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I Will Walk From Asia To Europe!


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We haven't heard from Adventureasia since the 29th Nov.

Do you think we should put an A.P.B. out ?

Or is it the same Norwegian guy who was assaulted in a bar last night ?

He hasn't posted much for awhile, but he did drop ito TV for a visit and to drop a report on 20 December ( on troll patrol ) :o

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Hey guys as i said i got no money, so i will be sleeping outside or if someone let me in their house on the way its great. I belive this can be done. I also been a boyscout before i know its not much but i know basics for survial. I am also very scared to end up in jail but in the same way i feel very excited to. I will post here as often as i can about where i am and how i am doing, so please keep this thread open atleast 1 more year (hehe)

I will do whatever it takes, walk and hitchike with people. Maybe i never get to Norway but atleast i had a adventure.

Maybe i settle down for a few years in a small village i china, i mean who knows! I will wear old clothes and make myself look thai, i wont be going around in gucci jeans, a white tank top and sunglasses.

I like the thought of being free, you might say you are free if you are rich or wahetver, but the true is you are bever free and you will never be free if you dont challange yourself and have nothing.

I have been working the import/export here for 2 years now, but my buseiness went downhill and i ended up on the street, i can honestly say am more happy now because i can do what i want.

Did you sell or lose your passport? I can tell you 3rd world gaols are not fun places. By all means walk back home but do it at least semi legally

I am a very healthy guy, i never drink,party,fuc_k around,take drugs or do other stupid things. I also been going to gym and thai boxing quite long so my shape and health is pretty good.

On the way i will bring some old clothes which am going to wear and my back pack. In my back pack i have another set of clothes,food,water,2x Knuckle Buckers (you never know what might happend) a compass and a maps over asia.

Both of my parrents died in a car accident while i was here, something that i feel bad about and i dont have any friends in Europe, my goal is Norway but when i get there i dont know what to do, thats why i say maybe i settle down in a small village somewhere on the way if the poeple are nice and if it is a quite place.

Anyway am going to sleep now with the rats outside hehe, wish me the best of luck, i wont be back here for maybe 1 week, cheers

Just a thought......go read the book or see the movie "Into the Wild."

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My friend you are living in a fantasy world. An expedidition like this would take months if not years of team planning and funds/aid. Do you realise how much mapping alone you would need to carry to pull off successful navigation?? You will be travelling through extremes of terrain and climate, you wont be able to carry it all in a rucksack, 2 knuckle dusters are hardly sufficient. Considering you are from Norway you should know better mate Ive conducted Arctic training there and it is hard, I'd imagine you havent got the foggiest idea about surviving in the jungle either. From Thailand to Norway it is extremely dangerous. You will be lucky to be imprisoned, If you embark on this escapade im telling you mate you will end up DEAD!

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Admins, please move this topic into the jokes forum. Give the folks down there a laugh


Walking on your own from Bangkok to Oslo is not a Joke; it's serious and dangerous stuff !


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Admins, please move this topic into the jokes forum. Give the folks down there a laugh


Walking on your own from Bangkok to Oslo is not a Joke; it's serious and dangerous stuff !


To right it is, I can't wait for the update. :bah:

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My friend you are living in a fantasy world. An expedidition like this would take months if not years of team planning and funds/aid. Do you realise how much mapping alone you would need to carry to pull off successful navigation?? You will be travelling through extremes of terrain and climate, you wont be able to carry it all in a rucksack, 2 knuckle dusters are hardly sufficient. Considering you are from Norway you should know better mate Ive conducted Arctic training there and it is hard, I'd imagine you havent got the foggiest idea about surviving in the jungle either. From Thailand to Norway it is extremely dangerous. You will be lucky to be imprisoned, If you embark on this escapade im telling you mate you will end up DEAD!

Hook, line and sinker :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

sounds like Adventure Asia want some adventure and may be depressed about his current situation. Why would Norway be better for you? What skills do you have? What interests you the most. I can see getting depressed in Bkk, it's happened for me also. Less dumb than trying to hike to Europe (you won't make it past Burma, by the way) would be to hang on an overstay in a SE Asian country. Even then you'll probably wind up in jail, but you may be able to kick around on the outside for months or years - maybe doing volunteer work, teaching English, washing cars, whatever, dude.

A have a bit of admiration for your wanderlust (it takes all types in this crazy world) your grasp on common sense is lacking.

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Hey guys as i said i got no money, so i will be sleeping outside or if someone let me in their house on the way its great. I belive this can be done. I also been a boyscout before i know its not much but i know basics for survial. I am also very scared to end up in jail but in the same way i feel very excited to. I will post here as often as i can about where i am and how i am doing, so please keep this thread open atleast 1 more year (hehe)

I will do whatever it takes, walk and hitchike with people. Maybe i never get to Norway but atleast i had a adventure.

Maybe i settle down for a few years in a small village i china, i mean who knows! I will wear old clothes and make myself look thai, i wont be going around in gucci jeans, a white tank top and sunglasses.

I like the thought of being free, you might say you are free if you are rich or wahetver, but the true is you are bever free and you will never be free if you dont challange yourself and have nothing.

I have been working the import/export here for 2 years now, but my buseiness went downhill and i ended up on the street, i can honestly say am more happy now because i can do what i want.

I am a very healthy guy, i never drink,party,fuc_k around,take drugs or do other stupid things. I also been going to gym and thai boxing quite long so my shape and health is pretty good.

On the way i will bring some old clothes which am going to wear and my back pack. In my back pack i have another set of clothes,food,water,2x Knuckle Buckers (you never know what might happend) a compass and a maps over asia.

Both of my parrents died in a car accident while i was here, something that i feel bad about and i dont have any friends in Europe, my goal is Norway but when i get there i dont know what to do, thats why i say maybe i settle down in a small village somewhere on the way if the poeple are nice and if it is a quite place.

Anyway am going to sleep now with the rats outside hehe, wish me the best of luck, i wont be back here for maybe 1 week, cheers

Well that is quite an ambitious target you have set yourself. To walk home with no money, intent on illegally crossing borders remotely and hopefully getting food for free, and the rest of Europe say that you Noggies have no sense of humour ! how wrong they are.

However if you are really intent on this adventure then can I suggest you prepare yourself with suitable clothing for each country you intend to enter. For example in Thailand you can clearly dress as and pretend to be a Monk, that will resolve your food problems and most probably assist in travel. Get rid of them quick of course in Burma as the military will roast your nuts, best there to wear a false nose, stick on 'tash and horn rimmed glasses - they will just think you are from the UN.

China of course is a differant kettle of fish because unlike yourself they are not stupid so will quickly put you in the slammer if you are detected. My suggestion for here would be get a football shirt with number 18 on it, that way the Chinese authorities will just think you are a mobile portion of chicken chow mein and ignore you. Now in Russia you will meet your most serious problem yet. As the other poster mentioned it can be very cold, it can be very hot of course also, especially with your bollicks being roasted as joke by the border guards that track all border crossings by satellite. Trick here is to try and convince them that you are a Pollonium sandwich maker, that way you will get state protection and possibly the Order of Lenin bestowed upon you.

Guess then it would just leave Finland - no suggestion here except perhaps to dress up as a vodka bottle, where the young female finns will immediately take you in hand. Then it's back to Norway where you have no friends also - can't understand why being such a sensible chap, such a shame.

Alternatively of course you could always dress up as pantomine horse and make a right ass of yourself or alternatively try to atract sponsership for breaking the Guinees book of World records for remaing submerged in Frogs bladder.

Anyway best of luck and should you make it to Norway please seek medical attention as soon as is practicably possible.

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Hey guys as i said i got no money, so i will be sleeping outside or if someone let me in their house on the way its great. I belive this can be done. I also been a boyscout before i know its not much but i know basics for survial. I am also very scared to end up in jail but in the same way i feel very excited to. I will post here as often as i can about where i am and how i am doing, so please keep this thread open atleast 1 more year (hehe)

I will do whatever it takes, walk and hitchike with people. Maybe i never get to Norway but atleast i had a adventure.

Maybe i settle down for a few years in a small village i china, i mean who knows! I will wear old clothes and make myself look thai, i wont be going around in gucci jeans, a white tank top and sunglasses.

I like the thought of being free, you might say you are free if you are rich or wahetver, but the true is you are bever free and you will never be free if you dont challange yourself and have nothing.

I have been working the import/export here for 2 years now, but my buseiness went downhill and i ended up on the street, i can honestly say am more happy now because i can do what i want.

I am a very healthy guy, i never drink,party,fuc_k around,take drugs or do other stupid things. I also been going to gym and thai boxing quite long so my shape and health is pretty good.

On the way i will bring some old clothes which am going to wear and my back pack. In my back pack i have another set of clothes,food,water,2x Knuckle Buckers (you never know what might happend) a compass and a maps over asia.

Both of my parrents died in a car accident while i was here, something that i feel bad about and i dont have any friends in Europe, my goal is Norway but when i get there i dont know what to do, thats why i say maybe i settle down in a small village somewhere on the way if the poeple are nice and if it is a quite place.

Anyway am going to sleep now with the rats outside hehe, wish me the best of luck, i wont be back here for maybe 1 week, cheers

Well that is quite an ambitious target you have set yourself. To walk home with no money, intent on illegally crossing borders remotely and hopefully getting food for free, and the rest of Europe say that you Noggies have no sense of humour ! how wrong they are.

However if you are really intent on this adventure then can I suggest you prepare yourself with suitable clothing for each country you intend to enter. For example in Thailand you can clearly dress as and pretend to be a Monk, that will resolve your food problems and most probably assist in travel. Get rid of them quick of course in Burma as the military will roast your nuts, best there to wear a false nose, stick on 'tash and horn rimmed glasses - they will just think you are from the UN.

China of course is a differant kettle of fish because unlike yourself they are not stupid so will quickly put you in the slammer if you are detected. My suggestion for here would be get a football shirt with number 18 on it, that way the Chinese authorities will just think you are a mobile portion of chicken chow mein and ignore you. Now in Russia you will meet your most serious problem yet. As the other poster mentioned it can be very cold, it can be very hot of course also, especially with your bollicks being roasted as joke by the border guards that track all border crossings by satellite. Trick here is to try and convince them that you are a Pollonium sandwich maker, that way you will get state protection and possibly the Order of Lenin bestowed upon you.

Guess then it would just leave Finland - no suggestion here except perhaps to dress up as a vodka bottle, where the young female finns will immediately take you in hand. Then it's back to Norway where you have no friends also - can't understand why being such a sensible chap, such a shame.

Alternatively of course you could always dress up as pantomine horse and make a right ass of yourself or alternatively try to atract sponsership for breaking the Guinees book of World records for remaing submerged in Frogs bladder.

Anyway best of luck and should you make it to Norway please seek medical attention as soon as is practicably possible.

What a brilliant wind up, LMAO, it made my day.

Particularly the number of people who took it seriously.

I just hope the guy has the imagination to keep it going.

Incidentally, if anyone finds a book called "The Rucksack Man" by a guy called Sebastian Snow it's a dam_n good read. He's since dead but he was the first person to walk solo from Terra Del Fuego to Alaska back in the 60s. Fascinating bloke whom I met in an old peoples home in Exeter, UK. Took him out for lunch and he got hammered on port. A member of the Royal Geographical society his was truly a major achievement.



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