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Global Warming Do You Care?


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Maybe Dick Cheney will make a film called "I am a big fat earth killing pig and Al Gore was right" and then more of the denial bunnies will hop to it.

It is astonishing with how little wisdom mankind can be governed, when that little wisdom is its own.

William Ralph Inge

That could be taken a number of ways.

Thats true - give me 10 mins whilst i find a better quote!

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Most of us are all a bunch of farangs in Thailand or talking about Thailand. This board covers a wide range of stuff. A topic would have to be really out there not to roughly be somewhat Thai related.

For example, cooking rump roasts (Thai related because people are doing it in Thailand)

the best bratwurst in Milwaukee (not Thai related)

It just occurred to me how pathetically Freudian that the first two examples I came up with mentioned rumps and sausages, but I won't go there, Thai related or not.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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:D Quite Jingthing,

But if it cannot be a sensible debate (just turned a blind eye to the post above, this is what you get) why continue?

All that is achieved is turning a real issue that could be discussed sensibly, perhaps, into an online brawl.

Silly and pointess, IMHO :o

Errrrrr...... next? That does seem to be the salutation of favour

Edited by yorkman
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:D Quite Jingthing,

But if it cannot be a sensible debate (just turned a blind eye to the post above, this is what you get) why continue?

All that is achieved is turning a real issue that could be discussed sensibly, perhaps, into an online brawl.

Silly and pointess, IMHO :o

Errrrrr...... next? That does seem to be the salutation of favour

Debates regarding such important issues will obviously become heated - it is human in nature. They may also be humerous. They may also vear of track, so just as well we have the smooth york to advise us of our errent ways.

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Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.


Over the past 10's of millions of years there have been thousands and thousands of "Global Warming Periods!" Why is this one blamed on human beings? I'll tell you, it's all politics! Another way to bring the Western nations to their knees by massive unemployment and reduced output from factories, farms and even families!

The question that is never honestly answered is "would Global Warming" take place if there were no human beings on earth? The answer is yes! With or without humans residing on earth we would still have Global Warming!

Oh yeah, lots of info on the Arctic melting away and polar bears suffering - but little information escapes about the Antarctic expanding and being colder! http://gristmill.grist.org/story/2006/11/4/211834/644

Even the magnetic north will eventually change, this is normal too, it's happened before. Magnetic north will be magnetic south - in the future! http://www.crystalinks.com/earthsmagneticfield.html


Guess the liberals will blame this on human beings too!

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As the lady at the top of the page said, can we please be civil and stop the personal insults or the thread will be closed.

So just close it please......

It was pretty obvious, 50 posts up, that it was going to be handbags at dawn between the the irrestable force and the immovable object (I try to give credit here ). Go on......its only a button away :o

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those who are most likely to imagine technology as the solution to our problems are those who are most likely to discredit the scientists who have discovered that there is a problem to be solved.

you can quote me on that.


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Over the past 10's of millions of years there have been thousands and thousands of "Global Warming Periods!" Why is this one blamed on human beings? I'll tell you, it's all politics! Another way to bring the Western nations to their knees by massive unemployment and reduced output from factories, farms and even families!

The question that is never honestly answered is "would Global Warming" take place if there were no human beings on earth? The answer is yes! With or without humans residing on earth we would still have Global Warming!

This cycle would be much longer unless we didn't do what we have done and are doing: Polluting and running those aircons to the max. You have your micro climate which YOU control by aircon remote. Planet does need effort from more people in order to change the climate.

Look at the bright side. We already know now how to fight next ice age when the time comes and it is on top of the agenda...

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Look at the bright side. We already know now how to fight next ice age when the time comes and it is on top of the agenda...

The proponents have already changed the name from "global warming" to "climate change" because they cant figure out whether it is, in fact, warming or cooling so, I suspect they will either go the other way in another 10 years or find some other gimmick to promote redistribution of global wealth

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Maybe Dick Cheney will make a film called "I am a big fat earth killing pig and Al Gore was right" and then more of the denial bunnies will hop to it.

Al "Bore" is making out with this "Global Warming" religion!

Al Gore will make over 100 million dollars selling this scheme!




Global Warming and Global Cooling are natural phenomena that would happen with or without any input from humans!

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Over the past 10's of millions of years there have been thousands and thousands of "Global Warming Periods!" Why is this one blamed on human beings? I'll tell you, it's all politics! Another way to bring the Western nations to their knees by massive unemployment and reduced output from factories, farms and even families!

The question that is never honestly answered is "would Global Warming" take place if there were no human beings on earth? The answer is yes! With or without humans residing on earth we would still have Global Warming!

This cycle would be much longer unless we didn't do what we have done and are doing: Polluting and running those aircons to the max. You have your micro climate which YOU control by aircon remote. Planet does need effort from more people in order to change the climate.

Look at the bright side. We already know now how to fight next ice age when the time comes and it is on top of the agenda...

The Global Warming cycle is about every 1500 years take it or leave it!


I am old enough to remember all of the hysteria about Global Cooling and Nuclear Winters - now some of the same scientists are behind the Global Warming conspiracy!

Global Warming a crock of crap!

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Maybe Dick Cheney will make a film called "I am a big fat earth killing pig and Al Gore was right" and then more of the denial bunnies will hop to it.

Al "Bore" is making out with this "Global Warming" religion!

Al Gore will make over 100 million dollars selling this scheme!




Global Warming and Global Cooling are natural phenomena that would happen with or without any input from humans!

Is that the best flame on Al you got??? Fe Fi Fo Forum Fe, I smell men in suits with jealousy ! :D ! And do you all believe what you read, cause if you do, that is useless info!Believe what ya want! NO reply needed or wanted! :D Since I know the truth. :D thought if was real simple! :o

Edited by SamuiJens
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The Global Warming cycle is about every "1500 years" take it or leave it!


"I am old enough" to remember all of the hysteria about Global Cooling and Nuclear Winters "- now some of the same scientists are behind the Global Warming conspiracy!

Global Warming a crock of crap!

And this guy even wants you to think he's 1500 years old? Yeah, right! :o

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Throughout history the elite have used their minions (politicians e.g.) to lie and decieve the masses in order to maintain power and control. Thier most powerfull weapon is fear: war; cold war; nuclear hollucost; - war on terror, - global warming!

There are those who feel safer in a world in which they imagine that the powers that be have the interests of the masses at heart - and there are those who look at the evidence and know that they dont!

Of course many usefull idiots are duped into thinking they are selling thier soles for the better good - thus providing a usefull tool in promoting the next big lie.

Fear is the most powefull tool for control - it affects all humans in a most profound physiological way, even impedeing DNA fuctionality!

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In our history several religions have appeared and controlled society - mostly by fear. Men with influence would use religion to expand their power and wealth. In medieval times the Church began to create all kinds of strange doctrines and mythologies; to keep the people afraid and the church in a position of power. We call this period the dark ages.

In those days the church was the highest authority; even royalty needed to be seen loyal and true to the church. But of course the secular elite, royalty, and the church were working together. They had more power when church and state were one.

The priests were the absolute authority, just as science is today. To question the church was heresy – to question the scientific consensus today – heresy.

In those dark times if one was revealed as a heretic. All of the anger of the people would be aroused; despite the charges, despite the logic or truth of the dissenting account.

Today the scientific fraternity quotes its own gospel. Only a fool would doubt their version of truth. Man does not need to work out these problems for himself; yea he is not qualified anyways. The ancient church would tell the people they were not qualified to understand scriptures, to discern their deeper meaning. The priests must never be questioned. Does this seem familiar in the ACC debate?

Today many Christians know it was not the scriptures or the teachings that were flawed; it was the manipulations of ambitious and cruel men that caused centuries of corruption and abuse, it still happens today. The priests were human and like all men throughout history they altered the truth to improve their own position, increase their influence and territory. The path towards promotion was in the agenda of the higher church. Any disagreement and their gravy train would end. For the church it was no great feat to promote only those who benefited and promoted the authority of the church. It was so easy to eliminate the free thinkers, the priests with a conscience.

And so it is today. Science is not flawed; it is the manipulation of the process that skews, from the beginning, towards some predetermined result. And similar to the dark ages there isn't any chance for promotion when you are bucking the system. Where is the scientist with integrity? Not leading any heavily funded climate studies, that's for sure.

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This is an appalling thread.....and so badly managed......it shows up the worst of Thai Visa - ultra paranoid and right wing views mingled with total ignorance.....it's relevance to Thai Visa is tenuous to say the least...and the astounding thing is the moderators have let it run and run! They really are erratic at the best of times and then without any apparent method remove a load of what they call flames going back a few pages but not ALL in the thread....where have they been and what is the logic behind that.

This really shows Thai Visa and it's contributors (especially the moderators) in a bad light!

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You know what wilko, you are right. It does show me and other mods and ThaiVisa posters in a bad light. I just get tired of being accused of closing threads willy nilly. There is always someone who will dislike a thread and ask for it to be closed and then someone else who can't imagine why it was closed. You can't make all of the people happy all of the time.

But you are right, this thread has not gotten the attention it deserved. So, on that note


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