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Lest We Forget

Kan Win

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millions of civilians and workers-cum-soldiers butchered - nothing changed. World is same as it was - nothing come from promises and expectations. War is needed to generate more profits, grab natural and mineral resources, expand markets, control strategic lands, enslave their population. For those on the frontline and in ammunition factories - death and misery. For those in power - more money and medals on the chest.

wear white poppy for peace

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We will be holding services here as well, to remember the comrades we've lost in this place as well as all those who have paid the ultimate price in wars over the years, around the world. This will be my 25th parade in the last 27 years

Lest We Forget.

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millions of civilians and workers-cum-soldiers butchered - nothing changed. World is same as it was - nothing come from promises and expectations. War is needed to generate more profits, grab natural and mineral resources, expand markets, control strategic lands, enslave their population. For those on the frontline and in ammunition factories - death and misery. For those in power - more money and medals on the chest.

wear white poppy for peace

Even more reason to remember then. This not a celebration of war or of victory, but i time to remember those that gave their "today" so we can have a our "tomorrow".

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millions of civilians and workers-cum-soldiers butchered - nothing changed. World is same as it was

Yes. There are still Jews. Had millions not had the courage to stand up there may not have been.

Sanctimonious statements never stopped a genocide. Soldiers did.

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I would guess......Kanchanaburi ????

Yes it is.

Many thanks for reminding us of the day. The significance I know, but without a reminder the day may have slipped by without being noted.

you’re welcome.

Even more reason to remember then. This not a celebration of war or of victory, but i time to remember those that gave their "today" so we can have a our "tomorrow".



Kan Win

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I still have my grandfathers medals from the 1914 - 1918 Sh*t Fight.

Whilst he survived, most of his mates didn't.

It was always a sombre day with Grandad.

He never trusted the landed aristrocracy ever again but he and his mates were never

going to be called cowards.

To All Those Brave Lads & Lasses........with the going down of the sun....

we shall remember them.

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i remember a few years ago i was lucky enough to be in kanchanaburi on anzac day (yes, i know its a different day but with a similar significance). i headed on to hellfire pass for the dawn service and what a strange feeling it was.

one thing that i did notice was that the service was very 'christian' in many ways, but thats not a big deal i guess. perhaps i noticed it more because of the location only.

right at the moment the 2 minutes silence was announced, the sun appeared to light up the sky, the birds started singing and the trees moved with an ever so light breeze (strange for that time of the year). i swear i heard voices and the tink tink tink of hammers on rocks, but who knows really?

there was not a dry eye in the house. i will remember that day for as long as i live.

especially the man with a chest full of medals who had made the trip to thailand to say goodbye to his father for the first time since his death.

may they all rest in peace. true heroes.

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Fantastic topic Kan Win, Good on you mate.

Terrific posts dudes, good on you too.

Like that 'Weary' Dunlop photo a lot. What a man. Humble as can be, too.

You're right cdnvic, it's the soldiers who gave us the freedoms we enjoy, not the toffs, the chatterers.

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Yes. There are still Jews. Had millions not had the courage to stand up there may not have been.

Sanctimonious statements never stopped a genocide. Soldiers did.

the world powers, including britain, did help hitler getting to power to clear off trade unionists, socialdemocrats from the political influence (the same style of governing they were advocating in their own countries, with members of the british royal family and the majority of aristocracy openly supporting fascist).

the world powers did nothinh after the cristal night, allowed hitler annection of austria, sudets and the whole czech republic. They did nothing when the II world war started and ghettos were build all over the central europe. The UK and USA send back to Germany ships full of the jewish emmigrants trying to escape the oppression - they ended up in the chimneys of Dachau.

france and the uk were selling armaments to the germans right to the day they declared war - business is business, screw the concetration camps, ghettos and public executions.

the only UK response was the phony war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phony_War and defence of the african and middle east colonies, with it's mineral resources being taken over by the germans.

the usa went into war not because of the humanitarian reasons but because it was attacked in pearl harbour and it's economic and strategic interests were hindered.

statements were exactly what the world powers were doing - before they were attacked directly. The war can stop only workers-cum-soldiers refusing to go to the army to become cannon fodder

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IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow

Between the crosses row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

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Yes. There are still Jews. Had millions not had the courage to stand up there may not have been.

Sanctimonious statements never stopped a genocide. Soldiers did.

the world powers, including britain, did help hitler getting to power to clear off trade unionists, socialdemocrats from the political influence (the same style of governing they were advocating in their own countries, with members of the british royal family and the majority of aristocracy openly supporting fascist).

the world powers did nothinh after the cristal night, allowed hitler annection of austria, sudets and the whole czech republic. They did nothing when the II world war started and ghettos were build all over the central europe. The UK and USA send back to Germany ships full of the jewish emmigrants trying to escape the oppression - they ended up in the chimneys of Dachau.

france and the uk were selling armaments to the germans right to the day they declared war - business is business, screw the concetration camps, ghettos and public executions.

the only UK response was the phony war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phony_War and defence of the african and middle east colonies, with it's mineral resources being taken over by the germans.

the usa went into war not because of the humanitarian reasons but because it was attacked in pearl harbour and it's economic and strategic interests were hindered.

statements were exactly what the world powers were doing - before they were attacked directly. The war can stop only workers-cum-soldiers refusing to go to the army to become cannon fodder

Yes Lodonthai it is all a conspiracy (yawn), the U.K. could not act earlier because they were not prepared for war, if the government had spent the money and preared earlier the likes of you would have screamed "warmonger".

We wear the red poppy to remember those who died,not to glorify war. Save your rhetoric for those in the south who shoot and behead women and children.

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Sanctimonious statements never stopped a genocide. Soldiers did.

the world powers, including britain, did help hitler getting to power to clear off trade unionists, socialdemocrats from the political influence (the same style of governing they were advocating in their own countries, with members of the british royal family and the majority of aristocracy openly supporting fascist).

the world powers did nothinh after the cristal night, allowed hitler annection of austria, sudets and the whole czech republic. They did nothing when the II world war started and ghettos were build all over the central europe. The UK and USA send back to Germany ships full of the jewish emmigrants trying to escape the oppression - they ended up in the chimneys of Dachau.

france and the uk were selling armaments to the germans right to the day they declared war - business is business, screw the concetration camps, ghettos and public executions.

the only UK response was the phony war http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phony_War and defence of the african and middle east colonies, with it's mineral resources being taken over by the germans.

the usa went into war not because of the humanitarian reasons but because it was attacked in pearl harbour and it's economic and strategic interests were hindered.

statements were exactly what the world powers were doing - before they were attacked directly. The war can stop only workers-cum-soldiers refusing to go to the army to become cannon fodder

Complete and utter idiot !!

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Thank you Kan Win for the reminder and the photos and thank you to all the posters who have reflected on those who have served and died in wars with honour and generosity of spirit.

The pictures of Kanjanaburi and Hellfire Pass remind me of a very moving book about the Burma railway. It's called The Railway Man and is written by Eric Lomax, a Scottish engineer who was a prisoner on the railway. I'm pretty sure I've seen it recently in Asia Books in paperback.

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On another day you might have some points to make, or might want to express views radically different from those in the rest of the thread. This isn't the day, and it isn't the thread. November 11 should be their day. For all of us lucky enough to be able to post on TV: Our role is simply to remember.

Edited by fletchthai68
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they all did die needlessly.

every day is good to learn from history and not to make mistakes again - we have only one life and dying or killing workers who speak a foreign language in the interest of the ruling class and industrialists (as is the case with every single war) and not in advancing interests of your own class is a waste of our life.

the first world war (the end of which we remember today) is a classic example of a colonial and imperialist war where there was no any other reason than economical interests.

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they all did die needlessly.

every day is good to learn from history and not to make mistakes again - we have only one life and dying or killing workers who speak a foreign language in the interest of the ruling class and industrialists (as is the case with every single war) and not in advancing interests of your own class is a waste of our life.

the first world war (the end of which we remember today) is a classic example of a colonial and imperialist war where there was no any other reason than economical interests.

Spoken like a true first year know-it-all university student. Can't you can the sanctimonious lectures for one bloody day while we honour some dead relatives and friends? Can you piss off and get over yourself for that long?

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