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Taxis To Raise Fares

sriracha john

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The drivers make very little unless they own their taxi. Pay to rent, pay for fuel and a cut of the total fare to owner. In some cases they only rent for 4 hours and have to return to shop for the turn around. The driver is not getting rich.

And there are not too many that own their own car.

The fare increases are modest and are not gonna break anyone's piggy bank.

Still have to deal with the ones who are reluctant to turn their meters on though. :o

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in my Humble, but Educated opinion...................I drove a cab in Montreal Canada for many years

What is with the hmmmmmm......What a taxi driver cant be educated? His driving a cab isn't an education and experience? I tend to agree with him, he made a lot of valid points. There is more as well, for instance the drivers who don't turn on the meter, also against the law. Or the ones who run down sio dogs and just drive off.

I think if Thailand was a better place they could enforce some of the laws and give taxies better deals (increase fares) at the same time.

I used to live in NYC as well and they drive worse here so far as safety is concerned.

There needs to be real and quantive enforcement of laws here.

I got in a cab last week with a rigged meter, and the driver wasnt the one in his picture. it cost 2x as much as usual to come home from my normal supermarket.

I am tired of taxies. Even if they are cheap.

BTW most drivers can make about 30k+++ a month (a decent wage in BKK), thats why they want to do it in the first place.

I agree that this is for the benifit of the owners, they will profit most from renting out more cars.

I also agree that taxies are pretty cheap (compared to other places) but so are the wages that most everyone makes, so transportation should be cheap. Esp. since there is no other option but a bus in most places.


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To the poster who said fuel prices had doubled that's not true for all taxis as they use LPG or are NGV.

An average of 8 to 10 baht a trip will hurt many casual users because their wages won't have gone up by that much. Some of my colleagues are already bemoaning the price increaseson public transport over the last 1-2 years because their wages have not kept pace with inflation.

Tips should be for over and above average service, not a given. Don't tip the driver and you'll notice a small difference in outlay for many tourists and expats.

If a taxi won't use the meter then wait for one who will. If you allow yourself to be ripped by the unscroupulous then you deserve it. There are many drivers who will charge a fair price with excellent service and THEY deserve the money.

Most taxi drivers make enough money to live on comfortably and to compare it to the west is just plain stupid. I travel by taxi everyday because my work is not in the centre of Bangkok and 3 bus changes is inconvenient and time consuming, so I pay for the privilege. Talking to the drivers of newer cabs, who pay 800 Baht a day rental plus around 500 Baht LPG, and they tell me that they are making anywhere between 1800 and 2000 Baht a day. That is around 15k Baht a month which is much more than what many jobs in Bangkok and surrounding environs pay. They have transport, aircon and a radio, some even have a VCD/DVD player for the rush hour traffic. You don't have to feel sorry for them. As other posters have said it's the owners who will benefit because they'll put rental prices up again. A truer and fairer comparison is in relation to costs in Thailand NOT elsewhere.

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The drivers make very little unless they own their taxi. Pay to rent, pay for fuel and a cut of the total fare to owner. In some cases they only rent for 4 hours and have to return to shop for the turn around. The driver is not getting rich.

Again... So What?

Taxi Driver's around the world have exactly the same expenses and the same problems....

How many times did I wonder if I would even make my "NUT" before my shift ended???

How many time s did I go home after only breaking Even ???

How many Times did I work 24 hour shifts (Drive 18 hours - sleep 6 hours) because I could save money on expenses when I rented for 24...

How many times did I find myself falling asleep at the wheel????

None of this is any excuse for Ripping off customers....

ANY of the offenses I mentioned in my earlier posts would have cost me my "Taxi Driver's license"... Some would have even meant JAIL time...


Fares here are reasonable and maybe even low... But until Laws and regulations are respected and enforced... Until there is an INCENTIVE To try harder.. Until there is a REAL PENALTY for infractions, the situation will never get better....

Also.. Stop looking at this through FARANG eyes... How many Taxis would you be taking if you were making a 10,000 Baht or less monthly salary???

Working class Thais already have a hard enough time making ends meet... and nobody if giving them a decent raise in salary.. especially after a horrible job performance record... and why should they too suffer the scams and rip-offs.. because they do..

I hear the stories all the time from my wife and friends... after taking a taxi that they can barely afford.. then getting ripped off, only because the Driver KNOWS his customers WON'T complain (Thai Style strikes again).. So for the GOOD of the people this situation must be changed, BEFORE any Rate increase. (Of course, the last people that are taken into consideration... ARE "THE PEOPLE"... easier to satisfy and Give a goody to a Special interest group.. with KNOWN MAFIA CONNECTIONS like Taxi drivers..

Since When does the Thai government care about THE PEOPLE ??? What have they done for the people really... If they really cared maybe they could fix the education system, or the lousy Internet accessibility.. or How about Only the SIDEWALKS ??? There is not ONE sidewalk in all of Bangkok, excluding around the Royal Palace, that is safe to walk on..... Or even just Enforce the law about DRIVING MOTORCYCLES down the sidewalks ???

JUST WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS TAXI RATE INCREASE REALLY ???? Taxi drivers or Fleet Owners, who will surely raise Rental Rates.. and Their Mafia partners !!!!

Sure there are a majority of GOOD Taxi drivers.. but there are FAR too many BAD APPLES... and the bad ones just ruin the whole barrel.

Think about the cost to the Tourist industry for every bad experience. It doesn't take too many complaints to ruin an industry.

Once burned.. Twice Shy... and they tell their friends back home.. who tell their friends.. and so on.. and so on.. and so on...


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A rate increase is long past due. In the past year or so, I always give a decent tip when they deserve it. Unfortunately they don't know that when they pick me up. For that reason they sometimes refuse to take me somewhere that traffic is heavy. Raising the rates should and I believe will improve the already acceptable service. .

NO.. NO... NO...

They will only take the extra money and RUN.... There is no incentive for improving service if they get a Hike free of Charge.

Bkk Taxi drivers are already looking for the cheap way to make their Nut (Daily cost of Business)... Why should they change their ways if they don't have to.

They will still try and avoid heavy traffic.. Its a habit now.. and BAD habits are always hard to break.

Incentive.. Tell them they can get it.. They have a legitimate reason.. but ONLY When they stop ripping off passengers, and ply there trade honorably.

And I know the good get penalized with the Bad.. But it's up to the good to set the standard...

OH.. I almost forgot.. another ILLEGAL Scam -

It is ILLEGAL to refuse to take you to a second location (after dropping somebody off) unless they turn off and restart the Meter... They must take you, without doing restarting the meter. It's Just another SCAM to get a Second "DROP".

Remember.. You hired the taxi from the moment you enter until you pay the meter and Exit....

BTW... The number to call to report a Taxi Scam in Bangkok is - SH*T.. I lost it. :o


How do you know all the laws, rules and regulations? You're NOT in Canada Toto. For the pittance they earn, I think most do a great job. If they don't use the meter, I don't use them. I can't remember the last time I was SCAMMED! Maybe you're thinking about Tuk tuks.

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in my Humble, but Educated opinion...................I drove a cab in Montreal Canada for many years

What is with the hmmmmmm......What a taxi driver cant be educated? His driving a cab isn't an education and experience? I tend to agree with him, he made a lot of valid points. There is more as well, for instance the drivers who don't turn on the meter, also against the law. Or the ones who run down sio dogs and just drive off.


Sorry if I wasn't clear... I meant "Educated" as in Knowledgeable about the inner-working of the Taxi industry.... From years of experience.. Not as in "having gone to school".

From your ID it looks like you're from NYC.. Can you imagine a NEW YORK Taxi Driver pulling off this kind off sh*t... They would be canned in a day.

But I'm glad you agree with me about my other points.


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This is a reasonable increase given the price changes of the past decade...definitely better than reaching a point where taxis wouldn't bother using the meter anymore.

most dont anyway.

Actually, taxis just about always use the meter.

I've lived in Bangkok for several years now and use taxis every day, sometimes several times a day. Aside from when I was a newcomer and engaged taxis from the queues outside hotels (a BIG mistake as anyone who lives here knows) or was stuck in the boondocks at 2 a.m. with no alternative but the single taxi who came along, I have had excellent service. The meter is always on, almost all drivers are friendly and the ones who aren't leave me in peace to enjoy the ride. I think one of the best things about Bkk are the taxis. I always carry the correct change (another rule for a pleasant trip) and always tip a bit because I think the fares are too low.

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How do you know all the laws, rules and regulations? You're NOT in Canada Toto. For the pittance they earn, I think most do a great job. If they don't use the meter, I don't use them. I can't remember the last time I was SCAMMED! Maybe you're thinking about Tuk tuks.

How do I know the laws ???...

I ASKED. I did the research.

I'm the curious sort.. and wanted to know if corruption was legal in Thailand.

The problem is not that laws don't exist... The Problem is that they are NOT enforced, and like all corruption-based offenses in Thailand, the laws are universally ignored.


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BTW... I have no issue about drivers not using the meter... Generally they all do.

My issues are with the refusal to take you where you want to go, the expulsion from taxis when traffic gets heavy, or they decide that it's lunch time or shift change, the Double meter drop for multi-stop rides, the ignorance of the city streets, the refusal to listen to directions when you instruct them on the route YOU want to take, the taking of Tollways unnecessarily, etc.. all Scams or laziness. ALL ILLEGAL and BAD Customer Service.

Bangkok taxis are generally clean, comfortable and easy to find, besides being REASONABLY priced.. they are not cheap, when compared to the norm of a Thai salary.. They are Only cheap for Expats or Tourists that are NOT in the Norm.

You want CHEAP.. Take a Red BUS without A/C... That's cheap.


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One more Thing....

WAKE UP PEOPLE - THE Only ones that will benefit from a fare hike are the Taxi Fleet owners and their Mafia Partners.

Do you REALLY believe that the drivers will get to keep a fare raise? I can assure you that if the fares are raised, so will the Rental fees. The owners will cry about their increased overhead and upkeep costs, etc. The Drivers will get to keep NOTHING!!

If Drivers really wanted to increase their take-home income, then all they need to do is increase their Customer Service.. TIPS.. TIPS... TIPS. That is how to generate income that they can actually benefit from..

They Benefit.. We Benefit.. EVERYBODY BENEFITS... Win/Win


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I drove a cab in Montreal Canada for many years.. ...


An ABUSED and IRATE Frequent Passenger

:o CS :D

Nothing worse than an ex-taxi driver turned passenger - a bit like an ex-smoker in a smoky pub. And please don't post twice - one rant is bad enough.

I like bkk taxis - lots of 'em, just walk to the end of the soi and there they are waiting for you. If you don't like the one there (smelly, old, torn/patched seat) just say "no thanks" and get in another.

Do they deserve a rate rise? Yes, probably, but there are so many that I can't believe it's not a good way to earn a living.

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They really need to do something about the extra traffic that taxis can cause. In some areas there are just simply too many of them and they take up 3/4 of the road. In other areas you'll wait forever for one. What they need to do is limit the number of new licenses each year and try to even-out distribution. Maybe even use a GPS tracking system for taxis and assign the closest one to a passenger instead of having drivers cruise aimlessly or wait in a queue that takes up 3 lanes of a road.

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One more Thing....

WAKE UP PEOPLE - THE Only ones that will benefit from a fare hike are the Taxi Fleet owners and their Mafia Partners.

Do you REALLY believe that the drivers will get to keep a fare raise? I can assure you that if the fares are raised, so will the Rental fees. The owners will cry about their increased overhead and upkeep costs, etc. The Drivers will get to keep NOTHING!!

If Drivers really wanted to increase their take-home income, then all they need to do is increase their Customer Service.. TIPS.. TIPS... TIPS. That is how to generate income that they can actually benefit from..

They Benefit.. We Benefit.. EVERYBODY BENEFITS... Win/Win


I like you. You're funny.

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I have no connexion with the business side, but I recall I was told that the green & yellow ones were owner-driven and others were leased by the day/night. anyone know the truth or fiction of this?


/edit taken out number of licensed taxi's in BMA, can't find any confirmation. Any know this figure for sure? //

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One more Thing....

WAKE UP PEOPLE - THE Only ones that will benefit from a fare hike are the Taxi Fleet owners and their Mafia Partners.

Do you REALLY believe that the drivers will get to keep a fare raise? I can assure you that if the fares are raised, so will the Rental fees. The owners will cry about their increased overhead and upkeep costs, etc. The Drivers will get to keep NOTHING!!

If Drivers really wanted to increase their take-home income, then all they need to do is increase their Customer Service.. TIPS.. TIPS... TIPS. That is how to generate income that they can actually benefit from..

They Benefit.. We Benefit.. EVERYBODY BENEFITS... Win/Win


Wow, if u got this much to say about taxis, I guess you have a lot of other problems in your daily life. Well, do like me, buy yourself a car. Then u don't have to deal with this mafia. You can be stuck in traffic anywhere you like, at any time of the day :o

And yes, taxis are CHEAP in BKK. They deserve a hike in the price!

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taxis in bkk...

a book could be written about them. good and bad points.

In Melbourne at 11PM the flag fall is like 5.20$. waiting at a light can be another 1+$. rush hour - and for the most time unless he's not Ocker he has to pull the Melways ( map) out .... I know thats there..don't want to talk about it :D

I always round the fare up here in Bkk. 55 baht I give 100. I don't sucumb to over pricing , but I know the taxi driver gets it all and I know they have not had a rise in fare since inception and in the current oil climate... so I think most deserve it. It’s the “fair Go” in me. I will say that MOST of the taxis I use, the driver is affable and often we have a good laugh about something. But there are the others.

Most people 1st involvement with taxis is at airport, and can be a bad experience.$$

The other day a friend came to visit, 1st time BKK so I sent him the ropes to get here (SUK) for no more than 350 baht, INSIST on meter I said. He did- driver says OK, he got in.. no meter. He said meter, driver said broken. At the exit on Sukhumvit (phloen chit BTS stop) taxi said 5000 baht. < no kidding the worse story I've heard> he refused and gave him 600 baht and got out of taxi. ( got the driver another 200 baht) Most unaware get charged about 700-900 with 1500 baht rare but not unheard of.

Try getting a taxi from pat pong at 3Am to use the meter, :D:D

But find a good one here in Bkk and it’s fair to say he's one of the overall best in the world.( If you don’t count the driving ar ar ar :D )

How would You classify a TAXI driver If after a good conversation, him doing a Top Job and feeling yourself somewhat jovial, you offered for him to keep the meter running and to stop and have a drink with you in a local. and he says Yes.

ur in the Kingdom

There’s good and bad practices in all professions.

CosmicSurfer makes a valid point. a bit dramatically so. Spurred by an expertise in his front line, behind the counter, knowledge of the industry ( what I accept as Educated). Point being that the owners and their partners will be the only ones that benefit.

My past actions with BKK Taxi drivers or any service industry is that TIPS Are accumulated at a greater rate with increased Customer Service. Thus driving up the service standard

Tips??/// I was always told it was an acronym = To Insure Proper Service.

BTW CosmicS, "NUT" does mean The Rent. It originates from the Old circuses and shows that traveled the states each having to pay a rent for their position to the show owner. If the rent was not paid the show owner would remove this all important Nut that held the wheel to the axle so that the wagon could only be moved with his knowledge until it was paid or to be left behind unable to follow the show.

I just like the connection of both Taxis and wagons having the common thread of having to pay a NUT to keep moving. It was a FITTING word :o



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BTW CosmicS, "NUT" does mean The Rent. It originates from the Old circuses and shows that traveled the states each having to pay a rent for their position to the show owner. If the rent was not paid the show owner would remove this all important Nut that held the wheel to the axle so that the wagon could only be moved with his knowledge until it was paid or to be left behind unable to follow the show.

I just like the connection of both Taxis and wagons having the common thread of having to pay a NUT to keep moving. It was a FITTING word :o



Lodesafun... In Taxi speak "Nut" would be equivalent of break-even for the day = Rent + Fuel (+ Food)

Thanks for your support


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This is a reasonable increase given the price changes of the past decade...definitely better than reaching a point where taxis wouldn't bother using the meter anymore.

most dont anyway.

Actually, taxis just about always use the meter.

Funny how 7 -11 put up the price of red bull energy drink and the taxis raise the fares.

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Some news on the specific nature of the two proposed modest raises...

Taxi fares to rise

Metered taxi fares are likely to rise soon as the Department of Land Transportation is to ask the Cabinet to approve a higher tariff. Department Deputy Director Chairat Sa-nguansue said there were two alternatives.

The first was to retain the starting price at Bt35 for the first two kilometres, and increase the fare from Bt4.50 per km to Bt5 for each additional kilometre.

The second option, he said, was to increase the starting price to Bt40 for the first kilometre, and from the second kilometre, the charge would be Bt4.50 per kilometre.

- The Nation

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Oh my god 8 Baht !?!

I will take the bus from now on...

I was bored one visit when arriving early at Suvarnaswampi, just after it first opened.

Thought, why not get the bus and have a cooks tour.

It took about 20 mins longer to get to Asoke, but the fare was 32 Baht.

WOW, I bin using the buses ever since, both ways, extra time no big deal, but 400 Baht saved, is big deal.

Last trip August, I had to be at airport early, 0500 hrs.

Took taxi and said NO FREEWAYS etc.

175 Baht........ $NZ7.00.....wheeeeeeee.

That trip would have cost me about $NZ40.00 at home......... over 1000 Baht.


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Some news on the specific nature of the two proposed modest raises...

Taxi fares to rise

Metered taxi fares are likely to rise soon as the Department of Land Transportation is to ask the Cabinet to approve a higher tariff. Department Deputy Director Chairat Sa-nguansue said there were two alternatives.

The first was to retain the starting price at Bt35 for the first two kilometres, and increase the fare from Bt4.50 per km to Bt5 for each additional kilometre.

The second option, he said, was to increase the starting price to Bt40 for the first kilometre, and from the second kilometre, the charge would be Bt4.50 per kilometre.

- The Nation

As Usual.. They got it wrong... Obviously No knowledgeable people who really understand the problems in the Taxi Industry

A much better option would be to leave the DROP at 35 Baht... and RAISE the "WAITING TIME".. The amount the meter calculates when the car is NOT moving (AS in sitting at traffic lights for 15 minutes)...

This would have multiple positive effects...

1) Drivers would not lose as much Money waiting in Traffic Jams, and therefore won't be so reluctant to go into busy areas, therefore less Trip Refusals.

2) More Fuel is burned (and pollution caused) by idling cars than by moving cars (Somethings that the Traffic police never think about)... Therefore a Waiting rate hike will directly be tied to the area where fuel cost kicks-in the highest.

3) Drivers would be more amenable to waiting for you when you ask them to stop and wait for someone (waiting for your wife to leave work) or something (Running into 7/11 for a phone card), without them arguing that they want to re-start the meter.

4) I'm sure there are others, but I'm a little rushed now.. :o .. ahhh Maybe it would increase Customer service ???

I'm sure I'll have more later,


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The first was to retain the starting price at Bt35 for the first two kilometres, and increase the fare from Bt4.50 per km to Bt5 for each additional kilometre.

The second option, he said, was to increase the starting price to Bt40 for the first kilometre, and from the second kilometre, the charge would be Bt4.50 per kilometre.

- The Nation

As usual, another totally different report in Bangkok Post !

Obviously, Nation is wrong....

"It is expected to propose two alternatives for the Transport Ministry to consider. The first is to maintain the 35 baht fare for the first two kilometres and charge 5 baht instead of 4.5 baht for every two kilometres after that.

The second alternative is to increase the fare for the first two kilometres to 40 baht and adjust the rate of 4.5 baht for every 1 kilometre instead of 2 kilometres after that."

First case : +10 %

Second solution : +50 % !

Edited by cclub75
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Department of Land Transportation to Increase Taxi Fares

The Department of Land Transportation planned to increase fares for metered taxi, as it also asked the Cabinet to approve a higher tariff.

Earlier in the week, the Transport Ministry announced that the ministry is preparing to increase taxi fares following recent rises in liquefied petroleum gas prices. The ministry said the current taxi fares would be increased by eight to ten baht per trip.

According to the Department of Land Transportation Director-General Chairat Sanguansue, the committee which is made up of representatives from taxi cooperatives and consumer groups has been established to examine the need of a taxi fare hike.

Prior to the panel’s set up, groups of taxi operators had been complaining about the existing fares, claiming that fares have not increased for more than ten years, though operating costs continued to rise amid increases of oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) prices.

However, Chairat proposed two alternatives in meeting the demands of taxi operators.

The first alternative was to maintain the starting fare at 35 baht for the first two kilometers, while fares for each additional kilometer would be increased from 4.50 baht a kilometer to 5 baht.

The second option was to increase the starting fare to 40 baht for the first kilometer and retain the additional kilometer fare at 4.50 baht per kilometer, said Chairat.

On a related development, the department is planning to increase the usage of natural gas (NGV) among taxi operators, claiming that currently only 20% of taxis in Bangkok used NGV, while the remaining all used LPG.

In order to help alleviate the burden from the recent LPG price hike, the government expects to subsidize the cost of engine conversations from using regular petrol to NGV.

The department concluded that the government has already announced that all new taxis in operation must now be NGV compatible.

- Thailand Outlook

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Okay folks, now we get a third version.

It's becoming like a game : you need to find the differences. :o


The first was to retain the starting price at Bt35 for the first two kilometres, and increase the fare from Bt4.50 per km to Bt5 for each additional kilometre.

The second option, he said, was to increase the starting price to Bt40 for the first kilometre, and from the second kilometre, the charge would be Bt4.50 per kilometre.


"It is expected to propose two alternatives for the Transport Ministry to consider. The first is to maintain the 35 baht fare for the first two kilometres and charge 5 baht instead of 4.5 baht for every two kilometres after that.

The second alternative is to increase the fare for the first two kilometres to 40 baht and adjust the rate of 4.5 baht for every 1 kilometre instead of 2 kilometres after that."

BANGKOK POST 7 DECEMBER (the new one, here)

Two scenarios are proposed in the study: retain the 35 baht flagfall, which includes the first two kilometres travelled, followed by five baht per kilometre, up from 4.50 baht; or a 40 baht flagfall and then 4.50 baht per kilometre after the first two kilometres.

I'm waiting now for the fourth. Maybe tomorrow ? :D

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Before ANY change, you'll have to wait until next year.... :o

Next government to decide on fare hike

The Surayud government is likely to pass the issue of a taxi fare hike on to the next elected government, a source at the Transport Ministry said yesterday. The source said it was not possible that the interim government, with a limited time left in its tenure, would make a decision on an increase that would have such a huge impact on the public. Deputy Transport Minister Sansern Wongchaum declined to comment on the issue, saying he had to talk with Land Transport Department Chief Silpachai Jarukasemratana first. Chairat Sanguansue, Transport Department Deputy Chief, said his agency had completed a study on the new fare rates and would submit it to the ministry today. The study was in response to demands for a fare increase by taxi operators three months ago. ''Taxi fares haven't been increased in more than a decade. Most importantly, the cost of living has risen in the past few years. Even if taxis switch to using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas for vehicles (NGV), the floating of LPG prices has a heavy impact on them,'' he said. Any adjustment would not take take effect until after the New Year, he said.

Continued here:


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