50%-50%'s.

I hope the above also demonstrates that generalizing is always iffy at best.

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P.S. Edonista, where did you get the notion that western women cost more than Thai women?

The cost of the latter seems to be spiralling according to reports from mongers on various forums.

It spirals if you allow it to. Just stick to short times instead of letting them tie you in a "relationship" and you will be able to fulfill your sexual needs for a moderate amount of money.

Just remember that what ruins the customer in every market is monopoly. As long as you stay in a position that allows you to switch between different suppliers you will be fine.

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Senior Member

QUOTE (Boo @ 2007-10-31 16:05:29)

Nice to update my list of posters who have trollied out the same old saddo comments about western & thai women though for future reference.

Indeed a great example of what is "western woman" attitude.

lol, a good example of a moderator of thai visa wanting to keep an eye on the trouble makers & muppets. I just happen to be a western women so get over it. Massive yawn.

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More importantly, i wonder what exactly people mean about "Thai women becoming more westernised"

They mean they are asking for more money.

Unfortunately many feminist brainwashed men arrived to Los in recent years and with their "we should not pay the girls so little" nonsense caused widespread inflation.

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Well i used to love western ladies and not like asian girls at all, but the saying "one you go asian you never go caucasian" is very true for me.

Or maybe im going throw a very strong and long asian fetish.

I think they look better in all departments, age better, nicer skin, nice butts... i better stop now or i will go forever.

but this is just my taste.

One thing i dont like on there boards is that i notice alot of tops is us against them and how we are better then Thais's etc and seem to pat eachother on the back and try to bring up how and why we are better then them and there all nothing. I hope we can all change soon from this there all this and that and have better topics. But then i guess the forum wouldnt be so popular.

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wots a monger.........lol.

can i trade thai gurls on forex. prices have gone up. im geting em cheaper. maybe im getting hansommer!

how can prices go up when there is a never ending supply being raised in issarn. and wots this monopoly you speak of. is there a union among you know.............

i dont tink its a matter of being better than thais. i do tink farangs (not me) fel superior coz they got more dosh. and the golden ruleis he who have the gold can get any thai women who is inclined to take one.

Edited by blizzard
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Eek has pointed out an interesting contradiction.

It was claimed that Thais form relationships with foreigners because those Thais long for improved "status". But it becomes clear that some are terrified of having Thai achieve this status :o .

Must we conclude that some foreigners have no interest in helping Thais improve their "status" and - indeed - that this would be in active opposition to those foreigners' (self) interests ?

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Well Farangs usually have more dosh then Thais, but my Thai wife definately has more dosh them me.. We live in Sydney and she is the one making the good money and not myself. This is also why I love Thai woman alot.

I got some really great Farang lady friends and that, but im not even attracted to them anymore to tell you the truth

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I am a farang.

I quite like western women, please toss your unwanted ladies in my direction and I'll guarantee them a soft landing.

Thai women are not my faves anyway and would be low on my list for intelligent intercourse (verbal of course), personality and character.

Give me a slightly rounded western women with character rather than a svelte oriental who bores me.

And the bedroom performance? There's nothing a Thai girl can do for me that an occidental girl can't match.

Some of you poor guys out there must have really been let down by women if you think a Thai is the cure for your heartaches and frustrations.

Signed, Available, Germany

BTW, stop hitting on Blizzard's English. It's better than my Swedish or yours.

If I am not mistaken Blizzard is an American business graduate - or is he not?

Blizzard's English is still better than my Swedish or yours.

P.S. Edonista, where did you get the notion that western women cost more than Thai women?

The cost of the latter seems to be spiralling according to reports from mongers on various forums.

Are you trying to say that Blizzard would be a Swede? If so, our education system failed him...

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I am a farang.

I quite like western women, please toss your unwanted ladies in my direction and I'll guarantee them a soft landing.

Thai women are not my faves anyway and would be low on my list for intelligent intercourse (verbal of course), personality and character.

Give me a slightly rounded western women with character rather than a svelte oriental who bores me.

And the bedroom performance? There's nothing a Thai girl can do for me that an occidental girl can't match.

Some of you poor guys out there must have really been let down by women if you think a Thai is the cure for your heartaches and frustrations.

Signed, Available, Germany

BTW, stop hitting on Blizzard's English. It's better than my Swedish or yours.

Hey qwertz!

always good to hear you appreciate us farang girls! :o

xoxox -- canadiangirl

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