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Thais Like Fair Skin Beauties While Farangs Like Dark Skin Beauties?


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Maybe it is actually your own mental 'boxes' you are describing, and not the individuals you are trying to fit into them?

Maybe it's just my observation but i noticed that farangs are less often seen with fair skin beauties. Is it because they are a rare species, found only in the north, or maybe, they are much harder to woo or it takes awful long time ... Any care to elucidate?

OK, not PC, but many of the farangs you see are with sex workers, and sex workers are mostly from Isaan, and people from Isaan are often darker (I don't know if naturally or from working outside, or both).

i''m sure there are fair skin sex workers in/from Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai too etc.

They're a rare species. The Bgs up North are usually hill tribe women, and they are dark skinned like Isaan.

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My wife refuses to go out unprotected from the sun, yet most of her family are dark skinned. How the heck do you tell your other half it does not matter, when to them it so obviously does?

Don't know. You might try telling her the chemicals in those products are probably very damaging, though.

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One more thing. Call me what you like but I have always been more attracted to the indigenous people of SE Asia than the Chinese. I know they all came from the same place but at different times in the same way as we all probably came from Africa. But I feel more for the Thai Thais. I feel they have had it the worst and like indigenous people in many places around the world have lost control of their land. I guess you could say I'm not color-blind when it comes to the people of Thailand. I have always cheered for the underdogs. I know in many ways they are victims of their own ignorance or the rulers they let come to power. I have picked a side in my view. We all have our reasons for why we choose as we do. I'd rather be with the people of this land. If I were in the US I might want to be with an American Indian.

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One more thing. Call me what you like but I have always been more attracted to the indigenous people of SE Asia than the Chinese. I know they all came from the same place but at different times in the same way as we all probably came from Africa. But I feel more for the Thai Thais. I feel they have had it the worst and like indigenous people in many places around the world have lost control of their land. I guess you could say I'm not color-blind when it comes to the people of Thailand. I have always cheered for the underdogs. I know in many ways they are victims of their own ignorance or the rulers they let come to power. I have picked a side in my view. We all have our reasons for why we choose as we do. I'd rather be with the people of this land. If I were in the US I might want to be with an American Indian.

Well, do you know that the indigenous northern beauties aka Lanna Thai are actually a shade fairer than Thai-Chinese. And Chiang Mai beauties are claimed to be the fairest in SE Asia? Agree/disagree? Which part of LOS's indigenous beauties are u more attracted to?

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My wife buys all that skin lightening crap. I tell her I love her for what she is. She looks at me as tough I'm from another planet. Back in the UK I had a female friend who worked with a Pakistani lady. They went out for a lunch time meal to an "Indian" restaurant. As my friend walken through the door her friend stopped. She asked her what are you doing, and she replied she was checking her status. ie Skin colour. My wife refuses to go out unprotected from the sun, yet most of her family are dark skinned. How the heck do you tell your other half it does not matter, when to them it so obviously does?

Ah, the power of advertising. Blame it on the non-stop tv commercials of NEW whitening products 365 days a year!

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Why am i responding to this old rag? Coz we can accept the truth? There's definitely something to it. Why would you be with a Thai girl at all if looks didn't matter. Every culture has its programming. Back in the US, I'd say in the past a lot of the older folks were programmed to go for the blonds with big chests and a beefy booty. I grew up in the 70s myself watching Bruce Lee and Godzilla movies. I know you'll laugh but somethign about Asian women caught me way back then. Then there were all the Vietnam War movies with the beautiful darker-skinned beauties. Nowadays kids are watching prime-time TV filled with beautiful black and Latino women.

As for so many guys hooking up with dark-skinned women, well most Thai women are dark skinned unless you live in Bangkok. A lot of the Northern Thais are dark skinned too by the way. It's more likely that a foreigner will meet a dark skinned woman doing things in his daily life.

Opposites do attract also. One of my best friends in the US, a short dark-skinned Guatamalan guy, is nuts over tall blonds. I guess he should have become a fashion designer.

I definitely have a thing for petite dark-skinned women (both young and old). I married one and the others always catch my eye. Of course, other women are attractive too but never as much as the dark-skinned ones. Doctor can ya help me?

Just remain the way u are, or "programmed". Be happy, there are many more petite dark-skinned beauties than tall slim fair skin beauties. Maybe a ratio of 20 to 1 or even more. WHy settle for less?

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Man, you guys are seriously delusional. Let me just make some factual observations:

*Most falang men prefer light-skinned women. 99% of the falang men on this planet are with light-skinned women, i.e., falang women.

*Attractive Thai women (by Thai standards) who are educated and reasonably well-off are almost always with Thai men.

*Successful and/or attractive Thai men prefer light-skinned, Thai women.

*Even dark skinned Thai women prefer Thai men, all things being equal, but know that "good" Thai men are not attracted to them. So they either choose a poor Thai guy with no prospects or a falang. Some choose the latter.

*Falangs will date any young Thai woman, but if they tried to date exclusively attractive Thai women (by Thai standards), they would have difficulty getting a date, let alone get laid.

The bottom-line is this: When I walk out my door, I see falang men with dark, monkey-faced, hideous Thai women. When I see an attractive Thai girl (by Thai standards) she is almost always—heck forget the almost—always with a Thai guy. This is reality. Everything else is just noise.

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For me, I don't care a whit about Thai ladies skin color... I've had GFs here ranging from dark to light.

But, I have been AMAZED at how much Thai ladies care about this subject. The darker skin ones I've known (and none are from the bar scene) regularly talk about how they wish their skin was lighter.

And even the light skinned ladies I've known here, whose skin matches a light tanned lady from L.A., talk about themselves as having dark skin.

I can't even begin to count the number of times I've told lady friends here that falang ladies back home are paying serious tanning booth money to get skin just like the Thais already have here. But...I feel like I'm swimming upstream in terms of convincing anyone about the reality of this.

Watching Thai TV sometimes, though, and all the cosmetic commercials, do tell a story. I'm about as pale a pink skinned falang as they come..(Irish background) and I look DARK compared to the Thai ladies on TV. Geesh....

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I noticed that Thai men generally prefer fair skin beauties while farangs prefer dark skin beauties.

Is this a myth or a fact?

Give me one each, pls.

I hope you mean at the same time--sort of like making a sandwich with white bread on one side and whole wheat on the other--sounds yummy to me ! :o

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berkshire s right on. number one doesnt apply coz he relating it to farang the world over. this iscussion is bout thai gurls.

i see the same same as him when i walk out the door but wouldnt want to say it so bluntly as i would probably gotten aothr suspension......lol.

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Man, you guys are seriously delusional. Let me just make some factual observation.

*Falangs will date any young Thai woman, but if they tried to date exclusively attractive Thai women (by Thai standards), they would have difficulty getting a date, let alone get laid.

The bottom-line is this: When I walk out my door, I see falang men with dark, monkey-faced, hideous Thai women. When I see an attractive Thai girl (by Thai standards) she is almost always—heck forget the almost—always with a Thai guy. This is reality. Everything else is just noise.

Falangs will date any type young Thai woman? SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!! some of us, including myself has standards! and will NOT date any young Thai girl.

I think you're talking about the fat old farang men who can't get a girl back in their own country, so they just settle for any money grabbing monkey face thai girl.

Just remember there are young, good looking falang men in Thailand, and not to class ever falang man as old and fat with a monkey face girl.

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I noticed that Thai men generally prefer fair skin beauties while farangs prefer dark skin beauties.

Is this a myth or a fact?

After spending several weeks there, it was clear that the farang were with the dark skin beauties. I pointed it out to my GF when I was there because she obsessive about keeping her skin as white as possible, which is rather disappointing for me. :o

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Man, you guys are seriously delusional. Let me just make some factual observations:

*Most falang men prefer light-skinned women. 99% of the falang men on this planet are with light-skinned women, i.e., falang women.

*Attractive Thai women (by Thai standards) who are educated and reasonably well-off are almost always with Thai men.

*Successful and/or attractive Thai men prefer light-skinned, Thai women.

*Even dark skinned Thai women prefer Thai men, all things being equal, but know that "good" Thai men are not attracted to them. So they either choose a poor Thai guy with no prospects or a falang. Some choose the latter.

*Falangs will date any young Thai woman, but if they tried to date exclusively attractive Thai women (by Thai standards), they would have difficulty getting a date, let alone get laid.

The bottom-line is this: When I walk out my door, I see falang men with dark, monkey-faced, hideous Thai women. When I see an attractive Thai girl (by Thai standards) she is almost always—heck forget the almost—always with a Thai guy. This is reality. Everything else is just noise.

Pretty much spot on except for that uncalled for insult at the end.

Naturally, there will always be exceptions to the above generalizations.

As an informal litmus test, teachers/office managers/etc. here can do an informal survey (used to be part of my teaching routine a decade ago to get people to stop saying "spec" : as in the local saying "what's your spec?" or taste in the opposite sex). For gals, the answer is almost always "kao, tee, sung, sai wan." (pale, Chinese, tall, wearing glasses). With the next most common answer being "sung, kem." (tall and dark... along the ol' talk dark and handsome lines). It's all the same whether asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, Indians/Sikhs, or even mia falang. When you turn it around and ask the guys, it's "kao, suay, muay, x" (pale, pretty, Chinese, and sexy). It doesn't matter if you're asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, or Indian/Sikhs.

There's an unfair double standard out there where dark guys get a pass, but dark girls get snubbed.


Edited by Heng
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Naturally, there will always be exceptions to the above generalizations.

As an informal litmus test, teachers/office managers/etc. here can do an informal survey (used to be part of my teaching routine a decade ago to get people to stop saying "spec" : as in the local saying "what's your spec?" or taste in the opposite sex). For gals, the answer is almost always "kao, tee, sung, sai wan." (pale, Chinese, tall, wearing glasses). With the next most common answer being "sung, kem." (tall and dark... along the ol' talk dark and handsome lines). It's all the same whether asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, Indians/Sikhs, or even mia falang. When you turn it around and ask the guys, it's "kao, suay, muay, x" (pale, pretty, Chinese, and sexy). It doesn't matter if you're asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, or Indian/Sikhs.

There's an unfair double standard out there where dark guys get a pass, but dark girls get snubbed.


Why do thai gals like nerdy fair skinny guys? Becoz they provide better genes or supposed to be more wealthy? There seemed to be a huge contrast between the 1st & 2nd choice of tall, dark, muscular guys. Maybe there are 2 types of thai gals based on the contrasting choices? At least the thai guys' answer is unanimous. That makes "kao, suay, muay, x" hot hot hot. :D

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Young Asian women will often describe their ideal husband as handsome, but not TOO handsome, and rich, but not TOO rich.

The "TOO" means to the extent that he will have other women.

Also, rich is far higher a priority than handsome.

This is not to say this is how they will, in fact, choose a partner, but it is what many will say if asked.

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Nature made it so that humans will be attracted to the opposite of what they are (blacks like whites, farangs like dark skinned women (mostly the farangs that are in Thailand, thats why they are here), dark women like white women etc.) to prevent inbreeding and to diversify the genes. It's known that mutts have better survival chance than pure breeds, so this is the truth behind it.

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Nature made it so that humans will be attracted to the opposite of what they are (blacks like whites, farangs like dark skinned women (mostly the farangs that are in Thailand, thats why they are here), dark women like white women etc.) to prevent inbreeding and to diversify the genes. It's known that mutts have better survival chance than pure breeds, so this is the truth behind it.

It's an interesting theory, but not true. Like is more attracted to like than opposites. When a white guy goes for a black woman, it's usually a black woman with white features and visa versa.

The skin colour of asian women is a status thing, pure and simple. Fair skin denotes a higher social status than darker skin. There's more to attraction than pure physical appearance.

When Farang come to Asia (Thailand), they are willing to overlook social status and they usually don't have a huge pool of fair skinned Thai girls to choose from anyway.

Edited by tropo
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