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There Should Be Property Taxes In Thailand


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Talking about PERCENTAGE of wealth, not total gross amount. I already said that but predictably conveniently ignored for typical right wing dogma.

Interesting to note that the same kind of lopsided taxation structure was in play during the time of the decline of the Roman empire (the rich avoiding being taxed at the same percentage of wealth rates as the not-rich).

Taxes aren't only income taxes of course. If you get taxed on buying basic commodities, that is a huge burden to poorer people, and a huge percentage of their income/wealth.

Edited by Jingthing
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Talking about PERCENTAGE of wealth, not total gross amount. I already said that but predictably conveniently ignored for typical right wing dogma.

Interesting to note that the same kind of lopsided taxation structure was in play during the time of the decline of the Roman empire (the rich avoiding being taxed at the same percentage of wealth rates as the not-rich).

Unless i'm crazy the tax brackets get higher the richer you get:

- Poor People = 0%

- Pretty poor people = 10%

- Doing ok people = 15%

- Well off = 20%

etc... etc...

So what are you talking about?

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10 percent of very little means suffering.

30 percent of a huge amount means no suffering.

BURDEN is on the poorer classes, and recently in a certain unnamed country, further breaks and cuts only for the rich have happened, just as in ancient Rome. The shift of the BURDEN is on the poorer classes. This is called class war. It happens in most countries. The elite classes usually win. There is a Thailand connection if I ever saw one.

I will shut up now, sorry too off topic.

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You know iv come cross a couple of stupid post in me time but this is just left over kebab material..without meaning to sound rude to the OP America has a couple of laws that are just plaine wrong.....

Lets not go down this road because atleast Thai's are happy so you trying to say that you living your big old life and paying paying more tax per week than the average 'happy' thai earns in a year then dont bang on about it on Thai Visa, if you feel strong then send your execess spend to a national reconised charity!!!

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That is why I propose that the Thai government should drastically increase taxes across the board, following the United States and Europe's lead. This money should then be used for social programs to help the poor people.

Are you with me on this?

No not with you. Why would you want Thailand to follow tax systems that already have many problems and are not working very well. Taxes are an unavoidable necessity of society however IMHO their are much better concepts that do not penalize poor people such as a consumption oriented tax system which is based more on the consumption of non-essential goods and services.

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10 percent of very little means suffering.

30 percent of a huge amount means no suffering.

BURDEN is on the poorer classes, and recently in a certain unnamed country, further breaks and cuts only for the rich have happened, just as in ancient Rome. The shift of the BURDEN is on the poorer classes. This is called class war. It happens in most countries. The elite classes usually win. There is a Thailand connection if I ever saw one.

I will shut up now, sorry too off topic.

By this reasoning 0% of very little is also suffering. So we should institute negative tax rates? So that after taxes everyone brings home the same amount of income?

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When the corruption is so ramped in this country, I can just see it now, tax only the frang, they have money, and increase it every year after, to make the corrupt tax holders pocket fatter.

If you want it so bad, go back to where you came from and pay your own high taxes, leave us land owners alone here in this foreign country. Go and Americanize money problems somewhere else.

It's just like all the Christian bible thumpers, all over the world, they want to change everyone's beliefs on religion. Oh ya, you here about them all right, I say just but out !!


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What makes the OP think that the US is an example of caring for the poor? It's quite the opposite, actually. If you want to look at countries using taxes to help the poor, look at Europe, not the US.

I also don't understand the problem with dilapidated property in Bangkok. What makes you think that increasing tax on it will force owners to sell it faster rather than just drive up the prices. And where are they supposed to go after they sell them?

The real problem and the real reason for introducing these taxes is the unused land upcountry, land that sits idle while there are millions of landless people who'd be happy to work on it just for food. Unfortunately the owners don't have time to develop it, they just hold it. A clear example of biting more than you can chew.

They need to address this issue, it's not just a few corner plots - these are vast tracks of land.

Actually they need a comprehensive land reform but the country has become so politically unstable in the past six years that you can't even START talking about it.

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In many places in the USA, you pay 2-3% of the value of the property you own to something called 'property tax'. So depending on where you live, if you own a $1,000,000 home or condo, you would expect to pay $20,000-$30,000 a year to this specific tax. We also have income taxes which for people making over $250,000 is in the 30% range and we also have state taxes. And then when we buy stuff in stores we have a sales tax, the equivalent of VAT.

I noticed that many farang on this forum are quite distraught about the living conditions and opportunities of rural wife's families. The main conclusion to why these people are doing so poorly is that the rich have a monopoly on wealth, government and corruption and are denying the Isaan and other poor rural peoples an equal opportunity to succeed in life.

That is why I propose that the Thai government should drastically increase taxes across the board, following the United States and Europe's lead. This money should then be used for social programs to help the poor people.

Are you with me on this?

Are you crazy?

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It wouldn't cost me anything, but I'd want to ask "What do we get in exchange for this money", before I re-imbursed my wife, who would have to pay it. :D

Better to increase indirect-taxes, such as ciggies/beer or VAT, so that tourists & resident-expats pay something, if you really need to raise more money. But that would hit the rich & poo-yais - so it will not happen.

Or perhaps the former-PM & his family, who made a fortune selling off their businesses, might be asked for a modest contribution ? :o

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